Book Review: A Response to Gore Vidal on Reading the Memoir Palimpsest by Don Whipple For a man so well educated, Gore Vidal remains an adolescent in some areas (like me). He went to St. Alban’s, a prep school associated with the Na- tional Cathedral in Washington. There, he fell in love with a classmate. They had sex — mutual masturbation, actually. After graduation, the young man became a Marine and was killed in the Pa- cific during World War II. Gore continued to be in love with the ghost of the boy that was, even though there was evidence that the young man intended to become a pro base- ball player and marry his sweetheart after the war. However, while serving in the_Pacific, the Marine wrote home for a copy of Walt Whitman’s poetry. And Gore now wonders. .. Was the Marine revealing_himself, and trying to connect with the world and the feelings he and Gore once shared? In searching for the truth, Gore recently vis- ited the mother and forme_r sweetheartof the Ma- rine, hoping, I believe, that either one would say something like this: “Before he dies, in his last let- ter home, he wrote, ‘If you see Gore, tell him I love'him.’” But he got no such message, and so lives out his life with the fantasy of what might have been. Gore and his present lover (a forty year rela- tionship) have bought a plot in Rock Creek Cem- etery, Washington DC, not far from where the Ma- rine lies buried. Gore also suffered, and suffers yet, from his mother Nina. Like a lot of socialites, she shuffled her child off to private schools and camps. He grew to detest her. They were both in London, living sepa- rately, when she died in a hospital. He did not go to see her on her deathbed. He writes that at her death it was finished between them, whatever there was. He pretends she isout of his heart and memory for- ever, but her presence pervades the entire book. Gore is hurting like a child that has been aban- ! doned. He thinks now he has written her off and left that hurt behind. I believe the pretense only in- tensifies it. Any good counselorcould get him to admit that Nina is and always will be a presence in his life. He must grieve over what never was be-; tween them. He must forgive her. Then, I think, he will be free at last. V . . 7 AA MEETINGS: _ BURLINGTON -- Sundays, ,5 p.m., Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus, Uni- versity of Vermont. — Thursdays, 7 p.m., St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry Street, Burlington. Call 658-4221. CONCORD (NH) —Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., First Congregational Church, North Main and Washington Streets. KEENE (NH) — Saturdays, 7—8:30 p.m. Call (603) 357-4300. T MANCHESTER (NH) — Sundays, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 669 Union St. NASHUA (NH) — Mondays, 7:30 p.m., Nashua Unitarian Church. BISEXUAL NETWORK OF VERMONT Last Saturday of each month, 6:30 p.m., City Market, Burlington. Call 658-9544 or 865-3062. Discussion group: first Sunday of each month, 4:00 p.m., Outright Vennont offices. For more info, call 849-6638. COLLEGE GROUPS: Middlebury GLBA — Sundays, 8:00 p.m., Chellis House. tion and/or more details, call 656-0699. GAY GUY GET-TOGETHERS The Gay Guy Get Togethers are currently under renovation For an update, call 254-8263. HIV/AIDS MEETINGS BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT — For PLWA, friends, and families. 4th Floor, 67 Main St., Brattleboro. Wednesdays, 12:30- 1:30 p.m. Call Maryann at 254-8263. SUPPORT GROUP FOR HIV+/AIDS WOMEN — Mondays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Greenfield MA. Call (413) 773-8888. VERMONT CARES — Support group for gay/bi men living with HIV/AIDS, Mondays, 5:30-7 p.m. Call 863-2437. V SUPPORT GROUP FOR AFRICAN- AMERICAN MEN living with HIV/AIDS.- dates, times, and locations. WASHINGTON COUNTY AREA SUP-7 PORT GROUP for people living with HIV/ AIDS — Second and fourth Thursdays, 2-3:30 p.m. Call 229-4560 for location and more info. Regular Meetings UVM GLBA —— Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. For loca- . Alternate Tuesdays, Call Ayana at ‘863-2437 for - Support group for ifalmilygand friends of people,’ living with HIV/AIDS, Thursdays,‘5—6:30 Call 863-81i62.g . I . ‘HUNTINGTON OPEN WOMEN’S LAND (HOWL) . Sunday brunches, ll a.m.—2 p.m. Call 864-5595. KEENE GAY MEN’S SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays. Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington St. Keene, NH. Call Brian at (800)- 639-7903. MYRIAD NETWORK For g/1/b/t’s in the Berkshires. Fridays, 7 p.m., First Congregational Church, Williamstown MA. Write Box 288, Williamstown MA 01267. NETWORK NORTH Cheap Movie Nights, Tuesdays, 6:15 p.m. at Wilton Mall Food Court, Wilton NY. Coffee Nights, Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. at Un- common Grounds, Saratoga Springs NY. Coffee Mornings, Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. at Un- common Grounds, Saratoga Springs NY. OUTRIGHT VERMONT GLBQ youth groups (under 23). Fridays, 7-9 p.m. Young men's group (under 23): Wednesdays, 7- 8:30 p.m. Call 800-GLB-CHAT. g GLBQ ‘zine publishing group (under 23): First Wednesday of every month, 7-9 p.m. P-FLAG OF CENTRAL VERMONT 3rd Sundays, 1 p.m., 2nd Floor Chapel, Unitarian Universalist Church, Montpelier (use School Street entrance). Call Jan at 479-9246. SOCIALALTERNATIVES FOR MEN (SAM) Tuesdays, 7:30 to .9:00 p.m. For more info, con- tact Ed at 649-3133 or STRAIGHT SPOUSES OF G/L/B PARTNERS Support group, every third Tuesday at the Unitar- ian Universalist Church in Northampton MA. Call Jane at (413) 625-6033. YOUTH AWARE Supportfor gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgen- dered youth in Addison County. First Tuesdsays, 7:00 p.m., Ilsley Library Meeting Room, Middle- bury. Formore info, call Hugh at 388-6503. [on E. [Z>0\i:-:?- Dlbpficl or ivaldi LOWERS /2.; r1// .V-’7.)0nJ Flowers for all occasions. We welcome your bli.siiic.»x~‘. 802-863-2300 ' Fax 802-658-2191 __ 350 Dorscr Srrccr ° South Burlington, Vermont 0.5403 November 1996 WOMENSYCHOICE ,GYNECOLOG|C ASSOCIATES” Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-863-4951 Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. 23 Mansfield Avenue, Carol L. Thayer, M.D. Family Physician Coirnmunityi. 0 Health Plan ' Georgia Health Center HR #2, BOX 1160 ' Fairfax, VT 05454 ‘ Tel: 802/524-9595 .9. ' Fax: 802/524-2867 Michael Gigante, Ph.D. Psychosyn thesis Counseling 8 Therapy (802) 254-8032 15 Myrtle Street, Brattleboro VT 05301 SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY &. WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 Bunuucron OFFICE: AREA CODE: 802 275 Cougar: Smear TELEPHONE: 388-6356 Bununcrou, VERMONT 05402 Home PHONE: 877-3165 802-88402 I 7 FAX #:3886149 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy 100 Acres 0 Pool Hot Tub 0 Trails ‘(Z56 ‘Hi Iandg ‘Inn P.O. Box 118 Bethlehem, NH 03574 (603) 869-3978 A LESBIAN PARADISE C0mprr'lIct1siz'L' Obstetrical Er Gyrwcologirnl Svrvia*5 in a Small Prn¢‘!ia' 5r'tliiig Sincv'1.972. VERMONT WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER 336 North Avenue Burlington Vermont 05401 802 0 863 0 1386