Out in the Mountains Weekly Events Regular Meetings AA MEETINGS: BURLINGTON — Sundays, 5 p.m., . Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus, University of Vermont. — Thursdays, 7 p.m., St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry Street, Burlington. Call 802-658-4221. CONCORD (NH) — Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., First Congregational Church, North Main and Washington Streets. KEENE (NH) —— Saturdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Call 603-357-4300. MANCHESTER (NH) —- Sundays, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 669 Union Street. NASHUA (NH) — Mondays, 7:30 p.m., Nashua Unitarian Church. COLLEGE GROUPS: On summer break. Check next Fall for new times. GAY GUY GET-TOGETHERS The Gay Guy Get-Togethers are currently under renovation, due to social programming available Sunday evenings at the Rainbow Cattle Company on Rte 5 in Dummerston. Starting around 6 pm, activities include volleyball, a cookout, and Vermont's biggest, hippest drag scene! For more info, call the Company at 802-254-9830. For an update on the Get-Togethers, stay posted or call Carey at 802-254-8263. HIV/AIDS MEETINGS BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT — For PLWA, friends, and families. 4th Floor, 67 Main St., Brattleboro. Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Call Maryann at 802-254-8263. SUPPORT GROUP FOR HIV+/AIDS WOMEN — Mondays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Greenfield MA. Call 413-773-8888. VERMONT CARES — Support group for gay/bi men living with HIV/AIDS, Mondays, 5:30-7 p.m. Call 802-863-2437. SUPPORT GROUP FOR AFRICAN-AMERICAN men living with HIV/AIDS, Alternate Tuesdays, Call Ayana at 802-863-2437 for dates, times, and locations. SUPPORT GROUP FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS in Washington County area, second and fourth Thursdays, 2—3:3O p.m. Call 802-229-4560 for location and more info. SUPPORT GROUP FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS of people living" with HIV/AIDS, Thursdays, 5—6:30 p.m. Call 802-863-8162. . HUNTINGTON OPEN WOMEN’S LAND (HOWL) Sundays, 1 1 a.m.-2 p.m., a potluck brunch. Call 802-864-5595. KEENE GAY MEN ’S SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays. Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington St. Keene, NH. Call Brian at 800-639-7903. MYRIAD NETWORK ’ For g/l/b/t’s in the Berkshires. Fridays, 7 p.m., First Congregational Church, Williamstown MA. Write Box 288, Williamstown MA 01267. NETWORK NORTH Cheap Movie Nights, Tuesdays, 6:15 p.m. at Wilton Mall Food Court, Wilton NY. Coffee Nights, Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. at Uncommon Grounds, Saratoga Springs NY. ' Coffee Mornings, Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. at Uncommon Grounds, Saratoga Springs NY. OUTRIGHT VERMONT GLBQ youth groups (under 23). Fridays, 7-9 p.m. Young men’s group (under 23): Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Call 800-GLB-CHAT. P-FLAG GROUPS - CENTRAL VERMONT —— 3rd Sundays, 1 p.m., 2nd Floor Chapel, Unitarian Universalist Church, Montpelier (use School Street entrance). Call Jan at 802-479-9246.. * I SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES FOR MEN (SAM) Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Meeting and social at Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction at9p.m. Call 603-543-4136. ' STRAIGHT SPOUSESOF G/L/B PARTNERS 1 Support group, every third Tuesday at the Unitarian Universalist . Church in Northampton ‘MA. Call lane at 413-625-603. Pnming 82 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 0 7198 0 FAX 802/658 ° 1556 Calendar ‘ July 12-14 3RD ANNUAL JEWISH LESBIAN CAMP-OUT -- Discussion, workshops, readings, music, and more in Huntington VT from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. $25-60 sliding scale. For more info, call 802-864-5595. 13-14 2nd ANNUAL ALANA MULTICULTURAL FES’I‘IVAL -- Brattleboro Common. Call 802-254-2972 17 ADDISON COUNTY AIDS NETWORK- Monthly meeting, 7 PM. Ilsley Library Meeting Room, Middlebury, Call 802-388-6679 19 ALANA INTERCULTURAL INTERFAITH RWORKSHOP -- Meetings from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Brattleboro area. For more info, call 802-254-2972. » P-FLAG CENTRAL VERMONT MEETING -- For Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays in the Montpelier area. 1 p.m., 2nd floor chapel, Unitarian Church of Montpelier (please use School Street entrance). For more info, call Jan at 802-479-9246. 21 POTLUCK FOR PLWI-IIV/A]])S, FRIENDS, AND FAMILY -- 4-7 p.m. at the Congregational Church, Athol, MA. For more info, call 413-774-7144. 21-25 - SUMMER INS'I‘ITUTE ON HEALTH EDUCATION AND HIV/AIDS CURRICULA -- Vermont Technical College, Randolph VT. For more information, call 802-254-451 1. 25- 28 ANNUAL PLWA RETREAT -- Social and educational gathering for People Living With AIDS in Vermont. Sponsored by the Vermont PWA Coalition. Gray Ghost Inn, West Dover. For more information call 800-69-VTPWA. 26 INSIDE OUTRIGHT -- An introductory meeting for those gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or questioning youth looking to know more about Outright Vermont. 6-7 p.m. at the Outright offices; call 1-800—GLB-CHAT for more info and directions. August 1 CENTRAL VERMONT NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN (NOW): Meet to organize around feminist issues, including a workshop on money for women, local legislators, and a women's film festival. City Hall Memorial Room, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Call Lyn (229-9588) or Chris (223-4383). 1-3, 9-10 “THREE ACTS OF FORGIVENESS” -- Theatrical performance by the Green Candle Theatre Company. 8 p.m.; location TBA (unknown at press time). For up to date info, call Russell at 802-893-7333. surface finishing & refinishing interior 0 exterior q_uta.li'l3 painting. Janice Goodman Hinesburg, Vermont 482-3680 8 BARNEY FRANK VISIT -- Openly gay politician Barney Frank (D—MA) will appear at a fundraiser for Vermont State Auditor Ed Flanagan’s campaign‘: Suggested donation: $19.96. 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Boathouse in Burlington. For more info, call 802-862-3203. 10 OITM SEPTEMBER ISSUE DEADLINE -- . Deadline for articles, ads, and events listings to be included in the September 1996 issue. Send to OITM, Box 177, Burlington VT 05402 or e-mail to oitrn@aol.com. For more details, call Hugh at 802-388-6503. 11 - 16 VERMONT SUMMER HOLOCAUST INSTITUTE FOR YOUTH— with keynote speaker Dr. Lutz van Vermont Technial College, Randolph Center. Call Paij 802-223-3409. 18 POTLUCK FOR PLWHIV/AII)S, FRIENDS, AND FAMILY -- 4-7 p.m. at the Congregational Church, Greenfield, MA. For more info, call 413-774-7144 22-24 GAY AND LESBIAN NIEDICAL ASSOCIATION SYMPOSIUM -- International organization hosts its 14th annual symposium with the theme “Encouraging a Positive Outlook on Gay and Lesbian Life.” Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Canada. ‘$100 for student members; $345 for physician members. For more info, call Steve at 415-255-4547. I 23-25 HOT for Life TRAINING RETREAT -- HIV/AIDS Educator workshops, sponsored by the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project. Marlboro, VT. For more info, call Carey at 802-254-8263. 31 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS -- Envelope stuffing for September issue, 10:00 am. 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. Come find out how you can get involved with the newspaper and related publishing ventures. For more info, call Steven at 802.864.6399.V Classifieds 0lTM’s Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, personals, services offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50 cents per word with a $5.00 minimum; businesses at 75 cents per word with a $10.00 minimum. Subscribers are entitled to one free ad (30 word maximum) per calendar year. You place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Mail to P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). PERSONAL DGWM WITH CHILD/PETS-Intelligent pro- fessional. Social with great sense of humor, varied in- terests. Healthy, both emotionally/physically. At- tractive, much to offer. Interested? Write: Boxholder; PO Box 1103; Newport, VT 05855. V The Old Jolly, Store Old Boston Post Road RD 1, Box 2562 Berkshire, Vermont 05450 Country Collectibles ' I and More! .. Harvey J. Mayo Michael Sutherland Proprietors Telephone (802) 933-6209