Out in the Mountains Weekly Events AA MEETINGS: BURLINGTON —- Sundays‘, 5 p.m., Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus, University of Vermont. — Thursdays, 7 p.m., St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry Street, Burlington. Call 802.658.4221. CONCORD (NH) — Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., First Congregational Church, North Main and Washington Streets. KEENE (NH) -— Saturdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Call 603.357.4300. MANCHESTER (NH) —— Sundays, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 669 _Union Street. ' NASHUA (NH) — Mondays, 7:30 p.m., Nashua Unitarian Church. 0‘ COLLEGE GROUPS: On summer break. Check next Fall for new times. HIV/AIDS MEETINGS: BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT — For PLWA, friends, and families. 4th Floor, 67 Main St., Brattleboro. Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Call Maryann at 802.254.8263. SUPPORT‘ GROUP FOR HIV+/AIDS WOMEN — Mondays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Greenfield MA. Call 413.773.8888. VERMONT CARES — Support group for gay/bi men living with HIV/AIDS, Mondays, 5:30-7 p.m. Call 802.863.2437. Support group for heterosexual men and women living with HIV/AIDS, Thursdays, l-2:30 p.m. Call 802.863.2437. ‘ Support group for family and friends of people living with HIV/AIDS, Thursdays, 5-6:30 pm. Call 802.863.8162. ~ HUNTINGTON OPEN WOMEN’S LAND (HOWL) — Sundays, ll a.m.-2 p.m., a potluck brunch. Call 802.864.5595. KEENE GAY MEN’S SUPPORT GROUP — Tuesdays. Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington St. Keene, NH. Call Brian at 800.639.7903. MYRIAD NETWORK —— For g/l/b/t’s in the Berkshires. Fridays, 7 p.m., First Congregational Church, Williamstown MA. Write Box 288, Williamstown MA 01267. NETWORK NORTH — Cheap Movie Nights, Tuesdays, 6: 15 p.m. at Wilton Mall Food Court, Wilton NY. "Coffee Nights, Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. at_Uncommon Grounds, Saratoga Springs NY. -‘Coffee Momings, Thursdays;19:30 am. at Uncommon Grounds, Saratoga Springs NY. ;.,0UTRlGH'T VERMONT youth groups (under 23). Fridays, 7-9 pm: Young‘ 3i_nen’s group (under 22): Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm. Call 802.865.9677. - P-FLAG GROUPS: i ; - — . - - - ' ‘CENTRAL VERMONT — 3rd Sundays, 1. p.m., 2nd Floor Chapel,‘ Unitarian Universalist Church, Montpelier (use School Street entrance). Call Jan at 802.479.9246. SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES FOR MEN (SAM) —- Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. Meeting and social at Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction at 9 p.m. Call 603.543.4136. STRAIGHT SPOUSES OF G/LIB PARTNERS — Support group, every. third Tuesday at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Northampton MA. Call Jane at 413.625.6033. V" - Friday. Iune I4 - Thursday, lune 20, 6:30 & 8:30 "'TII/IT'S EIWEIIT/lIIVMEIVT’W|TH A DIFFERENCE! SNAPPY, Gl.AMllllll|lS, ENJDYABLEI RIESIIMUNY II] THE PIJWEH BE THE ll‘lllUlES." :****i A_sgI_si5;icum Mlll/IEMIIIIIE!" “EWII THUMBS IIP!" “SHEER EIIN!" —-thllblllllllfllllll 3 Fill] euslein -]Blll‘BV ll‘lBllIllflll llllll . . , [v..-7 ..'.;;.3'r.':.:;r :_.._:;_. ...;J fig '.j"'!" lP.nJvlv-Ilzuvvlhrmvdluh .wNY ' lA.Ul(.'.\" . .-... The Savoy Theater 26 Main St. Montpelier 229-0509 / For confidential AIDS R .5 Information surface finishing & refinishing interior 0 exterior q_u.alii3 painling Janice Goodman Hinesburg, Vermont 482-3680 Call K800-882-AIDS J hour-long videos are being Review: Videos Address Safer Sex “Erotic Choices” “Erotic Choices 2: Instincts” “Well Sexy Women: A Lesbian Woman’s Guide to Safer Sex” “Getting it Right: A Gay Man’s Guide to Safer Sex” Reviewed by Hugh Coyle and Members of the Middlebury College Gay/Lesbian/ Bisexual Alliance The Greenwood/Cooper Homevideo company, a cat- alog subdivision of Alluvial Entertainment, offers four hour-long videos which ad- dress the topics of lesbian and gay sexuality with graphic clarity and a strong focus on safer sex. The two videos in the “Erotic Choices” series present basic information about sex between men, with advice ranging from the proper handling of a part- ner’s foreskin in the first video to fisting and rimming tech- niques in the second. The frank discussions are further enhanced by explicit visual il- lustrations in a variety of set- tings, from bedrooms to bars, from the blithely romantic to the sadomasochistic. Information contained in the two videos often overlaps, so back-to-back viewing can be frustrating. Similar sound- V tracks also lead to a feeling of repetitiveness at times. Even _ so, the two features fulfilltheir » C H $ g C E 8 goals wonderfully, providing A experienced gay men) with a wealth of information about the many possibilities of man- to-man sex. Two other videos deal more specifically with safer sex: “Well Sexy Women: A Les- bian Woman’s Guide to Safer Sex,” and “Getting it Right: A Gay Man’s Guide to Safer Sex.” Like the “Erotic Choices” tapes, both feature British presenters (Amer- - icans have obviously got a way to go in producing safer sex resources like these), but feature more realistic discussions between people and (at times) less cliched situa- tions. “Well Sexy -Women” revolves around a dinner-tablediscussion by a dozen or so les-V. . bian women on topics as diverse as femaleejaeulation and the proper use of sex toys, The group of Middlebury students who watched the video found it to be witty and well-‘done. One lesbian woman especially liked the fact that these were “real, ex- perienced dykes” who could argue openly amongst themselves about various topics. (The look on the women’s faces’ when the topic of anal sex came up was one of the more humorous highlights for the men in the room as well.) A range of body types in the sexual scenarios also increased the realism of the video, and led to an interesting discussion of body objectification in the gay and lesbian cultures. s - - - , ' reenwa caper ' may x to f1f£‘S£1fIS " ‘ qettmg. It R.Ight , a1S.° re‘ « at Pride Video Production ‘ ceived high ratings, particular- ly Since the 56"“ 5““a”°“5 Ci Lesbian Womcirik Guide to Safer Sex featured the actual presenters, A lending an extra touch of re- alism to the production. Even so, messages which flashed along the bottom of the screen while presenters were talking often distracted the viewers, jarring their ability to take in the information. One student was especially pleased to see a sexual situation invr>lving an Hi)/+ / "-,/// // / A: i.in‘i(-;< both films elicited laughter for their