Out in the Mountains Women’s Festival Season Underway For those who like to plan ahead, here’s a listing of this summer's upcoming Women’s Festivals around the country: . May 10-12: Virginia Women’s Music Festival. Contact INTOUCH, Rt. 2, Box 1096, Kent’s Store VA 23084, or call 804.589.6542. May 19-21: In Gaia’s Lap: The Maryland Womyn’s Gathering. Contact 410.329.6708.: May 22-27: Campfest. Contact PO Box 559, Franklinville NJ 08322 or call 609.694.2037. June 6-9: National Women’s Music Festival in Blooniington IN. Contact PO Box 1427, Indianapolis IN 46206 or call 317.927.9355. E-mail: wia@indynet.com. June'13-16:" Womongathering. Contact PO Box 559, Franklinville NJ 08322 or call 609.694.2037. June 14-16: Heart of the South: A Womyn’s Dance and Music Extravaganza at the Doubletree Hotel in New Orleans. For more info, call People Like Us Productions at 800.GET.PLUS. June 23-28: Sappho Lesbian Witchcarnp. Contact Box 21510, 1850 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC, V5N 4A0, Canada. June 28-30: Golden Threads Celebration in Provincetown MA. For more information, write PO Box 131, North Abington MA 02351. July 12-14: 3rd Annual Jewish Lesbian Carnp-Out in Huntington, Vermont Sponsored by Nice Jewish Girls and Howl Land Trust. Contact J.L.C. at 288 Flynn Ave #26, Burlington VT 05401 or call 802.864.5595. August 13-18: Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. Contact Box 22, WalhallaMI 49458 or call 616-757-4766. August 15-18: Summer ‘96 Old Lesbian Gathering in Minneapolis MN. Sponsored by OLOC (Old Lesbians Organized for Change). For more info, call Ruth at 602.983.8839. August 29-September 2: Rhythmfest. Contact 957 N. Highland Ave., Atlanta GA 30306 or call 404-873-1551. September 6-8: Sisterspace Pocono Weekend. Contact SODV, 542A S. 48th St, Philadelphia PA 19143 or call 215-476-8856. V Classifieds 0ITM’s Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, personals, services offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50 cents per word with a $5.00 minimum; businesses at 75 cents per word witlra $10.00 minimum. Subscribers are entitled to one free ad (30 word maximum) per calendar year. You place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Mail to P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Payment must accompany ‘your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). NETWORKING ADDISON COUNTY GAYS.—Looking to form a social/recreation group for hiking, cychng, maybe monthly potlucks, etc. Interested? Drop a line to P.O. Box 41, Bristol, VT 05443. BRATTLEBORO AREA READING/DISCUSSION GROUP. Meetings are generally held every three weeks in alternating private residences. For location and more information, call Jonathan at 802.257.4988. HOUSING RECENTLY DIVORCED LESBIAN and dog seeking to rent or share a house with a fenced in back yard in greater Burlington area Professional, Nonsmoker preferred. Call Pager 741.2620. PERSONALS OI-IIO GWM SEEKSCONTACT/PEN ‘PAL. 29, 190 lbs, 62”, br/br. College graduate, focused, independent, confident, worldly, non-smoker, conscientious, and creative. Interests include writing, outdoors, sports, foreign cultures, and adventure. Tell me about yourself! Write OI'IM-C4, Box 177,’ Burlington VT 05402. SERVICES OFFERED Hear Us OUT! is a gay/lesbian/bisexual/heterosexual allies speaker's bureau committed to the eradiction _of gay stereotypes and prejudices through ‘the telhng of ‘personal stories. To become involved or for information on a presentation for your organization, contact Gordon Sherman, 603-547-2545, or write: Hear Us OUT! P.O. Box 285 Brattleboro,VT 05302 WWANTED FRONT DESK CLERK—Motel in S. W. Vermont. Available after- noon/evenings, with some overnight stays. Resume and references to Boxholder. P. O. Box 954, Manchester, VT 05254.7 Calendar p CENTRAL VERMONT NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN (NOW) -- Meet to organize around feminist issues, including a women's film festival, local legislators, and lesbian awareness. City Hall Memorial Room, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Call Lyn 802.229.9588 or Chris 802.223.4383. HELPING YOUTH IN ADDISON COUNTY -- For all people, young and old, interested in supporting g/l/b/t/q youth in Addison County. 7 p.m., Ilsley Library meeting room (downstairs), Middlebury. For more info call Hugh at 802.388.6503 or Thelma at 802.623.6131. 3 “FLAMING SENSES” OPENING RECEPTION -- 5-8:00 p.m. at Vermont Collegefs T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier. See related story. For more info, call 802.828.8743. _ 4 W.O.W. MOONLIGHT MONTREAL TRIP -- Women of the Woods take on Montreal. Meet at the Park and Ride in Montpelier at 8:30 am. RSVP required; call 802.454.8654 for more info. DANCE OUT DANCE -- A social dance for the Rutland g/l/b/t community and friends, sponsored by Men's Health Project. 7-11:00 p.m., United Methodist Church, Rutland. For more info, call Chris Tebbetts at 800.649.2437. 8 HIV PREVENTION OPTIONS FOR MEN AT RISK -- I-IIV/AIDS Educator Conference. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm in Boston MA. For more info, call Rob Woronoff at 617.624.5365. 10 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS DEADLINE -- for material to be printed in the June issue. For more info, call Hugh at 802.388.6503. 11 WomenACT TRAINING -- Free workshops dealing with women’s health and social issues. 10-4 in Bellows Falls; also six following Tuesday evenings. For more details. call Jarma at 800.294.4443. VT AIDS COUNCIL MEETING — 9:30 am, Gifford Hospital, Randolph. For more info, call Sue Aranoff at 802.229.2557. 12 INTERWEAVE POTLUCK -- Potluck brunch for l/g/b/friends and families. Help us plan for a Pride Day service. 12:30 pm, First Unitarian Universalist Society (downstairs), 152 Pearl St., Burlington. For more info, call Lisa Rubin at 802.862.0251. NEW MOON MASSAGE -- Erotic massage workshop for gay men in southern Vermont, based on techniques from the Body "Electric School. 1:30 p.m. For more info,call 617.864.9596. GAY GUY GET-TOGETHER -- 6:30 pm at the Latchis Grille, Flat St., Brattleboro. For more info, call Carey at 802.254.8263. _2ND SUNDAY OUT -- Coffeehouse & dance. Pyralisk in Montpelier. 7-10pm. Cover charge. Call Amy at 802.244. 1203. ' 13 “HEAR US OUT’ MEETING -- Monthly meeting for the Brattleboro area’s g/l/b/t speaker's bureau. For more info, call Carey at 802.254.8263. 14 GAY COMMUNUTY MEETING-—for Rutland and area g/I/b/t’s 7—8:45 pm, Rutland Free Library. - 17 MARK DOTY—PoetIy Reading at Chassarnan & Bern Booksellers, 7 PM, Church St, Burlington. 18 LUCIE BLUE TREMBLAY— French—Canadian singer-songwriter in performance at the Unitarian Umversahst Church, State St., Portsmouth NH. 8pm. Tickets $16 adv/$18 door. For more info. call 603.942.9941. PEOPLE LIVING WITH AIDS/I-IIV RETREAT -- Day-long retreat for the Brattleboro area, with a focus on relationships. 9:30-4:00. For more info, call 802.254.8263 or 800.69.VI'PWA 10 W.O.W. BARBECUE -- Women of the Woods’ armual volleyball and barbecue in Williarnstown. Bring chairs, dishes, and food. BYOB. Rain date is Sunday. For more info, call 802.433.5990. HIV PREVENTION COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP— This meeting will focus on men who have sex with men. 9-5, VA Hospital, White River Junction. 19 POTLUCK FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH AIDS/HIV -- Friends and family members also invited to attend. 4-7 p.m., Athol Congregational Church, Athol MA. For more info, call 413.774.7144 21 AIDS 101: What Everyone Needs to Know About HIV/AIDS -- Monthly educational session on HIV transmission, precention, antibody testing, statistics, and trends, offered by Vermont CARES, 30 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington. 7-8:30 p.m. For more info and RSVP, call 802.863.2437. 24-26 “HOT for Life” SPRING TRAINING -- Workshops for Brattleboro’s I-IIV/AIDS Outreach Team (HOT) and those interested in reducing the spread of AIDS among men who have sex with men. For information and application, call Carey at 802.254.8263. 24 CHILTERN MOUNTAIN CLUB BIKE TRIP -- Tour through the valleys of Vermont with New England’s outdoor sports and recreation club. For more info, call Bob at 617.266.3812 or 802.333.9448. 25 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS -- Envelope stuffing for May issue, 10:00 am; Staff/Board Meeting for all interested at 1:00 p.m. 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. Get involved with the newspaper and related publishing ventures. For more info, call Hugh at 802.388.6503 or Steven at 802.864.6399. 26 GAY GUY GET-TOGETI-IER -- 6:30 p.m. at the Emerald City Cafe within Beyond Oz, 8 High St, Brattleboro. For more info, call Careyat802.254.8263 MEN'S TEA DANCE -- Sponsored by the Mansfield Bucks for the Men's Health Project. DJ, snacks provided, no’ cover. 7-10 p.m., 135 Pearl, Burlington. For more info, call 802.863.2437. 30-JUNE 2 “WHAT HOLDS PROMISE” -- Ninth Annual Conference of AIDS Medicine & Miracles. A holistic retreat for those living and working with HIV/AIDS. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY. Call'800.944.1001. 30 HEAR US OUT-- G/I./B Speaker's Panel presentation. 7 p.m., Mocha Joe's Coffeehouse, 82 Main St., Brattleboro. Call Jamie at 802.257.7794. 31 “INSIDE OUTRIGHT” -- An introductory group for g/l/b/q young people wanting to know more about the services and support groups of Outright Vermont. 7-9 p.m. at the Outright offices, 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burfington. For more info, call 802.865.9677. JUNE 1 9th ANNUAL WALK FOR LIFE -- Fundraising walk for the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project. Meet at the Braitleboro Common at 11:30 am. Refreshments, prizes, and entertainment Call BAAP at 802.254.8263. ' 7-9 “HOT for Life” TRAINING -- HIV/AIDS peer educator training at Marlboro College, Marlboro VT. For more info, call Carey at 802.254.8263. 10 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS DEADLINE for materials to appear in our summer issue. For more details on submission procedures, call Hugh Coyle at 802.388.6503. 15 VERMONT PRIDE DAY -- Celebrate “Pride Without Borders” in Burlington. Full details in next montli’s issue. For up-to-date info, call Bob at 802.865.3734 or Craig at 802.658.1602. V