Outiin the Mountains Health Briefs HOT for Life's Spring Training Scheduled MARLBORO -- HOT for Life, the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project's HIV prevention/risk reduction outreach program for men who have sex with men, will be hosting a training of peer educators from Friday, June 7th until Sunday, June 9tl1. The weekend retreat will take place at Marlboro College. The training will help interested men reduce their and other’s risks for HIV, and address ways to build a stronger community to support men affected by HIV/AIDS. There is no charge for the weekend; meals and lodging are provided. Transportation can also be arranged if needed. For more information, or to request an ‘application, call Carey Johnson at 802.254.8263. V I _ v You don't get it from coffee cups. You 9' ‘ don’tget it from w"im':aroun You don’ Leslie Feinberg Health Fund Fom1ed New York, NY—-A health firnd has been formed to help meet the medical bills of Leslie Feinberg, the author of Stone Butch Blues and Transgender Warriors. Leslie, who has been seriously ill since last December with a series of bacterial infections and spiking fevers, has no health insurance and lives in a state that has eliminated MedicAid. S/he can no longer afford some of the tests or medications that s/he will need in order to survive this catastrophic illness. Checks can be sent payable to the Column Foundation and earmarked for the Leslie Feinberg Health Fund to: Leslie Feinberg Health Fund, c/o William Sachs Esq., Column Foundation, 370 7th Avenue-7 Penn Plaza, Suite 830, New York City, New York 10001. V 4 Women’s Network Offers HIV/AIDS Retreat RAYMOND, NH -- The Twin-State Women's Network will sponsor a retreat for Vermont and New Hampshire women with HIV/AIDS the weekend of June 14 - 16. The conference will take place at Walnut Hill, Raymond, NH. The cost is $50.00 per person, with limited scholarship assistance available. For more information and/or application materials, call 802-763-2950 or 603-358-5410. V dancing. According to the Surgeon General,_ up ction against DS,» barring abstinence, is use ‘ofa condom; ' he Vermont C.A.R.E.S. your best pr For the fa sabout AID; Vermont A Hotline. changes in her life, hands, kissing, sneezing, wresttiingd , WomenAC'|' Workshops Set to Begin BELLOWS FALLS -- “WomenACT: Addressing Concerns Together,” an annual series of workshops and presentations with a focus on women’s issues, is scheduled to begin Saturday, May 11, from 10 until 4:00 p.m. at Parks Place in Bellows Falls. The program will continue on six subsequent Tuesday evenings. ’ Organizers of the series say, “The goal of WomenACT is to bring women together to share knowledge about the connections between I-IIV/AIDS, substance abuse, domestic violence, and sexual abuse, women’s sexuality, and health issues. Any woman looking for support to make or any woman who is interested in learning more about the ‘connections’ is encouraged to attend.” The workshops are free of charge. Food will be provided to participants, as well as child care and transportation for those in need. Groups sponsoring the event include the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project and the Women’s Crisis Center. For more information or to register, call Janna Cordeiro at 800.294.4443. V Health Resources AIDS HOTLINES: Vermont 800-882-2437 New Hampshire 800-752-2437 New York State 800-541-2437 Massachusetts 617-522-4090 Maine 800-851-2437 National 800-342-2437 Canadian 613-563-2437 AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) . PO Box 608 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-1149 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACORN) PO Box 2057 Lebanon, NH 03766 (603) 448-2220 Bennington Area AIDS Project PO Box 1066 . Bennington, VT 05201 (802)442-4481 or 1-800-845-2437 Brattleboro AIDS Project PO Box 1486 Brattleboro, VT 05302 (802) 254-4444 (Helpline) (802) 254-8263 (Office) Franklin-Grand Isle AIDS Task Force P. O. Box 241, St. Albans, VT 05478 (800) 524-7742 - (802) 638-7834 Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous GLAA, P.O. Box 5653 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 658-4221 660-8386 ' North Star (Holistic Health Care) RR2 Box 3255 Monisville, VT 05661 (802) 888-2858 Vermont AIDS Council PO Box 275 Montpelier VT 05601 (802) 229-2557 (Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Services) PO Box 5248 ~ 37 Elmwood Ave., Bur- lington, VT 05401 (802) 863-2437 (Burlington) 1-800-649-2437 (VT) Vermont Department of Health 1-800-882-2437 (AIDS Hotline) or (802) 863-7245 (AIDS Program offlce) VT PWA Coalition PO Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05452 1-800-69-VT-PWA or (802) 229-5754 Vermont Women’s Health Center I 336 North Avenue ' Burlington, VT 05401 (802)863-1386 Lesbian Cancer Support Group (802) I