On the Campaign Trail: “Unprecedented" Positions Taken on Both Democratic and Republican Sides WASHINGTON — In a move labelled "unprecedented" by many activists, President Clinton has invited. gay and lesbian Democrats to play a significant role in his re-election bid. Brian Bond, Coordinator of the Democratic National Committee's Lesbian and Gay Outreach office, was quoted in the Washington Blade as saying, "This year, gays and lesbians will be involved in the campaign state by state, in a fully organized, systematic way." Bond also noted that gay activists would be recruited to help Democrats recover legislative seats lost to the Republicans in the 1994 elections. A meeting at Clinton/Gore re-election headquarters in Burlington on Sunday, March 3, served to initiate discussion of the upcoming campaign here in Vermont. Fifteen prominent gay men and lesbians gathered to talk with Clinton campaign organizer Marty Rousse, who had been working on drumming up Democratic support for the primaries. Future meetings are expected to take place shortly after Clinton officially accepts his nomination at the Democratic Convention this summer. In related news, gay and lesbian Republicans were also treated to an unprecedented campaign move when Richard Tafel, Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republican Club, officially denounced the candidacy of Patrick Buchanan. Tafel declared that the Log Cabin Club stood "opposed to any candidate for President who campaigns not on people's hopes, but capitalizes on their fears. We are opposed to any candidate who builds a political base by scapegoating and bashing Jews, gays, immigrants and other Americans." Tafel made his comments at a Washington press conference featuring a wide array of Republican and conservative voices, all condemning Buchanan's campaign for the White House. Representatives from a number of groups stood "in absolute unity in the belief that Pat Buchanan is in a league of his own, outside the realm of any of the traditional tenets of the Republican Party," Tafel said. Buchanan has consistently spoken out against equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans and continues to spread his anti—gay message on the campaign trail. He and other Republican presidential contenders attended an anti—marriage rally held in Des Moines, Iowa, and signed a pledge to prohibit gay and lesbian marriage. At a recent press conference, a Democratic spokesperson also reiterated Bill Clinton's opposition to federal recognition of gay and lesbian marriages. Here in Vermont on Town Meeting Day, President Clinton received nearly a third of all votes cast in the state, more than any other candidate. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole was the clear choice on the Republican ballot at the polls. Though he appears to be the "easy favorite in the Republican primary process, both Buchanan and Steve Forbes have vowed to hang on until the very end. V 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 0 7198 0 FAX 802/658 0 1556 April 1996 di/iazéon Umleau, (A2/v as zccsrw Mental Health Counselor P.O. Box 13 N. Montpelier, VT 05666 (802) 454-1432 SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY 81. VVOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW I5 SOUTH PLEASANT STREE' MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 AREA CODE: B02 TELEPHONE: 388-6356 HOME PHONE: 877-3l65 FAX O: 38&6I49 Bununorou OFFICE: 275 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 302-364-0217 Feminist Therapy Sheila D. Rawls, M.S.C. Pathways for self-discovery and growth V addictions V coming out V relationships V spirituality V ACOA (802) 865-2609 2 Church Street, Suite 4E * Sliding Fee Scale Burlington, VT 05401 Tax £9 Accounting Services . auuuvn Browns Trace Building P.0. Box 910 Richmond, V1‘ 05477 ' Julie M.“ Miller 802-434-6466 In _ Certified I‘ublicAccaunt¢mt 302-434-6465 FAX Quite Simply. .. The fincst-collection of Furniture, Carpeting 8: Accessories in Vermont Rutland House Ltd. 162 south main street rutland, Vermont 05701 (802)775-291 1 ns. 11/30 - In the heart of manchester center, Vermont (802)362-2001 lrorn all over Vermont: (800)6492911 ~ Dr. Shoshanna Shelley Licensed Psychologist Helping lndiviquals & Couples With Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, Sexual identity, Addictions, Self Esteem & Relationship Concerns. Over 20 Years Experience Most Insurance Accepted 496-4964 WARREN, VERMONT CHASSMAN & BEM i _ . ~°;'::.:i:' We are proud to carry the area’s largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. 8] Church St., Burlington, VT 802-862-4332 1-800-NEW BOOK