Calegaghar 1 SARAH VAN ARSDALE- author Toward Amnesia reading and signing, 7pm Chassman & Bern Booksellers, 81 Church St., Burlington, VT 802-862-4332. 2 ACoRN -- Support group for women affected by I-IIV/AIDS. 29 School St, Lebanon, NH. Donna McCullough 802 234-9568. FIRST SATURDAY 0UT— a monthly GLBA and friends potluck SUPIB1‘, 6:30 pm United Methodist Church. Rutland, Sponsored by Vermont CARES Mer1’s Health Project 8m—863—2437 / 800649-2437. 4 OITM - Deadline for advertisements, articles, lettas, classifieds, etc. for the April 1996 issue. 5 BAGAL (BRATILEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) -- Monthly social mixer at Cafe Beyond, within the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High Street, Brattleboro. 802 254-5947. ACoRN — Support group for family and fiiends of those whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS. Meeting 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, 29 School Street, Lebanon, NH. Maris Noble, MSW, at 603 650-7895. 6 OUTRIGHT VT - 18+ Discussion Group. Come join our lively member-directed and topic-oriented discussion on relevant topics for lgb/q youth 18-22. 7-9 pm. 1-800-GLB-CHAT. 7 CENTRAL VT NAIIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN (NOW) — Meet to organize around feminist issues, including a women’s film festival, local legislators, and lesbian awareness. 7pm, City Hall Memorial Room, Montpelier. 802 229-9588. THE DATING GAYME— A local drag queen erncees a queer version of the old television show. Be prepared for outrageous spontaneous fur_r —— and Herb Alpert. Gay and lesbian bachelor types converge at 135 Pearl, Burlington, 5:30-8:30 pm, Free Info.,—864—5684. 8 ALMA (ACIIVE LESBIANS OF THE MONADNOCK AREA) MOVIE NIGHT- 7:30pm Acting Out Space locatedjust to the right of the Bread Tree on Washington St,Keene, NH. Bring a munchie or a beverage to share. ALMA (ACTIVE LESBIANS OF THE MONADNOCK AREA) — Open social gathering. Everyone is welcome to bring their own activities (music, games, etc.) 7pm, Acting Out meeting space. Washington St, Keene, NH. Preceded by advisory board meeting at 6:30pm (603) 358-0428. STEPHEN MCCAULEY- author Duck on My Wish »I1'st reading and signing, 7pm Chassman & Bern Booksellers, 81 Church St., Burlington. VT 802-862-4332. 10 VERMONT COALITION FOR LESBIAN AND GAY RIGHTS ADDISON COUNTY REGIONAL MEETING -- Join friends and meet new ones at this meeting and mixer. Find out what’s going on in Montpelier. Learn about VCLGR and how you can get involved. Tea and light refreshments will be served. 3-5pm, Addison County Chamber of Commerce, 2 Court St, Middlebury. 802 388-1214. INTERVVEAVE -- Potluck lunches for l/gb/friends and families. 12:30 pm, First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St, Burlington. Feel free to attend worship service at 11:00 am. Lisa Rubin at 802 862-0251. LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAPTER PFLAG -- Monthly meeting, 2:00 pm, First United Methodist Church, Burlington. 8m 863-4285 or 802 658-3961. 2ND SUNDAY OUT -- Coffeehouse & dance. Pyralisk in Montpelier. 7-10pm. Cover charge. Amy at 802 244-1203. BRAITLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight to meet one another in a supportive, affirming social environment. 6:30-8:30pm, with potluck at 5:30 pm. Emerald City Cafe within the Beyond Oz Giftshop, 8 High St, Brattleboro. Carey at 802 254-8263. - 11 VT PWA COALITION — Monthly Board Meeting, 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend 802 222-5123 or 1-800-69V'I‘PWA. 12 ACoRN -- Bereavement support group: love lost to AIDS. Meeting at DMI-IC, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Yoni Stevens at (603) 650-5789. AIDS 101- a presentation on the basics of HIV/AIDS, transmission and prevention. 8:30 pm Vermont CARES office, 30 Elrnwood Ave., Burlington. Register 802 863-2437. RUTLAND COUNTY AIDS NETWORK (RUTLAND CAN) — Monthly meeting. 6-8pm. Room Red 18, Rutland High School, Rutland 802 775-5884. OUTRIGHT VT -- Women's group for l/b/q womyn under 23 to exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings. 7-8:30 pm. Outright VT 802 865-9677. 13 UPPER VALLEY P-FLA - Support group meeting, 7:00 pm, 11 Mitchell Lane, Hanover, NH. (603)448-1982. BAGAL (BRAITLEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) — Monthly “Dining Out”. For this month’s location, call 802 254-5947. 14 VERMONT CARES -- Support group for all people living with HIV or AIDS. 2-3:30pm, Montpelier. 1-800649-2437. ACoRN - AIDS Community Resource Network monthly board meeting. (603) 448-2220. 15 DR. ELIAS FARAJAJE-J ONES — African— and Native-American bisexual AIDS activist and radical theologian to speak in Brattleboro. 7:30pm. Sponsored by VCLGR. 802 258-2826. VALLEY GAY MEN’S CALENDAR -- Submission deadline for next month's issue of this monthly calendar of events of interest to the men’s communities, including Brattleboro, Northampton, Amherst, and beyond. Keith at (413) 586-5588. VT GAY MEN’S SPIRITUAL SUPPORT BROTI-IERHOOD -- Discover, explore, and create a loving men’s mythic mysteries of the green man and our personal spiritual journey through sacred space—time with sacred images, 6:00 pm to 9:30pm. 802 863-9684. 16 CHERYL WHEELER -- At the Briggs Opera House in White River Junction. 802 295-5432. DR. ELIAS FARAJAJE-JONES .— See details 03/15. Church of Christ, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 4:00pm. Sponsored by VCLGR. 802 889-9413. 17 DR. ELIAS FARAJAJE-JONES - See details 03/15 Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington 4:00pm. Reception to follow. Sponsored by vcron. 802 862-0251. 6 SPRING TEA-DANCE- ,7-10pm, 135 Pearl, Special appearance by “Dame Edna”, DJ, dancing, 18+ no cover, Sponsored by Vermont CARES Men’s Health Project Info. 802-863-2437 / 800-649-2437. P-FLAG CENTRAL VERMONT -- Monthly meeting including support, education, and advocacy. 1:00 pm, second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main Street, Montpelier. Jan at 802 479-9246. 19 AIDS 101- a presentation on the basics of I-IIV/AIDS, transmission and prevention. 8pm Rutland Regional Medical Center, Conference Center, 160 Allen St, Rutland. Register, call Sara at 802-747-3775. 20 OUTRIGHT VT - 18+ Discussion Group.,Join our lively member-directed and topic- oriented discussion on relevant topics for lgb/q youth 18-22. 7-9 pm. 1-800-GLB-CHAT. PFLAG BRATFLEBORO — Monthly meeting, 7:00 pm, Lutheran Church, Brattleboro. Jean at802 257-5409. 21 MEN TOGETHER — Discussion group for 333/. straight, and bisexual men, addressing issues of concern for all men. Cafe Beyond, within the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High Street, Brattleboro. John at 8m 464-3750 or Mark at 802 257-7949. , VIVA (VISIBLE . IN VERMONT ARTS) - Presenting a reading] performance for and of local artists, writers and musicians. Last Elm Cafe, Burlington. 8:00 pm. 8()2 863-2307. . ll 22 ALMA (ACTIVE LESBIANS OF THE MONADNOCK AREA) - Meeting, 7pm, Acting Out meeting space, Washington St., Keene, ~NH. Preceded by advisory board meeting at 6:30pm. (603)358-0428. THE F-WORD— an original play/comedy about feminism in celebration of womyn’s history month. Presented by a four woman company called the Sleeveless Theatre from Northampton. 7:30pm Mabel Brown Room, New Student Center Keene State College 22-24 WOMEN’S HEALTH RESOURCE CENTER’S 2ND ANNUAL MUD SEASON GETAWAY — Workshops to simplify your life, reduce stress and pamper yourself. 603 650-4159. 23 VERMONT CARES ANNUAL DINNER— celebrating the agency’s 10th anniversary, with founding member Terje Anderson as guest speaker, at the Radisson Hotel in Burlington. Info. 802-863-2437. 24 AMELIA -- Music, games, socializing, dancing, finger food. $5. DE N RO Restaurant, River Rd., Norwich. 603 632-5970. * BRATFLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another. 6:30-8:30pm, potluck at 5:30 pm. Emerald City Cafe in the Beyond Oz Giftshop, 8 High St, Brattleboro. Carey 802 _ 254-8263. March 1996 26 OU'I'RIGHT VT -- Women's group for all young l/b/q womyn under 23 to exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings. 7-8:30 pm. Outright VT at am 865-9677. 28 VERMONT CARES -- Support group for people living with HIV or AIDS. 2—3:30 pm, Montpelier. 1-800-649-2437. . 30 OITM -- Envelope stuffing, 10 am, 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. All those wanting to get involved with the newspaper are strongly encouraged to attend. Call Hugh 802 388-6503 or Steven 802864-6399. PWA FAMILY DINNER -- Hudson Falls, NY. 5-7 pm. (518) 747-6832. April 1 OITM -— Submission deadline for all materials (advertisements, articles, letters, classifieds, etc.) to be printed in the May 1996 issue. 4 CENTRAL VT NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN (NOW) - Meet to organize around feminist issues, including a women’s film festival, local legislators, and lesbian awareness. 7pm, City Hall Memorial Room, Montpelier. 802 229-9588. V Classifieds OI TM’ S Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, personals, services offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50 cents per word with a $5.00 minimum; businesses at 75 cents per word with a $10.00 minimum. You place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the submission deadline. Mail to P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept ' confidential). FOR RENT P-TOWN SPRING BREAK Time Share sublet April 20-27, 3 rooms, 1 1/2 baths, full kitchen, sleeps 4 $450. Call. 879-6559. (3-96) NETWORKING NEW ENGLAND WRESTLING CLUB is looking for new members. We are a wrestling club for gay men, and are looking to increase our membership throughout New England. Call Marc at (401)467-6737 or send SASE to Marc Lavik/NEWC, PO Box 40868, Providence, RI, 02940-0868. (3-96) V Peace and Jus- tice