‘ ‘Wtnoo§dAVeriLIeln,B\'n‘hglot1.CiliI' Out in the Mountains -.~v.oI.cEs IN THE MOUNTAINS: _ Adoption Task Force Critical Of “dimmest Bulbs” Article The undersigned members of the Adoption Task Force feel disagreed with Senator Sweetser on her position regarding HIV compelled to present another view than the one expressed in Paul testing and her proposal to eliminate the Human Rights ‘ ’()lsen;‘-?s “Dimmest Bulbs” article in the February issue of OI TMB Commission, Sweetser has played a key role in helping to defeat r"l?aul3si:article identifies ten Vermont legislators whom he descri es the horrible amendment which would have prevente gay an as “the biggest dim wits in Montpelier,” in part because Of their lesbian couples from adopting. As Chair of the Senate Judiciary positions on issues of importance to our community. Paul claims Committee, Sweetser was instrumental in working with this Task to recite therecords of various legislators on g/1/b/t issues, but we Force to craft legislative language, plan strategy, and influence find Paul’s report of those legislative records to be incomplete in other senators against this bad amendment. The article. did not places. Additionally, the tone of the article, in our opinion, seems include this part of her record. . , unnecessarily disrespectful. Paul is certainly free to express his :fMoir"a , 5 ’ , i 7 -* = opinion in 01 T M . HOWeVer, t0 the extent p0liticianS in Similarly, Paul’s discussion of Representative Ricky Westman’s 'P3“'i°l5°"T 5 ’ . - Montpelier View OI TM as representative of our community’s record is incomplete. Westman agreed to be the first GOP sponsor F'edt99'J