Out inthe Mountains Classifieds 0ITM’s Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, personals, services offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50 cents per word with a $5.00 minimum; businesses at 75 cents per word with a $10.00 minimum. You place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the submission deadline. Mail to P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). HOUSING RESPONSIBLE, GAY ROOMMATE wanted. Brand new townhouse, Burlington. $270/month plus 1/2 utilities. Great location. Call Todd at 660-191 1. (2-96) WANTED COMMUNITY SERVICES COORDINATOR To provide crisis intervention, family support, referrals and follow-up services in a residential and community-based setting. Experience with children's issues, domestic violence and group work are helpful. This position will be 40 hours per week, with evening and weekend hours required. The rate of pay will be $9.50/hour. Resume and cover letter to: Women Helping Battered Women, PO Box 1535, Burlington, VT 05402. (1-96) EDITOR NEEDED Out In The Mountains, Vermont's only statewide newspaper serving the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community, seeks a new editor. If you are looking for an exciting and challenging opportunity, as well as the chance to work with and for Vermont's g/l/b community, you may be the one. To be considered, submit resume and personal statement (800-1000 words) explaining your vision for the newspaper. OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Questions? Call Fred at (617) 267-9781 or Steven at (802) 864-6399. Please keep in mind that OITM is a volunteer organization and this is NOT a paid position. (1-96) ‘ NETORKING OLOC (OLD LESBIANS ORGANIZING FOR CHANGE) Organization comprised of. old lesbians, 60 and over, committed to confronting ageism by changing society's attitudes toward old women, is seeking lesbians willing to be active members of this group. You may contact Alverta Perkins (802)863-4822 or Joy Griffith (802)848-7037 or email joydg@aol.com (1—96)V 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 ° 7198 ° FAX 802/658 ° 1556 Vt Area Resources Please help us with this listing by advising us of changes in your group's status and address. Rep. William Lippert (D-Hinesburg) Statehouse 1-800-322-5616 or 828-2228 Home 482-3528. Addison County Women In Crisis PO Box 67 - 53 Court St., Middlebury, VT 05753 (802) 388-4205 ALMA (Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area) P.O. Box 6345 - Keene, NH 03431 (603)352-6741 Amelia Earhart P.O. Box 746 - Lebanon, NH 03766 American Civil Liberties Union 110 East State Street - Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 223-6304 Battered Women’s Services, Inc. PO Box 828 - Montpelier, VT 05601 24 hour Hotline (802) 223-6855 Brattleboro Area Gays & Lesbians PO Box 875 0 Brattleeboro, VT 05302 (802) 254-5947 Brattleboro Area Lesbian Center 7] Elliot St. - Brattleboro, VT 05301 Burlington Police Department Community Based Police Office Lieutenant Bill LaWare (802) 658-7658 Burlington Women’s Council City Hall 0 Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 658-9300 ext. 125 Christ Church Presbyterian-More Light Church Redstone Campus; Univ of Vermont. Burlington, VT 05401 - (802) 862-1898 CRONES - for women over 40 PO Box 242 - Winooski, VT 05404 DaGLO Dartmouth College GLB Organization Hanover, NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 Dignity Vermont PO Box 782 0 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-1377 Friends In Adoption 44 South Street ~ PO Box 1228 Middletown Springs, VT 05757 - (802) 235-2373 GALE Network PO Box 930 - Amherst, MA 01004-0930 Gay Fathers Connection PO Box 5506 ' Essex Junction, VT 05403 Gay Info Line 26 S. Main St. - Box 181 - Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-1686 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance Goddard College 0 Plainfield, VT 05667 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance Landmark College - Marlboro, VT 05344 Brian at 254-8574 - Tom 257-4333 Hear Us OUT - P.O. Box 285 - Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0332 Kwanzaa - Multicultural Educational Resource Group P.O. Box 583 - Burlington, VT 05402-0583 Lavender Voice - RD 1 Box 887 Cambridge, VT 05444 Lesbian-Bisexual-Gay Alliance Keene State College - Keene, NH 03431 LUNA- Lesbians United, Never Apart c/o Umbrella Women's Center One Prospect Avenue - St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-8645 Men’s Health Project PO Box 5248 - Elmwood Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 0 (802) 863-2437 Men Alive! PO Box 423 0 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 865-2247 MCC in the Mountains PO Box 53 - Hanover, NH 03755 ~ (603)448-3754. Middlebury G/L/B Alliance Middlebury College ° Middlebury, VT 05753-6033 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) PO Box 1124 - Keene, NH 03431 - (603) 357-5544 NEQLACE- NorthEast Queendom Lesbians Activating Community Empowerment c/o Umbrella Women's Center NEVGALR- North East Vermonters for Gay and Lesbian Rights - c/o Umbrella Women's Center One Prospect Ave. - St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-8645 NH Citizens Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Rights P.O. Box 730 - Concord, NH 03302 (603) 224-1686 OUTRIGHT VERMONT PO Box 5235 - Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 865-9677 - Youth Hotline: 1-800-452-2428 PFLAG - Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Brattleboro Chapter J . Cram - 409 Hillsinds - Brattleboro, VT 05301 (802) 257-5409 Central Vermont J. Pecor - 159 Sheridan St. Ext. - Barre, VT 05641 (802) 479-9246 Lake Champlain Chapter, Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Lane Burlington, VT 05401 0 (802) 863-4285 Manchester Area Mae and Jay Morrow (362-4400) P.O. Box 92 0 Manchester, VT 05254 Rutland Area Julie and Peter Cooper (773-7601) 11 North St. - Rutland, VT 05701 Peace and Justice Center 21 Church Street 0 Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-832 Pink Triangle League (Bowling) PO Box 164 - Thetford, VT 05074 (802)785-4617 Radical Fairies P.O. Box 1084 - Montpelier, VT 05601 (802) 229-1952 Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection PO Box 218 - Center Rutland, VT 05736 SAGE (A social and support group for gay men over forty) PO Box 863 - Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 860-1810 Social Alternatives for Gay Men (SAM) P.O. Box 479 0 Norwich, VT 05055 (802)649-3133 Umbrella Women’s Center One Prospect Ave. 0 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802)748-8645 Vermont Bisexual Network PO Box 8124 0 Burlington, VT 05402 Vermont Coalition for Lesbian & Gay Rights P.O. Box 1125 - Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 365-9139 - (802) 482-3927 Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights Liaisons to the Goyernor’s Office, Legislature, and State Government Susan Aranoff (802) 728-4121 Vermont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Place ~ Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-9684. Vermont Gay Social Alternatives PO Box 237 - Burlington, VT 05402-0237 (802) 658-7630 Vermont Gay Volleyball PO Box 248 - Hinesburg, VT 05461 Vermont Human Rights Commission 133 State Street - Montpelier, VT 05633-6301 (802) 828-2480 Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents 131 Lyman Ave - Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 660-2713 VIVA (Visible in Vermont Arts) P.O. Box 812 ° Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-2307 ’ Woman Center 5 School Ave., Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 229-6202 . Women’s Crisis Center PO Box 933 - Brattleboro, VT 05302 24 Hour (802) 254-6954 - Business (802) 257-7364 Women Helping Battered Women P.O. Box 1535 - Burlington, VT 05402 Hotline: 658-1996 Women’s Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover Street - Lebanon, NH 03766 Office (603) 448-5922 - Hotline (603) 448-5525 Women's Rape Crisis Center PO Box 92 - Burlington VT 05402 (802) 864-0555 W.O.W. - Women of the Woods c/o RFD #1, Box 5620 - Worcester, VT 05682 (802) 229-0109 V Voices That Care MONTPELIER -- The third annual VCLGR - If we don't take words like 'queer' for ourselves and redefine them Conference, held on October 28, 1995, at Montpelier High School, ended with its own Queer Town Meeting. During this time, attendees came up they hold. and create for them a new meaning, then they retain the power to the microphone and spoke their minds, Here's a - I'd like us to talk about what we should be doing as a community, few snippets of what they had to say - Iobject to the word 'queer' I feel that 'queer' not what we should be calling ourselves, because our enemies don't care about that. makes lesbians invisible, and a large part of - I'd like to see us invite Barbara Snelling or Howard Dean. It's our lesbian oppression is invisibility. We've been subsumed under generics before and that's never responsibility to include straight society. really worked for us. - I encourage everyone to go to their own town meeting this year and come out Be out and things will change. - I'm not sure if Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights really speaks to who we are ° The record in Vermont is that so far the only openly gay or lesbian because we are not only just lesbians and gays. We are transgendered, bisexual, we have a whole list I'm bisexual. I don't feel a part of ‘Lesbian and Gay Rights.‘ But ‘Queer Town Meeting‘ makes me go, ‘Oh, it's about me too.‘ people in the Vermont Legislature have been openly gay -- no lesbians. We've had great gay men in the Legislature but it's time for us to have lesbians. We need to get out, visible lesbians in public office. - I think we do need to do a lot of work around our political issues, but a lot of our movement is about a culture that isn't exactly the same as the standard culture. I think that's really positive Part of our work is not only the political arena but education and tolerance (of) a culture and another way of life that is a little different. - Three different people I know who are out and queer said they were not coming today because we call it a ‘queer town meeting,‘ sol think it is absolutely imperative that we come up with another name Since the name of the organization makes it very clear who we are, one suggestion was to call it ‘Our Town Meeting.‘ - An alternative to 'queer' that somebody suggested to me the other day is 'giblets'. Gay, bisexual, lesbian, transsexual -- giblets. V