Out in the Mountains 1 v Miki Thomas " Chris Tebbetts except » for La Julylltugust’ issue. ‘lhe offices Wnooslti _Av.enue~in . ‘ address is In — Out_Ver~ mont@a'ol.com_._=,Bqua( rate 5°’ !he.maIllfi9" .‘ltIe»ne\lVsID.ai5efi—is’ paid in rate is 9;!) per year within the ‘@1995, Out inihe Mountains. ’ The purpose. of'Q0u‘r#fn the Moiur» All materials sit , _ . , signed. ‘However, within the pa es of the newspaper, .‘ Itywill_be’ol:Iserved.. ; I: Tosabmn'ArtIeIes’ \‘ '&:Léuers ‘ 1We e,ncourag”ef_and readers to 'cl_ogw_h}a make_0ITM-at " ’ Out In The ’ Mountains V j (ISSNZ J 10815562)_is published mo_I1thlY« . ‘combined, maifing address 335. P0.—.Box BUFEHQDB VT 9"" °‘,|113i.|. Statement ofléurposle. . Bins is to serve asga voice’ for f bians, gay men, bisexuals, and o’"ur_. may ‘appear ah.9nrm9.US|v. ‘ ‘request, and strict..i:onfi_cte From the Editor: Queer Top 10 of 1995 Fred Kuhr WINOOSKI -- Wait a minute, didn't we just do this? Didn't we just celebrate New Year's? 1995 is almost over? The year just got started! I checked last year's "Queer Top 10," and screamed to myself, "What? The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert was over a year ago? Go Fish was l994?" Now that I'm totally depressed, here's an attempt to turn New Year's back into a celebration. Once again, with the knowledge that mainstream popular culture usually finds its roots in the g/1/b community, here is a Queer Top 10 of 1995. 10. The Brady Bunch Movie (Betty Thomas, Director) None of the lead characters were gay, but this was perhaps the queerest movie of the year. Keeping true to their 70s TV identity, the Bradys were plopped into the 90s —— in groovy technicolor splendor. In the movie's queer mix were an interracial gay couple as neighbors, Marcia's lesbian best friend, and RuPaul as Jan's guidance counselor. If only my high school counselor had told me, "You betta work!" 9. I Kissed A Girl (Jill Sobule) - Is this a true confession or a cash—in to lesbian chic? Who cares.‘ This song is too fun and the video is even better. As the story goes, two women who are bored with their boyfriends decide to spice up their dull yuppy lives by flinging with each other instead. In the video, Sobule even gets to dump romance novel supermodel Fabio, who plays her boyfriend. WYHY, a Nashville radio station broadcast parental advisories before playing the ditty. Thankfully, Vermont stations such as Manchester's WEQX and Barre's WORK didn't feel the need. 8. Candace Gingrich Who would have thought that having the Newtster as Speaker of the House would bring a lesbian into the national spotlight. Not only did that happen, but she's his sister! According to the Washington, DC—based Human Rights Campaign, Newt failed to cast even one pro—gay vote in 1994, but Sister Candace's outness brings the issues close to home. As she said herself, "At the very least, my being openly lesbian will make him think twice before aligning himself with some of the bigots out there." 7. Boys On The Side. (Herb Ross, Director) Ally and lesbian—wannabe Whoopi Goldberg got to whoop it up in this ‘I laughed, I cried’ road movie from earlier this year. This time ‘round, Goldberg goes on the road with Drew Barrymore and the object of her character's affection, played by Mary-Louise Parker (who starred in the lesbian undertoned Fried Green Tomatoes). When reminded that this is her second big screen role as a lesbian, she blurted, ,"Everyone seems to be quite shocked at this role. I keep saying, ‘Did you not see The Color Purple?” 6. Priest (Antonio Bird, Director) Most Vermonters would not have even heard of this movie if not for the pudgy nun on the Inspiration Network telling us not only to avoid the flick but to boycott all things Disney (the film's distributor). Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole even took a swing at the movie on NBC's Meet The Press as evidence of Hollywood's lack of "family values." Well, this BBC produced film is about a young priest who questions his faith because (among other things) he's. gay. Yeah, like that never happens. 5. Greg Louganis A Barbara Walters interview on ABC's 20/20 and publication of his autobiography Breaking The Surface, together with his coming out as a gay man with AIDS, thrust this Olympic diver back into the national spotlight. Although he started coming out a couple of years ago, his true confession was his knowledge of being HIV+ when he hit his head on the diving board while competing in Seoul in 1988. Personally I grew tired of seeing that damn dive over and over again on TV, but he is a role model to many. 4. Friends (NBC) The central cast of daffy twentysomethings is not what brings this _ popular sitcom to the list, but one of its subplots. You see, Ross (played 'by David Schwimmer) had a wife, Carol, who left him -- for another woman, Susan. Soon after, Carol informed ‘Ross that . she was pregnant with his baby —— and she was planning on keeping it. Since then, a baby boy was born and both Ross and Susan not only battle for the baby's affections but also for Carol's. As Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) said in the birthing episode, "So many kids don't even have two parents who love them. This baby has three fighting over who loves him more. Wow, he's lucky." 3. To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar (Beeban Kidron, Director) I heard the complaints —— "It wasn't gay enough," "I hate it when straights play gay," "Priscilla was better." But you can't argue the power of this movie —- nor the fact that it shot up to #1 at the box office. Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo star in this “fairy tale in the truest sense.—;_. complete with simple message, happy ending, arid plenty‘ of ‘make-"bel1év‘e‘,'-“ according to a review in the DC—based Washington Blade. The message here for the g/l/b community is wrapped up in leading a double life, wearing the mask, and being caught in-;a situation where you can't take the mask off. 2. Serving In Sil‘é5:n;t‘'éT‘(lNlB€‘) ' 3' Hot on the heels ‘of étshe‘. »§aysiin‘=;theéiri1'1ita§y controversy, partially. brought on by Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer herself, came the TV movie of the year. Named for the autobiography it's based on, the film cast Glenn Close as the discharged Cammermeyer and Judy Davis as her partner Diane.‘Executively produced by Close and Barbra Streisand, it brought an enlightened and sympathetic view of the issue (and lesbianism itself) into the homes of middle America. Close reported that her child's nanny said that the movie "makes it so attractive to have a relationship with a woman (that) closet doors are gonna ‘be slappin' open all over the country." Not likely, but impressive. 1. Melissa Etheridge P Truly the dyke diva of popular culture —— no less than six songs ("Come To My Window," "I'm The Only One," "IfI Wanted To," "Bring Me Some Water," "Like The Way I Do," "Your Little Secret") flooded radio airwaves all over the state all year long. Bruce Springsteen showed up at her MTV Unplugged taping for a duet. Her 1993 album Yes I Am passed the four million sales mark. She just released her new album Your Little Secret. She posed nude with her partner, Julie Cypher, for a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) ad campaign. And she became the first out lesbian featured on a Rolling Stone cover. As RS music editor David Fricke said, "You turn on VH1, and it's like Melissa TV!" What more could you ask for? Once again, have a happy and safe Christmas, Channukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Generic Holiday, and New Year's. Mazel Tov. V Psychosynthesis Counseling & Therapy (802) 254 -8032 15 Myrtle St., Brattleboro, VT 05301 /4¢¢oce'eu'e¢ an Eeeoaeuy BLACKWOOD A N D Eileen M. Blackwood LJ|ggNeStEl|)( l;'S§{3ggl,_'O'Eillg.TA-’MgS‘1'\-EIl:=l).c. ._j:_—_K RAYNAK P""“e'a Kraynak CERTIFIED ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELOR AT T O R N E Y s A T L A w Jean Townsend’ M'A" Lc'M‘H'c I Employment law 84 Pine Street LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR , Education law P O BOX 875 . ‘|l,Rl‘ h'C . —' Milton, VT Burlington. VT . gulmsmefciiiogskéiidsriiigciiaI Estate B“"'"g'°“' VT 05402 (‘ml 3934815 (502) 3533152 - Small Business (802) 8_63-251 7 Lesbian, Gay (5 élpirited Jewelry @5,Gills MICHAEL GIGANTE, PH.D. ' Dhocmx Disin 104 Main Street 0 Montpelier 05602 Susan K. Lawrence - Proprietor - 802-229-0522