ITE YOUR Xiin-ire PEARL Vt/' Copyright 1995 Dear Auntie Pearl: I’m 15 years old, and I think I’m a lesbian. _I’ve never slept with anybody, but I’ve always felt like I want to be close to other girls. It’s not even always a sexual feeling. I just want to be closer with girls, but I’d hate for anybody to know, because they’d never want to be with me at all after that. It’s not like I’m going to attack somebody. I don’t know how else to explain it, but it’s real. I never feel that way with guys, even though I date, and I’m friends with them. How do I know if I’m that way? I got into the gay bar here, and that’s where I saw your column. ' Please write back, and I’ll get another paper. Please answer soon!! Maybe Gay Dear Maybe Gay: The most important thing right now is that you follow your heart —— whether it be about your sexuality, your creative talents, or sports ability, or any other aspect of your makeup which you were born with. You’re learning all these things about yourself, and each is equally important. Start writing in a journal about everything you’re feeling. If you want to talk to someone personally, look in this newspaper for a youth group, a queer hotline, women’s center, or counselor. If they’re not in this paper, check your phone book. If all else fails, call an AIDS organization, and ask if they’ll help you find someone to talk with. If you decide to be - sexual with someon -- female or male -- learn safer sex guidelines from an AIDS organization. Your sexuality will be revealed to you when you’re ready for it. The bottom line is that there’s plenty of time to find out who you are. If you’re lucky, you’ll be learning about yourself throughout your life. 2 ***** Dear Auntie Pearl: I live a dream life. I have a charming, handsome lover, “Ted”, and in a beautiful house. I have anything I want -- clothes, cars, vacations. On top of this, I don’t have to work, because my lover’s job enables us to have all of this on his income. He is a partner in a law firm. He’s not a sugar daddy. We met when we were both struggling grad students, and we’ve had our share of bleak years. But he worked hard, and now we’re set for life. But I hardly ever see him. He works fifteen hours a day at least 6 1/2 days a week. We take two vacations a year -- one skiing in the winter, the other to the shore in the summer -- but the rest of the year, we can literally go a week with just phone contact. At first, I thought it wouldn't be so bad, or that his work load would ease—up. I spend my days doing volunteer work, running errands, seeing friends, and working out. I’m never bored, and believe me, I’m grateful for what I have. But I miss the man I fell in love with ten years ago. There’s nothing I can do to change this -- his job requires these hours, and he loves his work. We’ve both dreamed of having a life like this. Am I nuts to be unhappy when things are so good? Spoiled Rotten Dear Spoiled Rotten: When certain fruits are kept too long, something starts to stink. Ted may not be your sugar daddy, but you’re still '3 experiencing Symptom #5 of the Kept Lover Syndrome: loneliness. ' Speak up, my dear! You’ll never feel better about your situation than you do right now. Suffer in silence and you’re signing your relationship’s death warrant. You and Ted must find a solution together. If money is the only thing stopping him from working less, it’s time to dust off your resume. But if Ted’s position truly demands this much of his time, he needs to manage his hours better. Can he take a break mid—week for dinner, or a work-out, or sex with you? Can he manage every other Sunday as “your” day? Use your imaginations. Anyone with the ability to be a success in business can be a success at home. If Ted won’t fit you into his schedule, then the best part of this relationship is behind you. ***** Dear Auntie Pearl: I’m not out to my family. I’m nervous about how to introduce my girlfriend to my relatives when we see them forthe holidays. Help! Not Out Dear Not: Unless you have a condition which forces you to cry out: “This is the woman I have cunnilingus with!” Auntie sees no problem here. Introduce your lover as “my friend”. Just don’t follow that up with “If you know what I mean.” V r::j1111:111:11j11111jjj1j:1111j111j11 VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS, GAY MEN, AND BISEXUALS By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox (in a discreet envelope, Of COUFSG). but you will also help undenivrite the rising costs of pub- lishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, Vermont 05402-0177. Name Out in the Mountains; City 1:] one-l.year ($20) El l__ow-income ($10) D Sponsor ($ ' 11 Sponsors are especially VYel°°"_‘e l"°m ""059 Wh0 Prefer to pick up 01 M at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. CI Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper, I I I I I I . | Address I I I I I State % Zip ' 11/95 L1111:1ZC$—31’——1111—111i111111111111J 3 November 1995 Letters to the Editor Change of Heart I owe a personal and public apology to VCLGR Co—Liaison Susan Aranoff for the tone of my open letter to the VCLGR Board in the OITM September issue. It was not my intent to personalize my concerns about the VCLGR Board's accountability. My letter certainly took on an angry and inappropriate tone, however, and it was wrong. 1 I was attempting to raise the issue that a representative coalition has a responsibility to those it represents, especially when criticizing an ally organization to others outside our community. My letter was a poor model for making that point. Indeed, I displayed the same kind of behavior that I was denouncing. * It was absolutely irresponsible of me to personalize my concern and criticism; and I apologize to you, Susan. Mary Hurlle Hinesburg V VBV-Online Voice: 802-886-2400 Modem: 802-886-24 19 Telnet: Forums — Private Chat - Email Private forums available a great place to meet on the Internet (302) 378-0095 BUSINESS (302) 878-6288 FAX (302) 223-5725 FIESIDENCE JEFFREY J. HARTMAN REALTOR” COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART 233 WILLISTON ROAD WILLISTON, VT 05495 An Independently Owned and Operated Member ol Coldwell Banker Residential Alliliates, lne. lion’ E. 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