llukes lo lllatch llul For 3 €llll”0ll(’P anni- ©l995 By ALJSOH BEUJDEL ex: Qi Fl” ‘ J 3 " DETMLS OF My men-r um Bvxaerrerue w/«mess? ‘A A BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another in a supportive; affirrning social environment. 7:30 pm, Cafe Beyond in the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High St., Brattleboro. Call Carey at (802) 254-8263. 11 VERMONT PWA COALITION -- Monthly Board Meeting, 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend. Call (802) 222-5123 or 1-800-69VTPWA. 12 ACoRN -- Bereavement support group: love lost to AIDS. Meeting at DMHC, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Call Yoni Stevens at (603) 650-5789. 13 BAGAL (BRATTLEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) -- Monthly “Dining Out”. For this month’s location, call (802) 254-5947. 14 ACoRN -- AIDS Community Resource" Network monthly board meeting. Call (603) 448-2220. . AIDS 101 -- Educational session on HIV transmission, prevention, antibody testing, statistics and trends. 7-8:30 pm. Vermont CARES, Burlington. RSVP (802) 863-2437 15 VALLEY GAY MEN’S CALENDAR -- Submission deadline for next month's issue of this monthly calendar of events of interest to the men’s communities, including Brattleboro, Northampton, Amherst, and beyond. Call Keith at (413) 586-5588. LEMME SEE. .. I ‘mu: MY FAVORITE AMUAEMTAGAI-J51’ AFFIRMMWE Action IS mm ‘seecw ‘lR9rrM£NT' IS N.WLT- we Tb Amrcw Aneiumus. 1 ram. How may win: Guys Do rouiwow We Pea. "msuL1':o" BY ms srzcr/u. TRr=«mex:r 'rm:y'v£ GoT1'E\J Rik (amass? ;_/ -'_.-.‘.- ' ' ‘ \ VERMONT GAY MEN’S SPIRITUAL SUPPORT BROTHERHOOD -- Discover, explore, and create a loving men’s mythic mysteries of the green man and our personal spiritual journey through sacred space-time with sacred images, 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Call (802) 863-9684. 15-17 LAVENDER COUNTRY FOLK DANCE -- Summer dance camp in the Berkshires. Call 1-800-LCFD-123 code 123. 16 AMELIA'S -- Meeting, games and potluck. Call (603) 448-0573. CHILTERN MOUNTAIN CLUB -- Climbs Wachusett Mountian, MA. Call (617) 643-6237. CHILTERN MOUNTAIN CLUB -- Block Island Outing, walking and biking. Call (203) 848-4522. 17 A WALK OF HOPE -- 10 km walk to benefit NH AIDS Foundation. Manchester, NH. Call (603) 623-0710. MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT -- Tea Dance, 135 Pearl, Burlington. Call (802) 863-2437. MONTHLY POTLUCK FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS -- This is a neighbor to neighbor effort of support and socializing for those folks affected by HIV. Franklin County, Massachusetts. Call Jack at (413) 863-3149 or Bernie at (413) 584-9309. P-FLAG CENTRAL VERMONT -- Monthly meeting including support, education, and advocacy. 1:00 wnHwuo?ImsrAuRNmNG,7 Wc>M1:N’s7CH<>1cE 1 Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. GYNECOLOGICV ASSOCIATES 23 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax:802-863-4951 Hour» on: or >00 60 max ‘mt’. REGISTER? mix Is A mce or M- usssl Irezryuuc LoVE LNES our or tr.’ , ;r/I 3; ’ fir: i:%*:= ~ 2 U . ‘ . z\!},)iin‘rr..—_—.=4 Tblll. I'VE HEARD )bllK PLMS ‘lb (‘ME wrm 00110 My PAR£m’5,wl9I You PICKED ur-ms-new -(Mg; smcg y‘ rm;-r FET. EXCUSE PE IF EVERY om: M A WIRE pm, second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main Street, Montpelier. Call Ian at (802) 479-9246. 19 NH CITIZEN’S ALLIANCE FOR GAY AND LESBIAN RIGHTS (CAGLR) -- Monthly meeting and newsletter stuffing. 3 Pleasant St., 2nd Floor, Concord, NH. Call (603) 224-1686. 20 VERMONT HIV/AIDS EDUCATION NETWORK -- Fourth annual Speakers‘ Training in the greater Rutland area. Call (802) 233-3701. OUTRIGHT VT -- 18+ Discussion Group. Come join our lively member-directed and topic-oriented discussion on relevant topics for lgblq youth 18-22. 7-9 pm. Call 1-800-GLB-CHAT. PFLAG BRATTLEBORO -- Monthly meeting, 7:00 pm, Lutheran Church, Brattleboro. Call Jean at (802) 257-5409. 21 MEN TOGETHER -- Discussion group for gay, straight, and bisexual men, addressing issues of concern for all men. Cafe Beyond, within the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High Street, Brattleboro. Call John at (802) 464-3750 or Mark at (802) 257-7949. VIVA (VISIBLE IN VERMONT ARTS) -- Presenting a reading/ performance for and of local artists, writers and musicians. Last Elm Cafe, Burlington. 8:00 ’ pm. Call (802) 863-2307. 22. PATTY LARKIN & HER BAND -- Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA. 8:00 pm. Call (617) 496-2222. ol