ITE YOUR KEN-rm PEARL I 4 ’ / Dear Auntie Pearl: My best friend just got involved with a woman from hell, “Sybil”. My friend usually finds great women, but this one is whacked. All I can think is that Sybil must be great in bed, because she’s too weird out in the world. Copyright 1995 When she’s not carrying on about her latest therapy session, she’s telling people what to do. The first time my friend brought her over to meet me and my lover, Sybil told us that we need a better lock on our front door. Then the next time she and my friend came over for dinner, Sybil brought a new lock and her drill. I had to take her drill from her to stop her from destroying our door! She also told us that we need to be more strict with our dog. She gave us a muzzle for Christmas. I’d like to use the muzzle, but not for the dog. I’ll spare you the rest, but this is typical of what she does. I get a headache just thinking about her. I’ve held back from telling Sybil off, but I don’t know how long I can keep this up. Should I go ahead and tell her where to get off, or should I keep being nice to her for my friend’s sake? If we were straight, I wouldn’t be expected to hang out with my friends’ husbands. But with dykes, we’re supposed to be a big happy family. What should I do? Can't Take It Anymore, Midwest Dear Can't Take It: If this codependent Cruella DaVille crosses you again, consider it between the two of you. Be polite, but stand up for yourself. Auntie doesn't care if she’s boffing your best buddy or not. If your pal sees that Sybil is wreaking havoc on your nerves, so be it. Maybe it’ll wake your friend up to the fact that her romantic standards have taken a nose dive. And who knows; your honesty might make Sybil behave, and you could end up getting along. It can’t be any less likely than your friend falling for Sybil in the first place. *=l<>I<*>l< Dear Auntie Pearl: I have a terrible secret, and I don’t know what to do. Please don’t include my name or address. When I met my boyfriend five months ago, I didn’t tell him I was HIV positive. We do safe sex, and he gets tested twice a year. He just tested negative this week. I didn’t think he and I would get serious, but now we are. He’s talking about a future together, and I don’t know if I’m going to be around for it. I love him, and I don’t want to break his heart. I know I have to tell him, but my question is how. Please, I need your understanding and your advice. My friends think I already told him, and theythink that I just don’t want them to talk to him about it. He is only the second man I ever slept with. I’m 19. Please tell me the way to tell him. Please answer soon. Thank you. A Reader Dear Reader: You’ve taken an important first step by putting the truth down on paper. There’s no right or wrong way to break this to your lover. There’s no guarantee that any amount of preparation will bring about the results you desire, so don’t fret about your delivery. Give him your information, and then let him have his response. His feelings will be the focus. This must be his moment. You don’t have to be alone. Confide in your friends. Call an AIDS organization and ask to speak to a counselor before and after you infonn your lover. You may want to have a third party or another couple present when you tell him. Auntie wants you to do this as soon as possible, for your sake. Your peace with yourself is important. Good luck, dear. You’re doing the right thing. You will be in Auntie’s prayers. V September 1995 Give a subscription of Out In The Mountains as a gift! (802) 878-5600, (800) 488-5609 BUS. (802) 878-0096 FAX, 862-1375 RES. V JACQUELINE L. MARINO REALTOR‘ @@ COLDWELL BAN KER REALTY MART 22 MAIN ST. ESSEX JUNCTION. 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The top winners were: Am I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence by Marion Dane Bauer; Skin: Talking About Sex, Class and Literature by Dorothy Allison; Uncommon Heroes: A Celebration of Heroes and Role Models for Gay and Lesbian Americans by Phillip Sherman and Samuel Bernstein. (News-Telegraph) Read OITM Monthly & sa turda y: Lambda Literary Award winners WASHINGTON, DC -- Inclusiveness is the theme of this year's Lambda Literary Award winners. Many of the books selected this year defy a breakdown into either. gay male or lesbian, or, for that matter, into simple dichotornies of gay and straight. The 7th Annual Lambda Literary Awards recipients include: The Folding Star by Alan Hollinghurst; Gifts of the Body by Rebecca Brown; Skin by Dorothy Allison; Gay New York by George Chauncey; My Own Country by Abraham Verghese; Gertrude Stein in Words and Pictures by Renate Stendahl; Winter Numbers by Marilyn Hacker; Collected Poems by Thom Gunn; Small Sacrifice by Ellen Hart; Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt; Sister and Brother edited by Joan Nestle and John Preston; Chloe Plus Olivia edited by Lillian Faderrnan; Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott; The Dyke and the Dybbuk by Ellen Galford; Angels in America, Part 2: Perestroika by Tony Kushner; Family by Nancy Andrews; Am I Blue? edited by Marion Dane Bauer; Her Tongue on My Theory by. Kiss & Tell; and Memoir of a Race Traitor by Mab Segrest. (Press Release) V FSA RLJ‘ (2 hot nightspots under one roof) open sunday-friday: 7:30-2 7:30- 1 135 PEARL sr. 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