“=21: K ., ..-. 5% ' M:-c ."Q.__¢_ September 1995 Now playing through Thursday, September 7 "Finally, a lesbian romance for the whole family!" "First love, straight or gay, has rarely been so expertly enacted" - Newsweek lllifieellrly Aovnilufir rt} 0 Coming in October: BALLOT MEASURE #9 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 6:30 &; 8:30 ' htl mg y 802/864 - 7198 - FAX 802/658 - 1558 --Esquire (802) 878-0095 BUSINESS (802) 878-6288 FAX (802) 223-5725 RESIDENCE JEFFREY J. HARTMAN FiEALTOFI"” COLDIIIGJ. Ihlllfill D @fiI}fl8n COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART 288 WILLISTONHOAD THE SAVOY THEATER WILLISTON, VT 05495 26 Main St. Montpelier 229-0509 We Wlcome ur usiness 350 Dorset Street, So. Burlington (Heading South an Dam! SA, tum-left onto San Ram; Dr.) 802-863-2300 0 Fax 802—658—2191 Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday — Saturday Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that no matter who you are or what you do for a living, you want to see your family secure, your children educated, your retirement assured. We’re ready tohelp with a ‘wide range of investments and a professionally trained Account Executive who can tailor a program to your needs. At Dean Witter, we measure I success I one investor at a time. Ginger Talbot Account Executive Seven Burlington Square Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-7728 (800) 869-9660 0} DEAN WITTER ©1994 DeanW1tter Reynolds Inc Member SPIC I Be a part of music history! IRIS Productions is seeking to fund the premier release of its first artist by soliciting advanced sales. NoéI’s album features ten I I original songs superbly recorded and guaranteed to get you singing, dancing and feeling great. An investment now insures you will receive a cassette and/or I, I compact disc and a premier annual membership in ARIA, the growing Noél Fan Club, To get involved is simple: complete this ad and send it along with your I; I check or money order to our address (listed be|ow)...IRlS will send back a receipt of your investment. Your participation in this novel approach to “grass I roots defiance" of music industry norms will help change the way many artists reach out. We look forward to hearing from you! '2 l ' I:|Package One/Chrome Cassette and ARIA membership (newsletter, photos, concert premiers, etc.) $20.00US : E|Package Two/Compact Disc and ARIA membership (newsletter, photos, concert premiers, etc.) $25.00US I El Package Three/Chrome Cassette,Compact Disc and ARIA membership (newsletter, photos, concert premiers, etc.) $35.00US I DPure Donation to the Cause (any amount under $l00). All donations, though not tax deductible are gratefully appreciated. | your name amount enclosed: " .2 I . Ii telephone: I IRIS productions unltd., inc. p.o.box 4252 st. johnsbury, Vermont 0581 9 PI‘¢«,('}l.l("liG!1s (tie Ia Irergs Q“. . l‘ ’‘'‘‘*n—.,. «Rwy