Out in the Mountains ON THE OTHER HAND: Yes Virginia, “Your Brother Doesn’t Have to There Are Bisexual Vermonters Be Speaker for You to Make a Kin-bemwamnaxorstenusguv ° ° ° 99 BURLINGTON -- "To classify is not to understand and even less to comprehend D In nomenclatures are working tools (not suitable) for tasks more subtle than external ‘Xi , - C_“"dm G""_8"'rh- arrangement" — Octavio Paz, Latin American poet, from The Bow and the Lyre - National Coming Out Prryerr Spokesperson M Perhaps in high school, you were the bookworm who wound your way through the halls on noonlo who know Somoono from class to class with a book under your nose. You were the girl in the back row who fell gay or lesbian are far more supportive of telling her, but the fear stopped you. Besides, you had dated boys before — falling head over _ A . heels for Tommy on the soccer team, or Robert in the band. So, sadly, you fell quickly into d1V¢'S1fY Of the 83)’ C°mm“"“Y~ 3“? line,_ did the het thing for years, always wondering what it would have been like to kiss that you don’: have to be related to someone friend in the dark on one of those tortuous sleepovers. famous to take your next step. For more gay issues. Coming out shows the true Or perhaps you were the opposite, outgoing and brave, so completely in love with a information about Coming out’ or girlfriend, you had to tell her and years later, single, ensconced in a warm and loving family Candace is the lesbian sister afNewI Gingrich. “P°°mi“3 N""i°“"l C°"‘i“3 0"‘ Day of lesbian/gay friends, you have the dreadful task of telling them you're in love with Speaker ofrhe House ofRepresenmriver events, please call 1-800-866-6263. someone new’ and his name is Matt wnm win happen? will you be branded a traitor? , Kicked out of the circle of friends? This was somethin ou went throu h alread , when Come Out. Get Involved. It Truly Makes a Difference. you Como out in high Sohoo1_ who could understand? g y g y National coming out Project ‘ is an education and outreach program ol the - I amfieifi . PAIGN FUND Bisexuality can be defined as the potential to feel sexually attracted to and to engage in — sensual or sexual relationships ' ' - ' with people of more than one gender. This month begins the first of, hopefully, many articles to address the issues of bisexual and questioning Vermonters. We hope to not only address issues, but open a dialogue with the bi and gay/lesbian people throughout the state. These experiences are far more common than either the straight or queer communities may be willing to admit. The fact is, human sexuality is a fluid thing (literally and figuratively). Ir1dividuals' attractions, behaviors and orientations are continually shifting and may not ' always fit into a neat category. As national bi activist Robyn Ochs states, even a sexual "orientation that may not be permanent is still valid for the period of time it is experienced." Over the past year, a network has been slowly growing in Vermont, a place where people can talk about the complexities of human sexuality. The Vermont Bisexual Network is a very informal collection of folks seeking to end our isolation as bisexual and questioning individuals. Last year in Montpelier, over 40 people from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, gathered for the first regional BiNet community meeting, from which the Vermont Bisexual Network emerged. Our second Annual Northeast Bisexual Community Meeting took place on May 6th in Putney. The purpose of BiNet, the National Bisexual Network, which formed under a different name in 1990, is threefold: 1) to collect and distribute information regarding bisexuality and to facilitate the development of bisexual community and visibility; 2) to work for the equal rights and liberation of bisexuals and all oppressed people; and 3) to work to eradicate all forms of oppression inside and outside the bisexual community. hands, kissing, sneezing, wrestiing or. You dodtgetitfrom coffeecups. You dancing. , _ _ , C . psinaschool According to the SurgeonGeheral,," , your best pr ‘ ection againstAiDS, should be sent to the Vermont Comments and future articles for this column are welcomed and Bisexual Network at P.O. Box §d°w' 8124, Burlington, VT05402. V For the fa 4-_ e Vermont A madly in love with your best fiiend, but never told her. Maybe you even came close to V