Out in the Mountains Dukes To lllatch llut for 1/3106011’ MD EARL OIE SPRN6 DAY. . . business - MEK! A/-uurou11«u6S‘n ucwrmvz » \ ’ D011!!! Momla! euosmsix. - 3 CE,M£7uuNrrrs? rays: ME! -- ewrruuarurw )bim11¢ou£ MwnE,)wMVE‘m6o mo‘; B6-Eu 4/3‘ .,,/ t?<5,4 see Calendar . Weekly Events: 135 PEARL -- Wednesdays with - DJ Craig Mitchell. 21+, no cover. 135 Pearl St, Burlington. ADIRONDACK COMMUNITY COLLEGE GAY & LESBIAN ASSOCIATION — Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, Mountaineer Room. BRA’I'l‘LEBORO AREA AI])S PROJECT -- For PLWAs and Partners. Wednesdays, 12:30 — 1:30 pm. Call (802) 254-8263. CASTLETON STATE COLLEGE GLB GROUP -- One In Ten meets weekly. Call Becky, (802) 468-5611 ext. 392. CI-IANIPLAIN COLLEGE GLB SUPPORT GROUP — Meets Mondays, 4:00-5:00 pm, Student Resource Center, Hauke Family Campus Center. Call Becky, (802) 658-0800, ext 2605. CONCORD (NH) GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Wednesdays,’ 7:30 pm, First Congregational Church, North Main & Washington Streets. GAYILESBIAN AA — Sundays 6:30 pm, Christ Church Presbyterian Redstone Campus, Burlington; & Mondays and Thursdays 7:00 pm, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry St, Burlington. Forconfidenfial AIDS Information GAY NIEN’S SUPPORT GROUP -- Tuesdays, 7:00 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington St, Keene, NH. Call Ken, (603) 358-3480. GODDARD COLLEGE GLB ALLIANCE -- Sundays, 7:00 pm; weekly film series following at 9:00 pm. Call Jennifer at (802) 454-8311, ext. 225. HUNTINGTON OPEN _ WOMEN’S LAND (HOWL) — Sundays, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, a potluck brunch. (802) 864-5595. MANCHESTER . (NH) GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Sundays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, 669 Union St, Manchester, NH 03103. MCCINTI-IEMOUNTAINS -- Worship services Sundays, 1:00 pm, Christ Church, Dartmouth College Chapel, Level 3. Call (802) 298-5451. MIDDLEBURY G/"L/B ALLIANCE -- Meets Sundays, 8 pm, May Belle Chellis House, Hillcrest St., Middlebury College. Call Henning, (802) 388-3711 ext. 3502. . MYRIAD NETWORK -- For gays, lesbians, and transgenders in the Berkshires. Fridays, 7:00 pm, First Congregational Church, Williarnstown, MA. Write PO Box 288, Willjarnstown, MA 01267. NASHUA (NH) GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Mondays, 7:30 pm, Nashua Unitarian Church. NETWORK NORTH -- - Cheap Movie Nights J Tuesdays, 6: 15 pm, Wilton Mall Food Court, Wilton, NY. - Coffee Nights Wednesdays, 6:30 pm. Coffee Mornings, Thursdays, 9:30 am. Uncommon Grounds, Saratoga Springs, NY. OUTRIGHT VERMONT -- Fridays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Burlington. GLB youth (under 23) welcome! Call (802) 865-9677. SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES FOR MEN (S.A.M.) -- Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. Meeting & social at the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction at 9:00 pm. (Call (603) 543-4136. PINK TRIANGLE GROUP, GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Saturdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Keene, NH. Call (603) 357-4300. SUPPORT GROUP FOR HIV+/AIDS WOMEN -- Mondays, 3:30 - 5:30 pm, Greenfield, MA. Call Jan (413) 773-8888. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT GAY LESBIAN BISEXUAL ALLIANCE -- Thursdays, 7:00 pm, B106 Billings. Call Tina (802) 863-7164. V June 2 OUTRIGHT YOUTH -- Live call-in TV program presented by Outright Vermont. 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Adelphia Cable Channel 15, Burlington. 3 INTERNALIZED ‘ HOMOPHOBIA -- What it is; where it comes from; and what to do about it. Presentation by Laur Levinger. 9:30 am, Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington. LEGAL DOCUMENTS FOR HEALTH CARE -- Living wills and‘ durable powers of attorney. Presentation by attorneys Pamela Kraynak and Eileen Blackwood. 9:30 am, Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington. VT PRIDE DAY -- Pre-march Rally, 11:00 arn-12:15 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington. Pride March, 12:15 pm, Downtown Burlington. Rally, 1:00 pm, Battery Park, Burlington. Call (802) 865-0440 or (802) 878-1123. ANN REED IN CONCERT‘ -- All proceeds to benefit Vermont CARES. 8:00 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington. ACoRN -- Support group for women affected by I-IIV/AIDS. Meeting at 29 School Street, Lebanon, NH. Call Donna McCullough at (802) 234-9568. 3-4 UNITY: A PRIDE IN ONESELF -- "Weekend Pride Festival and Celebration to benefit the Children's Miracle Network and Vermont CARES. 135 Pearl, Burlington. 2 \,!,3 amt 1» me wish: By Alison Bechdel 0H A‘! son! rr's 7HutsvAY! W41 HA! rnamuczir mive A nawrrasrnczrnte Dow ._ ‘(or-N u 11»/my MnlU1‘ES.’X ~ was 1'0 errouror racy Htrmnn! raar5avse:£Aru&41'm£J , = -rb:uou)w.ror;orAltG£I. nears. Riluyco an ‘an.’ r ‘v v .'_I , "1 . PRIDE BRUNCH -- Featuring female illusionist Noel. City Market Cafe, Burlington. WOMEN'S TIE DANCE CRUISE -- Tie is optional. All benefit Burlington Women's Council. 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Spirit of Ethan Allen, proceeds Burlington Lakefront. UNI-TEA DANCE -- Vermont CARES‘ Men's Health Project outdoor dancing, food and drink tents. Starts at 2:00 pm, 135 Pearl, Tea Dance with Burlington. CIRCLE STUDIOS -- Work on your own art project or mod podging the colossal collage project in the company of other creative womyn. 2:00 - 4:00 Troy, NH. Call (603) Pm- 242-3274. CIRCLE STUDIOS -- Writers meet to support and inspire each other-. Bring samples of poetry, songs, book or whatever you're writing. 7:00 — 9:00 pm, Troy, NH. Call (603)242-3274. 5 OITM -— Submission deadline for all , materials (advertisements, articles, letters, classifieds, etc.) to be printed in the July/August 1995 issue. 6 BAGAL (BRATTLEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) -- Monthly social mixer at Cafe Beyond, within the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High Street, Brattleboro. Call (802) 254-5947. ACoRN -- Support group for family and friends of those whose lives have been affected by I-IIV/AIDS. Meeting 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, 29 School Street, Lebanon, NH. Call Maris Noble, MSW, at (603) 650-7895. Quite Simply. . . The finest collection of Furniture, Carpeting 8: Accessories in Vermont Rutland House Ltd. Feminist Therapy Sheila D. Rawls, M.S.C. ‘ Pathways for self—discoVery and growth V addictions V coming out V relationships V spirituality V ACOA Ca” .J:”:§:.§i“J.:‘.:n"é‘L". 3253} $::n‘Jh’Z‘;;;Pé§:r2:a.2.?.Ion. (80_2)_ 865-2609 2 Church street, suite 415 ' DS (ao2)'/75.2911 (3o2)352.2oo1 ' * Slldmg FCC 50316 Burlington, VT 05401 K J from all over Vermont: (800)849-2911 ‘09_95