Out in the Mountains TOITM Roundup: State, National and World News Briefs compiled by Kip M. Roberson Mom says “No” to gay library books RUTLAND —- Books that dis- cuss alternative lifestyles, such as stories about gays and les— V bians, should be removed or seg- regated from the city library's children's section, a Rutland woman says. Karol Raiche, a mother of three, said that she would ask Jane Osowski, chil- dren's librarian at the public li- brary in Rutland City, to remove the book Daddy's Roommate, which tells the story of a gay couple, and other children's books that she believes promote homosexuality. Raiche said she planned to go through other children's books and ask to have others that dis- cuss a homosexual lifestyle re- moved from the stacks or placed in a separate area. "I'm not against gays and lesbians. I have gay and lesbian friends. I just don't want my child exposed to that lifestyle at such an early age," Raiche said. MYO DY NAM IC 5 Professional Muscular Therapy Y Anne Sheehan V Susan Hollister Therapeutic Massage A Injury Screening & Treatment A Manual Lymph Drainage A V New Spring Class ! I -16 Sacriiéiéfiy — 9 to 4:30 - $70 per couple call 253-68 l 9 to pre-register 4285 Mountain Rd. in Stowe Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that no matter who you are or what you do for a living, you Want to see your family secure, your children educated, your retirement assured. We’re ready to help with a wide range of investments and a professionally trained Account Executive who can tailor a program to your needs. At Dean Witter, we measure success one investor atatime. Ginger Talbot Account Executive Seven Burlington Square Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-7728 (800) 869-9660 0} DEAN WITTER ©1994 Dean \V1tter Reynolds Inc. Member SPIC Osowski said a lot of the books in the library could be found offensive to someone. And she said many people requested Daddy's Roommate. The issue arose in Rutland after Raiche brought her son, John Francis P Raiche, 6, to the city library to get his first library card. (The next) morning, the boy asked her to read Daddy's Roommate, one of the books he had brought home. Daddy's Roommate, written and illustrated by Michael Willhoite and published by Alyson Wonderland Books in 1990, is about a boy whose divorced father lives with a man. It says the men are gay and explains that "being gay is just one more kind of love. And love is the best kind of happiness." (Burlington Free Press) International Gay and Lesbian Archives seeks Vermontiana BURLINGTON —- The International Gay and Lesbian Archives (IGLA) and the One Institute, the nation's oldest gay organization, merged in January 1995. This merger has resulted in the largest and most technologically advanced gay and lesbian library, educational and archival collection for advanced studies in the world. Included in this merger is the IGLA's $12 million political causes button and items col- lection; the only one of its kind in the world and started by John O'Brien, the newly elected President of the One Institute and a Stone- wall veteran. This amazing and beautiful international historical collec- tion traces gay and lesbian liberation as well as civil rights, socialism, women's liberation, and labor and union struggles dating as far back as 5 B.C. A tour of the exhibit is planned for Burlington. To donate polit- ical items, buttons or for more information call John Hayes, Vermont State Liaison to the One Institute/Intemational Gay and Lesbian Ar- chives at (802)862-9865. Or write to the One Institute; P.O. Box 69679; West Hollywood, CA 90069. Lesbian's custody claim is rejected by VA court RICHMOND, VA —- Virginia's highest court ruled against a lesbian fighting for custody of her 3-year-old son, calling her an unfit mother whose gay relationship would bring "social condemnation" on the child. In a 4-3 ruling, the Virginia Supreme Court granted custody of Tyler Doustou to Sharon Bottoms’ mother, Kay Bottoms. Tyler had been liv- ing with his grandmother while the case was appealed. "We have previously said that living daily under conditions stemming from active lesbianism practiced in the home may impose a burden upon a child by reason of the ‘social condemnation‘ attached to such an arrangement," Justice A. Christian Compton wrote. "We do not retreat from that statement; such a result is likely under thesefacts," he wrote. The ruling outraged gay rights groups that had watched the case close- ly. Marc E. Elovitz, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Un- ion's national Lesbian and Gay Rights Project, called the decision "a stunning disgrace." He said the court "relied on unsubstantiated allega- tions by the grandmother to shore up its position that Sharon was an unfit parent" and ignored a psychologist's testimony that she was a lov- ing mother. The court cited other reasons the 25—year—old Bottoms was an unfit mother: she had a history of moving from place to place, relying on others for support, and she had "difficulty controlling her temper." The Peace 8: Justice Store All the Colors of the Rainbow... Together Queers 8: Friends Friendly Queer Books, Gay Bars Magazines, Bumperstickers, Rainbow Queer T-shirts, ]ewelry&: Flags Cards, Music! Providing a sociallylresponsible marketplace supporting the worklof the Peace & Justice Center 21 Church Street Burlington 863-8326 Open Daily TELEPHONE (802) 524-9595 CAROL L. THAYER, M.D. FAMILY PRACTICE OFFICE HOURS R. D. 2, BOX 1160 BY APPOINTMENT FAIRFAX, VERMONT 05454 The justices reversed a state appeals court ruling that said a parent's pri- vate sexual conduct - even if illegal - isn't grounds for losing custody. (Burlington Free Press) ' NH statewide directory funded CONCORD, NH -- The Gay Info Line has received a grant from the Haymarket People's Fund to produce its long-awaited directory of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender resources within New Hamp- shire and adjoining areas of Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts. ‘ Starting with the Gay Info Line database of social, religious, and polit- ical groups, publications, meeting places, service providers, and pro- fessional organizations, the volunteers will expand and update a wealth of information for our people throughout northern New England. Gay Info Line is parficularly looking for more lesbian or gay (or gay- positive) service providers such as contractors, carpenters, plumbers, realtors, etc. and for medical professionals -- physicians of all sorts, dentists, optometrists, physical therapists, etc. Volunteers will be needed for most of the work -- mailings, calling, proofing. GIL will need a cover design, and some help with database updating and desktop publishing. Publication is expected by No- vember. People or organizations wishing to be included in this di- rectory should call GIL at (603)224-1686. (Breathing Space) Gays and lesbians can't adopt partner's children NEW YORK —— Gay men and lesbians cannot adopt their partner's bi- ological children because they are not legally married, according to a New York appellate court ruling. The decision, the first of its kind in the state, came in a case known as the "Matter of Dana." It involved a lesbian couple from Carmel, and Dana, the 4-year-old biological daughter of the women. The ruling affects couples in the ten New York counties within the ju- risdiction of the second department of the Appellate Division: Brook- lyn, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Suffolk, Nassau,,Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Dutchess. In other jurisdictions, trial judges could be influenced by the ruling but would not necessarily feel bound by it. G.M. and P.J., as her partner was identified by the court, decided in 1989 to have a child whom they ‘would both raise. P.J. was in- serninated_ with sperm from an anonymous donor. In April 1993, with P.J.'s consent, G.M. started adoption proceedings because of their be- lief that Dana has the right to have two legal parents. A family court judge turned down the petition. (The Syracuse Post Standard/ The lavender Voice) White House to meet with gay and lesbian elected officials WASHINGTON, DC —— For the first time in history, the White House has scheduled a meeting with gay and lesbian elected officials. Ac- cording to San Francisco Supervisor Susan Leal, the liaison between the administration and gay and lesbian elected officials, the meeting will be held at the White House on Tuesday, June 13. "This much- awaited meeting will give gay and lesbian officials the opportunity to provide input to the administration and to discuss with administration officials issues of common concern," says Leal. On the morning be- l00 Acres 0 Pool Hot Tub 0 Trails ‘($6 20 Charming Rooms ‘Hi hlandg ‘Inn Bethlehem, NH 03574 (603) 869-3978 A LESBIAN PARADISE v Family Law v Personal Injury v Insurance Coverage lssnes v Workers’ Compensation v Sll/Disability v lllll. 156 Battery Street, Burlington, Vermont (802) 860-6207 SarahPowell V v ATTORNEY AT LAW