‘ Out in the Mountains ITEYOU-R Xiinrrn PEARL 7 (fi Dear Auntie Pearl: I moved here from Detroit, and I have met a lot of gay people here. But very few of them are real people. If you don’t have a car, or live above your means, they treat you like you’re beneath them. The others don’t want you around if you can’t take care of them. I’m a gay black man and I’m sorry to say these are the only kinds of guys I’ve been meeting in the black gay community. I’m at the point of looking for guys in the white community. But I don’t know how to go about it. What should I do about find- ing a white man for a real relationship? I'm a nice guy, I treat guys the way I want to be treated. But all I get are guys that just want money and a home. They don’t want to work to help. Please help me find a real relationship. Wired and Lonely in Dallae Dear Tired: Let’s back up, shall we? The last time Auntie checked, “Date—By—Color” was not the recommended route to true love. Auntie hopes her an- swer reaches you before you work your way through all the shallow white men in Texas and choose your next hue. You’re tired? Of course you are. And so is your approach. Honey, if you have a problem with gay men, and a problem with black men, how’s your view in the mir- ror? You know you deserve better. Act like it Leam to spot a dud before you pursue him. Auntie has said it before: a loser boy- friend’s greatest shortfall is his lover's poor judg- ment. =I=**** Dear Auntie Pearl: I saw your column when I picked up a queer paper in a city where I was vis- iting recently. It made me wish my town had a queer paper! Here’s my problem. this might sound simple, but it’s not. I’ve been happy in a relationship for 5 years. Last month, I started taking a photography class, where I hit it off instantly with another student, “Ju- lie”. She’s a dyke in a long-term relationship too. I have to admit that I’m extremely attracted to Julie. It’s clear to me that it’s mutual, and we’re both fight- ing it. There are times I can hardly stand being near her, but then I feel like I’ll go nuts if I don’t see her. But I haven’t told anybody. For her final photography project, Julie asked me if I would pose for a series of nudes she’s shooting. Ju- lie asked me in front of my lover, and nobody batted an eye. My lover even encouraged me, because it would help Julie be comfortable with her project! I don’t know what the right thing is. There’s nothing sexual about an artistic nude project. It might even take the mystery out of it and make the attraction go away. IfI live mv life avoiding doing things that are You don’t get itf don’t get it from ‘ swim‘ aroun You don’ hands, kissing, sneezing, wrestlingorg dancing. ' ‘ ‘ According to the Surgeon General,‘ your best protection against AIDS," a perfectly innocent and harmless, I could end up resenting being in a relationship. I don’t want that to happen. Julie and I are both adults, and nothing needs to hap- pen if we don’t want it to. If I wasn’t attracted to her, this would be a natural thing to do, so why shouldn’t I do her this favor? I really think lesbians can rise above jealousies and prossessive- ness. I don’t have anywhere else I can discusss this, so I’d appreciate your feedback. Should I pose for Julie? Tom in the Midwest Dear Torn: No, but you will. So when you kiss your lover good- bye as you leave for the photo shoot, remember that you’ve just made a decision to end your re- lationship. If you had checked Auntie Pearl’s Top Ten Tips Toward A Lasting Relationship, you’d already know that “Get naked with attractive friends” is not on the list. As Auntie’s niece, you are simply not allowed to treat your re- lationship so lightly. If you won’t take your own queemess se- riously, at least treat Julie’s life with respect. Actively take steps to lessen your lust. Get to know her girlfriend. Have them both show you their vacation photos. Meet their families. Leam how much Julie would lose if you sleep together. Attractions happen. They go away. They’re never worth de- stroying a happy relationship. If you’re not happy, this isn’t the way out. If Julie still needs a nude model, she can ask her lover. Or yours. Copyright 1995 V Deadline for Copy and Ads for the September Issue is July 31, 1995 DESIGN, TRAINING & SUPPORT SERVICES IDII THE MAC & PC 802-863-1884