May 1995 By Alison Bechdel Dukes In Illaich llut For 50 my DIDN'T I Hour v'IoIa»-I. I'M I ‘/E"H- ‘I.’ '3‘ "'5 7° ‘W5 A . wéo wmzo A LIrru=_ LONGER. 55 - ON THE OTHER HAND, HAVING 09¢-ASMS wrrn 5o/VIEONE IS A FAIRL)’ INTIMATE UMJEKWQNG. wr . ON THE OTHERHAND, 1 ACoRN -- Bereavement support group: love lost to AIDS. Meeting at DMHC, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Call Yoni Stevens at (603) 650-5789. 10 BAGAL (BRATTLEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) -- Monthly “Dining Out”. For this month’s location, call (802) 254-5947. UPPER VALLEY P-FLAG -- Support group meeting, 7:00 pm, ' 11 Mitchell Lane, Hanover, NH. Call (603) 448-1982 or e-mail 11 ACORN -- AIDS Community Resource Network monthly board meeting. Call (603) 448-2220. 13 HOWL LAND TRUST -- Fundraising Buffet and Cheap Art Auction. 6:30-8:00 pm, King Street Area Youth Center, 87 King St., Burlington. Call (802) 434-3953 or (802) 863-3860. AMELIA -. Volleyball and Potluck. 2:00 pm. Call (603) 675-6865. W O M E N M E E T I NG WOMEN -- General meeting. Unitarian Church, Nashua, NH. Call (603) 881-4268. .14 BRATFLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another in a supportive, affirming social environment. 7:30 pm, Cafe Beyond in the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High St., Brattleboro. Call Carey at (802) 254-8263. » 2ND SUNDAYS OUT -- Coffeehouse & dance. Pyralisk in Montpelier. 7- 10pm. Cover charge. Call Amy at (802)244-1203. . : (LESBIAN/GAY/BISEXUAL '6 POTLUCK -- First Unitarian. ,- Church, 152 Pearl St., Burlington; Meet in the upstairs fp_arlor at 12:30 pm following the service. All welcome, whether._'or not you attend the service. ‘ ‘ Network, LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAPTER PFLAG -- Monthly meeting, 2:00 pm, First United Methodist Church, Burlington. Call (802) 863-4285 or (802) 658-3961. P-FLAG CENTRAL V E R M O N T - - Monthly meeting including support, education, and advocacy. 1:00 pm, -second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main Street, Montpelier. Call Jan at (802) 479-9246. 15 WOMEN'S PRESS -- Submission deadline for stories, poems, narratives, and b/w visual art by disabled lesbians, bisexual, two-spirited, and transgendered women to be published in upcoming anthology. Send to Shelly Tremain, Women's Press, #233-517 College St., Toronto, Ontario M6G 4A2. VALLEY GAY MEN’S CALENDAR -- Submission deadline for the June issue of this monthly calendar of events of interest to the men’s communities, including Brattleboro, Northampton, Amherst, and beyond. Call Keith at (413)586-5588. 16 NH CITIZEN’S ALLIANCE FOR GAY AND LESBIAN RIGHTS (CAGLR) -- Monthly meeting and newsletter stuffing. 3 Pleasant St., 2nd Floor, Conoord,NH.Call (603) 224-1686. 17 PFLAG BRATTLEBORO -- Monthly meeting, 7:00 pm, Lutheran Church, Brattleboro. Call Jean at (802) 257-5409. PUBLIC AIDS 101 -- Vermont HIV/AIDS Education VT Dept. of ‘explore, and create a My DISJERTATION as ELSE. _ USTD 5T'A)’,TnN1. ITGEU , KIIJD/I LONE-V THE _ A _ uIIo,tuRuM A CHECK 0r/ ‘- HER me You. Education presentation at VT CARES, 30 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, 7:00-8:30 pm. Call (802) 863-2437. 18 MEN TOGETHER -- Discussion group for gay, straight, and bisexual men, addressing issues of concern for all men. Cafe Beyond, within the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High Street, Brattleboro. Call John at (802) 464-3750 or Mark at (802) 257-7949. 19 VERMONT GAY MEN’S SPIRITUAL SUPPORT BROTHERHOOD -- Discover, loving men’s mythic mysteries of the green man and our personal spiritual journey through sacred space-time with sacred images, 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Call (802) 863-9684. 20 LAMBDA WOMEN-ONLY DANCE -- Pat's Peak, Henniker, NH. Call (603) 627-8675. 21‘ MONTHLY POTLUCK FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH I-IIV/AIDS -- This is a neighbor to neighbor effort of support and socializing for those folks affected by HIV. Franklin County, Massachusetts. Call Jack at (413) 863-3149 or Bernie at (413) 584-9309. 23 CHALLENGING THE RADICAL RIGHT -- Workshop and presentation offering steps for citizens and local groups. Brattleboro. Call 1-800488-9638. 24 CHALLENGING RADICAL THE RIGHT -- Workshop and presentation 1, - WOMEN’c9)?CIIOlCE» GYN.ECO‘L_0GIC ASSOCIATES Cheryl A; Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D. 23 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-863-4951 11 OUT? AM I SAMTIGING IERE . HOME‘!- I MADE‘>’w A SPECIAL RAFFI JUCH A TFQT Tb HAVE ANOTHER ADULT AT THE DINNER TABIE. L11‘-{L5 POHERJIAO. DID I TEU. WU THE SHELTER DIREC- TOR I5 FINALI-‘I LEAVING? I'M TIRED O;THl§ ‘:4 SI-XED PIECE offering steps -for citizens and local groups. Portland, ME. Call 1-800-488-9638. 26-June 3 VT PRIDE -- Weeklong program of events celebrating g/1/b pride culminating with the annual Pride Day March and Rally. Most events in. Burlington. See Pride Week Events Schedule Flyer in this issue of OITM for details. To receive a schedule by mail, call (802) 655-5638. ' 27 -OITM -- Envelope stuffing for June 1995 issue. 10:00 am, 109 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. All those wanting to get involved with the newspaper are strongly _ encouraged to attend. For info, call Fred at (802) 655-5638. WOMEN'S OUTDOOR CHALLENGES -— Basic safety practices for the hiker. 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Franconia, NH. Call (802)763-5488. 28 BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get—Together, an opportunity for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another in a supportive, affirrning social environment. 7:30 pm, Cafe Beyond in the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High St., Brattleboro. Call Carey at (802) 254-8263. 135 PEARL -- Women’s Lounge Dance, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. No cover! 135 Pearl St., Burlington. Call (802) 863-2343. June 3 VT PRIDE DAY -- Pre—march Rally, 11:00 am—12:l5 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington. Pride March, 12: 15 pm, Downtown Burlington. Rally, 1:00 pm, Battery Park, Burlington. Call (802) 865-0440 or (802) 878-1123. 5 OITM -- Submission deadline for all materials (advertisements, articles, letters, classifieds, etc.) to be printed in the July/August 1995 issue. V , (802) 878-5600, (800)488-5609 BUS. (802) 878-0096 FAX, 862-1375 RES. JACQUELINE L. MARINO REALTOR’ ' . - @@ COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART 22 MAIN sr. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 Open i -figggggli 802-862-4332 OUT I! And sewing our communityvsincie 1989 7 ‘We areproud to carry the area's _A largest selection ‘of gay, lesbian," f. _ “ — and bisexual books and magazines. 81 Church St., Burlington: VT " ‘ 1-800-NEW" BOOK