llukeslolliatch llut For 1c1CBl_‘fAlflITBiflJ.K}I0i_Y '» - -7 sometimes experienced - tersex. ©1995 a>'Ausool secnoei. I WAS GONNA HOLD HAND}! TAKE rr.Sl.oW! WAIT TILL r Knew ‘fill! anrr No.’ I Go ALL Tar wA‘I0-Ifkrfl-nRD... ". _ .- Tms Arum! ' 5£x is we H/AA. .. SHE 5/«Lu; LIKE ‘IDMATO — APRICOT cuumsy. ,. l . \i(\. 1 iii‘ ’,' I AIDS AIDS Council of Northeastern New York. Dr. Guittere, of the CONFERENCE -- AIDS Institute, will be the speaker. Call (518)563-2437. NEW QUEER PHOTOGRAPHY — Deborah Bright, Professor of Photography, Rhode Island School of Design. UMass Campus Center 917, Noon-1'3(pm Call (413)5454824 crpg1bc@stuaf.u1mssedu BAGAL (BRATTLEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) -- Monthly “Dining Out”. For this month’s location, call (802) 254-5947. UPPER VALLEY P-FLAG -- Support group meeting, 7:00 pm, 11 Mitchell Lane, Hanover, NH. Call (603) 448-1982 or e-mail John.Dryak@Dartmouth.edu. TAMAH-- Singer, songwriter, musician. 8pm. Mcauley Hall, Trinity College, Burlington. Call (802)863-3352. 13 ACORN -- AIDS Community Resource Network ‘monthly board meeting. Call (603) 448-2220. 15 VAUEYGAYMEVS CAIEVDAR — Submission deadline for the May issue of this monthly calendar of events of interest to the men’s communities, including Brattleboro, Northampton, Amherst, and beyond. Call Keith at (413) 5865588. 16 P-FLAGCEN'I‘RALVERMONT -— Monthly meeting including support, education, and advocacy. 1:00 pm, second floor chapel, Unitarian Church, 134 Main BUT IF I'M INCAPABLE or Ovfikco/«N6 My MIMAL INSTmcTr DESPITE My BETTER :IuD6’\:u-r, WHM‘ Hora rsmyzr. Fol HUMANITY CnNsEzvAT\vE POLITICIANS TMRNE B7 PANDERNG ‘rt: Deans‘: BASEST rmrs! Honoruoalc AND ANTI -1MMl- GRANT REFERENDA e:-r PASSED ay Poeuwz VOTE ! 4 , ARGE ? Sorrruexu STATES w/N1’-m Bows BACK FLOGGING -ro 'CoMTRoL THE came M15,’ mo GoD—FEARJuc,, DIFFERENCE HATN6 GUN NUTS ARE FORMING Street, Montpelier. Call Jan at (802) 479-9246. MONTHLY POTLUCK FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS —— This is a neighbor to neighbor effort of support and socializing for those folks affected by HIV. Franklin County, Massachusetts. Call Jack at (413) 863-3149 or Bernie at (413) 584-9309. 18 NH CITIZEN’S ALLIANCE FOR GAY AND LESBIAN RIGHTS (CAGLR) -- Monthly meeting and newsletter stuffing. 3 Pleasant St., 2nd Floor, Concord, NH. Call (603) 224-1686. 19 PFLAG BRATTLEBORO -- Monthly meeting, 7:00 pm, Lutheran Church, Brattleboro. Call Jean at (802) 257-5409., A BLACK POET’S QUEST TO NEVER FORGET THE HEROES -- Philip Robinson, author of We Still Leave a legacy. UMassCampusCentH 917, Noon-1:3()pm Call (413)545-4824 or ppglbC@st1raf.urnass.edu EYE TO EYE: , GAY AND IIEBIAN AIRICAN- AND JEWISH- AMERICAN WRIIERS IN I’I*llI'