4;.‘-v> Out in the Mountains ' Dukes lo lllatch But for 54/ BL€A_K WINTER 5 EVE FND5 OUR VARIOUS ERIE even @1995 B)’ Anson! BECHDEL HenzorNE5 ENGAGED IN AN EVEN BLEAKER cannon ‘V ‘fr . , ~°°F-<8: r_v.6""‘ " - >V“‘*"uA°_ c-W”. ' 5TRAwa:xz~I? _ » Calendar Weekly Events: 135 PEARL -- Wednesdays with D] Craig Mitchell. 21+, no cover. 135 Pearl St., Burlington. ADIRONDACK COMMUNI'I'Y COLLEGE GAY & LESBIAN_ ASSOCIATION -- Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, Mountaineer Room. BRATTLEBORO AREA AIDS PROJECT -- For PLWAs and Partners. Wednesdays, 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Call (802) 254-8263. CASTLETON STATE COLLEGE GLB GROUP -- One In Ten meets weekly. Call Becky, (802) 468-5611 ext. 392. CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL SUPPORT GROUP -- Meets Mondays, 4:00-5:00 pm, Student Resource Center, Hauke Family Campus Center. Call Becky, (802) 658-0800, ext. 2605. CONCORD (NH) GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Wednesdays, 7:30 pm, First Congregational Church, North Main & Washington Streets. GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Sundays 6:30 pm, Christ Church Presbyterian Redstone Campus, Burlington; & Mondays and Thursdays 7:00 pm, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry St., Burlington. GAY MEN’S SUPPORT GROUP -- Tuesdays, 7:00 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington‘ St., Keene,‘ 1 Call Ken, (603) 358-3480. GODDARD COLLEGEGAY, LESBIAN. - .~ . ,BI_SE.XUAL- ALLIANCE» -- . Sundays, 7:00 , pm; weekly film series following at 9:00 pm. Call Jennifer at (802) 454-8311, ext. 225. HUNTINGTON WOMEN’S LAND (HOWL) --, Sundays, 11:00 -am-,to'2:O0 pm, a .. potluck- brunch. (802) 864-5595. MANCHESTER . GAY/LESBIAN AA -- Sundays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church, 669 Union St., Manchester, NH 03103. - . OPEN: . #9 NOW Rayon! Ni. 5w=:°,.; 1°-"hi, mo. em: IF as DIDN'T _ MURDER H22, r‘D HARDLYSALL A WIFE-BEATER "INNo<£r~lT- AN LOOK AT You mo. Ru86Ek- I ~ NEOAm.,; rs Hor.1:K—1HAN-HEx—Hou$:MA1'E:. UH... 1 " nu: TRIAL covanaes For (NH) - : MONITORIAIG April 1 NAKED BRUNCH -- Boston’s only gay improv comedy troupe will be presented by VGSA. 8:00 pm followed by a party with cake and punch. $10-$12.50. Write PO Box 237, Burlington, VT 05402-0237. ACoRN -- Support group for women affected by I-IIV/AIDS. Meeting at 29 School Street, Lebanon, NH. Call Donna McCullough at (802) 234-9568. 2 UMASS PROGRAM FOR GLB CONCERNS — Rabbi Leila Gal Bemer. “A Lesbian Rabbi Speaks.” Hillel House, time t.b.a. free. Call (413)545-4824 or "pglbc@stuaf.umass.edu LOVING COUPLES -- A celebration of relationships including a bride and groom fair with vendors who specialize in lesbian and gay commitment products and services as well as events honoring longterrn relationships. Hosted by the Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council, Franklin Plaza, Troy, NY. Call (518)462-6138. 3 OITM —- Submission deadline for all materials(advertisements, articles, letters, classifieds, etc.) A to be printed in the May 1995 issue. ’ 4. PUBLIC AIDS8101 Vermont . HIV/AIDS Education Network, VT .Dept. of Education. presentation at_ Vermont CARES.‘ 30 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington. 7-8:30pm. RSVP "to" (802)863-2437. wuo crwiesb ms cu/wuct? / P\n"REAL sroauizs or ms. HIGHWAY 1>AmoL" BAcKoN.’ '2 ,\ Nu: ~7EllRy3 , 951350“ By Alison Bechdel °FFu:" J anrf “," W2 7:"; J-i'£"A",;? ’ warn nzv“ ‘ REC1’. : ' BAGAL (BRATTLEBORO AREA GAYS & LESBIANS) -- Monthly social mixer at Cafe Beyond, within the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High Street, Brattleboro. Call (802) 254-5947. ACoRN -- Support group for family & friends of those whose have been affected by HIV/AIDS. Meeting 7:30 pm— 9:00 pm, 29 School Street, Lebanon, NH. Call Maris Noble, MSW, at (603) 650-7895. OUTRIGHT VERMONT -- Women Only Group for women under 22. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Outright Office, Burlington. Call (802) 865-9677. 5 THEATRE AND THE MAKING OF POLITICAL COMMUNITY -- Suzanne Legrande,Ph.D. candidatel Communications, University of Massachusette.UMass Campus Center 904—08,Noon-1: 30pm. Call (413)545-4824 or pglbc@stuaf.umass.edu 6 CLUB TOAST -- Live bands in concert to benefit Vermont Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Pride ‘95. Club Toast, Burlington. $3, 9:00 pm. Call (802) 865-0440. _ V 7 WOMEN OF THE WOODS -- Sew 11’ Patch Mending Night II in Northfield. 6:30pm. Call. _ Janat (802)485-8588. ‘ 8 LISA Mc'CORM[CK-- Performing‘ at the Colonial Theatre, . Keene, NH. _. ‘ 9 NAH. I1"u. HELP Mom: _ orrr THE Nomi 50 My Room- =‘ ;-: MAT: CAN'T HEAR Uf. game TNK Rug‘ 0; “EN_\.\lv - out! Ho \,n0m7Dy°‘ ‘:2 wiry mnssfumlflfi 9. I A 'Cawaprov~l 90.’ om now’-" ,: BRATTLEBORO AIDS PROJECT -- Gay Guy Get-Together, an opportunity AREA for men who love men, whether they identify as gay, bi, or straight, to meet one another in a supportive, affirrning social environment. 7:30 pm, Cafe Beyond in the Collected Works Bookstore, 29 High St., Brattleboro. Call Carey at (802) 254-8263. 2ND SUNDAYS OUT -- Coffeehouse & dance. Pyralisk in Montpelier. 7—10pm. Cover charge. Call Amy at (802)244-1203. LESBIAN/GAY/BISEXUAL POTLUCK -- First Unitarian Church, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Meet in the upstairs parlor at 12:30 pm following the service. All welcome, whether or not you attend the service. LAKE CI-IAMPLAIN CHAPTER PFLAG - Monthly meeting, 2:00 pm, First United Methodist Church, Burlington. Call (802) 863-4285 or (802) 658-3961. 10 VERMONT PWA COALITION — Monthly Board Meeting, 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend. Call (802) 222-5123 or 1-800-69VTPWA. 11. ACoRN -- Bereavement support group: ‘ love lost to AIDS. Meeting at DMHC, 5:00 pm to 86530: pm.’ Call Yoni Stevens at (603) 650-5789.‘, Tina ;; (802) I 32 N.’ Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 - 7198 - FAX 802/658 - 1556