signed from the Air Force after over ten years of service. Noting that his resigna- tion was unrelated to his sexuality, Rob remains guardedly optimistic about Clin- ton’s promise. Citing problems with ra- cism and sexism in the military, Rob ex- plained that problems with rescinding the ban are inevitable and notes that “views cannot be changed overnight”. However, tied to the development of administrative actions to deal with anti-gay episodes, Rob concludes that over time, rescinding the ban will be “no big deal”. The question for Vermonters appears to be not whether President Clinton will re- scind the Pentagon’s ban but when will he do it. If action is not taken by April 25, 1993, President Clinton will have some answering to do when an estimated 500,000 gay, lesbian, and bisexual Amer- icans march on Washington demanding that he keep his word and quickly put an end to Pentagon witch hunts.V Patronize our Advertisers Pa1:riciaSecla_n,(SW ShnIhan:Simom.MA NzncyDuRault,CSW February 1993 \//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/ MARTHA A. WI LMOT Nationally Certified Massage Therapist Brattlehoro. Vermont (802) 387-2660 Sports /\ Swedish\/ Shiatsu Q, Walter l. Zcichncr, l\-£A., N.C.C., Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor Psycliotherapy. ~ Bodywork ~ Massage Therapy Gay & Lesbian Positive ~ Gender Issues ‘ F-.ducztLiom1l Consulting ~ Workshops & Trainings fin \Vcllncss Consullntioll 323 Pearl St.,Burlingt0n. Vt. 05401 ' (802) 863-5510 ' ».~:»:;§§§-:<-:\~:;a '. vmt. in: g:_ W, ,‘ g K. 3:»: R #9» ~:‘. ‘-‘§~§‘~.s.~