Squires from page 1 .For lesbian and gay Vermonters, perhaps Squires’ most im- portant act as a legislator was his testimony just before the vote on the civil rights act last April. In a moving and eloquent speech, without notes, he described how it felt to listen to the legislature debate “whether or not I have the same rights and privileges as the other members in the body”, how he was gay- bashed as a UVM student in 1972, and of “hearing an off-duty Brattleboro police officer in 1991 say that it was a foolish con- tribution to make (to the AIDS Project Walk) because the queers were getting what they deserved.” Squires’ mother said his family has supported him as a gay man and when he developed ADDS. “The only thing that hurts me is that where he wanted to be in politics will be cut short” Keith Goslant of the Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men de- scribed Squires’ effectiveness as a legislator an advocate for gay civil rights; “Ron really personalized for legislators why there was a need to do this (pass the legislation). In his two years in the legislature he showed other members that we do real work and do make a difference.” Said Speaker Ralph Wright, “If Ron did anything to leave behind for us, he made it OK for us to do the right thing.” V THOMAS L. PEAIRS Attorney at Law Domestic Partnership and Family Law 444 South Union Street Suite 3S Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802) 863-4657 FAX (802) 658-4293 ARANOFF .4%'_I"T‘(_)[3~I\'lE.YS &'I‘ LAVV UPSON SERVING THE NEEDS OF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY V Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson 28 MAIN STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418 , ROBERT W. ZEUNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Member National Lesbian and Gay Law Association Bauer, Gravel and Watson 362 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5538 February 1993 PO Box 220 Hyde Park. Vermont 05655-0220 (802) 888-4I00 Office (802) 888-2977 Home VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services (302) 447-2110 BY APPOINTMENT \/ / \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN BODY MIND SPIRIT 185 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTON, VT 05201