Out in the Mountains Desparately Seeking Backlssues The staff of Out in the Mountains is seeking back issues of the paper, es- pecially from the first couple of years, in order to fulfill a request from the Ver- mont Historical Society Library and to round out the paper’s own archives. The Vermont Historical Society has re- quested a complete set of OITM for its archives. The Society’s library located in the Pavillion Building, 109 State St., Montpelier is open to the public Tuesday through Friday from 9am - 4:30 pm and Saturday from 9am - 4 pm. If you have copies of issues from 1986- 1989 that you would be willing to con- tribute to the archives, please contact Deb Lashman at 660-2713. V April 25, 1993 March on Washington Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and friends join the March on Washington bus trip, leaving Keene, NH on April 24th at 9 pm and returning to Keene on April 26th be- tween 7-9 am. (This is not an overnight stay.) Total round trip cost $75.00, with a $40.00 non—refundable deposit due by February 15, 1993 and the balance due by April 1, 1993. Send check or money order made payable to Frank Kellom, Monadnock AIDS Project, PO Box 348, Keene, NH 03431. For more info., con- tact Frank at Monadnock AIDS Project or call (603) 357-0979. V DYke5 T0 watdi out F0’ By Alison Bechdel UR VALIANT 9/‘:74: cnooszs we saw oF Le/arr I