Out in the Mountains KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our cal- endar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group’s listings or other information to: OITM, PO Box Box 177, Bur- ington VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publication in order to be assured of appearing in print. Editorial “To run for office and be open about it. It really smashes peop1e’s stereotypes about who we are.” Ron Squires, OITM, 1990. This issue, the start of our seventh year, was a particularly difficult one for us. As we went to press in early January, Ron Squires was sworn in to his second term as Verrnont’s first openly gay leg- islator. Two days later he died of AIDS. The Flirtations were in town in De- cember, but rather than five Flirts, there were four. Michael Callen whosuffers from AIDS was unable to perform. In an interview with the other Flirts, Carol discusses their reactions to Michael’s illness. We regularly read The Washington Blade, DC’s weekly newspaper, for it’s comprehensive and up-to-date news cov- erage. Being a former resident of DC, I also read the obituaries. Twice in the last month I’ve read of the deaths of fortner co—workers of my partner. In this issue we acknowledge the gen- erosity of one of our founders, Bob Mundstock, who died of AIDS last No- vember. So what do we do? We continue to fight for recognition, for funding, for services. We also honor the work of people like Ron by being as open and out as pos- sible. By fighting in whatever ways are possible, whether it is through the polit- ical process, the courts, or by marching, demonstrating and combating invisibility every day. Deborah Laehman V Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, I would like to address the letter from James & Tom of D.C. Don’t you have better things to with your lives? I recently purchased a mini-van by Chrysler, as have been all my vehicles. Now you say it is politically incorrect. In fairness I contacted Chrysler’s P.R. man, Mr. Thomas Houston, and asked what Chrysler’s policy was regarding discrimination. I was assured Chrysler Corporation has an intact policy of non-discrimination. Furthermore, I was told the same 1st Amendment right to protest Colorado’s vote and boycott also protects Mr. Perkins and his right to oppose gay rights. Chrysler does not dictate to its dealers. I was infonned boycotts, historically, are not effective. Boycott Perkins C-P, not Chrysler Corporation. Would you boycott a gay owned/ operated dealership just because it was a Chrysler dealership? Get with the program! Should anyone wish to contact Chrysler for details, start with your local dealer for Chrysler’s P.R. department phone number. Sincerely, Kenn Delaney (a family wagon owner) Burlington, VT carry on his work. The Board and Staff of Out in the Mountains want to express their thanks to the late Bob Mundstock, Bob was a founding member of OIT M , and left a bequest to the paper to help