(‘Gay & Lesbians Over 50 Those inter- .ested in the needs of gays and lesbians over 50 call Robert Zeuner at 658-5136 for date & time of organizing meeting. Gay Fathers Group being formed for gay fathers and anyone else concerned l with their issues. Meetings to be held in Burlington the first Monday of each month from 7-9 pm. For more info. call Stefan at 862-8135 or write to Ron at PO Box 5506, Essex Junction, VT 05453- 5506. HIV/AIDS Drop-In Support Group. Tuesdays 1 pm-2 pm at Vermont C.A.R.E.S., 30 Elmwood Ave, Burling- ton, VT. Call 863-2437 or 1-800-649- 2437 for more info. Integrity/Central Vermont ministry of the Episcopal Church to gays and les- bians and their friends, and, equally, of gays and lesbians and their friends to the church. For info. Call Laurie Labarthe at (802) 223-8962. Lake Champlain Chapter PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets at 2 p.m. on the second Sun- day of each month at First United Meth- odist Church (comer of S. Winooski & Buell). For information, call 658-3961, 229-5438, or (518) 597-3555. Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Psychotherapists. Regular meetings. Contact Bill Lippert 482-3528 for info and dates. - Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Potluck Second Sunday of each month. First Unitarian Church. Burlington, 152 Pearl St. Meet in the upstairs parlor at 12:30 p.m. fol- lowing the service. (All welcome, wheth- er or not you attend the service). MCC in the Mountains inclusive church with special ministry to the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. Worship ser- vices held every Sunday at 1 pm in West Lebanon, NH in the Glen Road Plaza. Write to MCC in the Mountains, PO Box 53, Hanover, NH 03755, or call (802) 295-6541 or (603) 298-5451 for more info. MCC of Burlington Christian church with special ministry to the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. Group meetings for bible study & socials at Champlain College. Write Rev. Lupe Martinez, MCC Burlington, 150 Dorset St #243, PO Box 2010, So. Burlington, VT 05407- 2010 or call (802) 899-4442 for more info. Montpelier PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets at 2 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month at Women’s Center, Barre Street, Montpe- lier. New England Lesbian and Gay Jour- nalists Association New England Chap- ter of National Lesbian and Gay Jouma1- ists Association. Network for lesbian and gay journalists to meet and discuss com- mon professional concerns. For more in- formation contact Michelle Johnson (617) 524-0518. OUTRIGHT VT Social Support Groups meet Sundays in Burlington. GLB youth (under 23) welcome to at- tend. Call for location and information. 865-9677. The Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Con- nection (RAGLC) A support and social organization for the Rutland area gay and lesbian community. See the Cal- endar listings for upcoming events. If you would like more information about our group, please write to: RAGLC at PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736. 66 Main St. (Upstairs) Panacea fl. Wald 716.;-1. Psychotherapist _ 2 Individual and Group Counseling (802) 388-0933 Middlebury, VT 05753 Green Mountain g Feminist Counseling Service Caro1'E. Cohen M.S.W. - Life and Career Crises - Substance Abuse Individuals, Couples. Groups A Burlington. 864-5595 January 1993 Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents - Monthly Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. See the Calendar listing for dates. Call 660- 2713 for location and more info. HELP WANTED Outright Vermont desperately needs energetic volunteers for our Fundraising Committee. Upcoming activities: The Flirtations, Bus trip to DC for April’s march and the 2nd Annual Prom Ex- travaganza. If you are interested in help- ing with any one of these specific activ- ities or are wanting to spend time organizing events, call the Outright of- fice at 864-9677. The 1993 Vermont Pride Day date is set and work has begun to make this year’s event one of the best. We need your help. We are looking for regional coordinators to help involve the entire state and show pride with all of our di- verse population. Please call 863-8236. HOUSING My labor for winter quarters ex- perienced milker, some woods back- ground too. Preferably northern VT. I'm dependable, responsible, neat, require same. Respond to OITM, Personals #12- 1, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Housemate Wanted. Benningtonl Manchester area. Beautiful space, plenty of room indoors and out. Non-smoker into healthy lifestyle ideal. Ask for Nan- cy (802) 375-9547. NETWORKING Central Vermont Gay Liberation Or- ganization forming (gay men). If inter- ested call (802) 454-8078 or write PO Box 333, Plainfield, VT 05667. -Troubled Relationships , -Lesbian and Gay Positive ‘ - Sliding Fee ~ :