Out in the Mountains e 9" Animal Inn Carol Skon Claudia Cook R.D.1 Box 1980 Fairfax,Vt.05454 8o2~524-4574 BOARDING 6% GROOMING TRAINING 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 0 7198 0 FAX 802/658 ' 1556 COURTNEY FISHER CLASSIC VERMONT ARCHITECTURE 6; LANDSCAPING 502-564-6215 Commitment to our Community Not only are we committed to helping our community get and stay healthy, We are committed to. quality personalized care of your musculoskeletal problems. Our commitment is to you, because we know that a healthy community is a strong community. + Successful‘ Treatment of : - Low Back Pain - Neck Pain The New England Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Laura A. Ramirez l“?