Out in the Mountains Pioneering Course Carol Cohen A 3 credit course in Gay and Lesbian Culture is being offered for the first time at Burlington College, or any of the Bur- lington colleges for that matter. The course, which will be offered during the spring semester, will include a historical overview of gay and lesbian culture, analysis of ideology, and a study of some of the powerful literature that has emerged in the last 20 years. Course ma- terials include Odd Girls & Twilight Lovers, by Lillian Faderman, the video On Being Gay, by Brian McNaught, and a panel of local gays and lesbians shar- ing their perspectives. Any student enrolled in a local college or university can cross register and re- ceive credit for this challenging and stimulating course. It is being taught by Carol E. Cohen, MSW and Walter Zeichner, MA who have been teaching this subject at the Church Street Center and were inspired to expand it to a full semester. To register or audit the course call Bur- lington Community College at 862- 9616. For more information about course content, call Walter or Carol at 863-5510. V HIV/AIDS Related In Home Care (802) 889-5524 David Williams Certified Nurses Assistant Sherry Hunt, M.A., A.C.H. Registered NH/VT _ _ _ State Certified Addictions Specialist on Staff PO Box 56 Therapeutic Shdmg F33 39315 Tunbridge, VT 05077 Body Massage I (AN’T ’ I wow! 1 BEUEVE KEEP PINLHING M)’5ELF I IT TO PKov£ lT'S Nor/\ - _./e DREANLWE won!‘ ‘ ll , Q‘ —p— '1 . V H W“, I _, 1:71;! :5. ’1 .1:-.‘»‘l:fi.."'x »~:,':~» ' } ’ ll\\\\\ Books // ‘I _..» ,i , V ;« L‘Y‘ I’ . ? In ~:‘ 'l YEAH, WELL DON'T tmzow our YoIJR GEKITOL yr-.1.’ THE HoMoPHoBE5 wow IN COLDRADO, IowA DEFEATED AN EQUAL RIGHTS Anmorem, AND THE SENATE'5 STILL l 94 PERCENT BOYS.’ PLUS Foua NW WOMEN In THE SENATE, on: OFTHEMTHEONLY BLACK SENATOR SINCE RECON- $TRU(T1oN.’ THE ANTI-GAY INITIATIVE IN ORE6oN FAILED.’ THE PRO-CHOICE REFERENDUM N IwzruwI> msszplr Fta HOPEFUL.’ , I FEEL YOUNG AGAIN.’ Mo, Parser ABoUT>’0UR PATHETIC PERSONAL PROBLEM5 FOR A MINUTE.’ BUSH AND THE BIBLE‘ THUMPERS ARE GONE! WE'RE AETVALLY GONNA HAVE A PRES_I_DENT WHO CAN PRoNoLJNg€ THE woaos GAY AND LESEIAN.’ ./M EIINNHILE, Ackoss Tow .. . HLBABE! (FUDGE HMM. LOPEZ LEFT EARLVTOD/1)’, YEAH, I'M 50 I DIDToo. you BEA-r, NAPPING ? )blJ‘RE 500! A RAY OF SUNSIIII/E, Mo. I CAN'T IMAGINE way HARRIET L£F1' , GOD, Tom, I CAN'T BELIEVE )'oU'R£ ACTUALLY GONNA HAVE A BABY.’ I'M FEELING So Mucn MORE POSITIVE ABOUT THE wot: mus smcs ‘NE ELECTION. DIDIA KNOV/Cl-NTDN'LL BE THE FIRST DE/"\o(.MT‘tD APPONFA SUPREME CoUR'rJ'us1I(é IN 25 ‘/£AkS?_ UH-UH. I'M I FEELS D NL HOPING THE\}'LL U DE Y REJUVENATED. nuswe BEEN ALL ow mm ABDUTTHE ‘ SUPREME COUKT. S Partners in Growth & Recovery, Inc. Family Therapists Terminal Care Grief Counciling Erica Marks, M.A., S.A.C., A.C.H. Giita Clark, M.A. 182 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 - 865-2403