National/International News Studds Urges Immediate Suspension of Discharges Washington, D.C. — On November 13, noting that President-elect Bill Clinton has publicly stated his opposition to the present discriminatory policy, Congress- man Gerry Studds (D-MA) urged Sec- retary of Defense Richard Cheney to im- mediately suspend enforcement of the current ban on lesbian and gay service personnel in pending discharge or dis- ciplinary proceedings. Rep. Studds also asked the Pentagon to refrain from in- itiating any new investigations or pro- ceedings. Studds was joined by 23 con- gressional colleagues in the letter to Cheney. Studds said it —would be “man- ifestly unfair to pursue pending cases -— with the obvious permanent impact on in- dividuals involved — when a revision of the policy appears imminent.” He also pointed out that studies by both the GAO and the department of Defense itself have concluded that lesbian and gay service personnel perform well and do not pose a security risk. Gay Student Elected Homecoming King Orono, ME - University of Maine senior Neal Snow, who was dismissed from the school’s Air Force ROTC program in September because he told officials he is gay was elected homecoming king on October 17 in a show of support by the student body. The election at home- coming ceremonies in front of thousands of students, surprised and pleased Snow who is considering appealing the dis- missal. (The Washington Blade) Suit Filed Against Colorado Ballot Initiative Denver, Co - Tennis star Martina Nav- ratilova, five other gay citizens, one het- erosexual with AIDS and three cities filed suit in Colorado on November 12, seeking to have the anti-gay initiative passed by voters overturned on the basis of unconstitutionality. The lawsuit asks that the initiative be declared in violation of equal protection clauses of both the state and US constitutions. Lambda Le- gal defense and Education fund is as- sisting in the suit. Lambda lawyer Mary Newcombe said the plaintiffs are also trying to place a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the state from en- forcing the initiative pending resolution of the suit. (The Washington Blade) V January 1993 %\ DESKTOP PUBLISHING GRAPHIC DESIGN TRAINING & SUPPORT I fill] service I selfse/vice I mac-pcfile conversions I image and text seamting I laser printing I quality photocopies Ifax services I great looking resumes I co/or slide presentations I mac training workshops I professional, fiiendly service 187 St. Paul St. Burlington VT 802.863.1884 100 Main Street P.O. Box 247 Burlington, VT 05402-0247 David W. Curtis ATTORNEY AT LAW HOFF, AGEL, CURTIS, PACHT & CASSIDY, P.C. 802-864-4531 Suite 38 THOMAS L. PEAIRS Attorney at Law Domestic Partnership and Family Law 444 South Union Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802) 863-4657 FAX (802) 658-4293 ARANOFF ATTCJRETEYS AT LAVV UPSON SERVING THE NEEDS OF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY V Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson 28 MAIN STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418 ATE: Member National Lesbian and Gay Law Association ROBERT W. ZEUNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Bauer, Gravel and Watson 362 Main Street Burlington, VT 5401 863-5538