Susan Murray Honored On October 10, 1992, Susan Murray of Middlebury, VT, was awarded the Jon- athan B. Chase Cooperating Attorney of the Year award by the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont. The award was presented to Susan for her pioneering work toward ensuring the right of same-sex couples to adopt chil- dren. She successfully represented two women in securing Addison County pro- bate court permission to adopt a child to- gether. Currently Susan is assisting as an ACLU cooperating attorney in support of the appeal of two other women whose adoption petition was denied by Wash- ington County probate court. Susan was selected by ACLU-VT’s Board of Directors to receive this award because of her energy and commitment to this important battle. V VT-ETV to Run In the Life Cleland Selby As OITM went to press in early No- vember, Vermont’s public television station, VT-ETV announced plans to run the the series regularly each month on Saturday night, beginning on Sat- urday November 14th. Public relations director Ann Curran said that while program director Ken Schwab has not yet determined what the time slot will be or which Saturday night the pro- gram will air after November, it will run regularly and will be listed in the monthly program schedule. In the'Life, hosted in November by co- median Lily Tomlin, plans to explore gay and lesbian life and culture across the United States. With no federal fi- nancing, the program depends on dona- tions from individuals and corpora- trons. Watch In the Life and let VT-ETV know you support their decision to run the program. V ‘\\ ,/’ /’ ‘\\ BODY 185 NORTH STREET BENNINGTON, VT 05201 DR. NANCY L. BURNS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN MIND SPIRIT (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) (802) 447-21 10 BY APPOINTMENT -I-lillfi Name Out in the Mountains VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS, GAY MEN, AND BISEXUALIS By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help under- write the rising costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, Vermont 05402-0177. : Address IIIIIIIIII Q. Q’ U One-year ($20) El Low-income ($10) El Sponsor ($ _ Sponsors are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up I M at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. : 0 Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. D-92 State Zip 15 December 1992 KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group’s listings or other in- . formation to: OITM, PO Box Bdx 177, Burington VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to pub- lication in order ot be assured of appearing in print.