Bittersweet Morning Continued irom page 1 54% to 46%. In Tampa, Florida a measure to repeal gay rights passed by 59% to 41%. Closer to home, the attempt to repeal Portland Maine’s anti- discrimination ordinance was defeated by 57% to 43%. In Vermont, gay rights supporters, Governor Howard Dean, Sen- ator Patrick Leahy and Representative Bernie Sanders all easily won reelection. However Senator David Wolk, sponsor of the civil rights legislation and a strong supporter of gays and lesbians, was unsuccessful in his bid for Lieutenant Governor, losing to Barbara Snelling. Perhaps the biggest disappointment for gay Vermonters was the defeat of Howard “Howdy” Russell in his attempt to win a seat in Verrnont’s Senate. Russell ran in Chittenden County’s hotly contested race, where the leading vote getters were three Re- publican women, headed by victim’s rights advocate Susan Sweets- er. Helen Reihle, a supporter of the civil rights bill, was among the three. Representative Ron Squires, top vote getter in every town in his district, was easily re—elected to his seat in the Vermont House, leaving him the only openly gay person in the legislature. Other good news for Vennont gays and lesbians was the record win of Attorney General Jeffrey Amestoy, a strong advocate of both the Hate Crimes bill and the anti-discrimination bill. Dick Smith, who referred to “cocksuckers” during the debate on civil rights was de- feated by Caleb Pitkin. As OIT M went to press on November 3rd, it was too early to know the results of all the races, however among the disappointments was the defeat of Mary Just Skinner, a supporter of gay rights, by Matt Krauss who voted against both hate crimes and gay rights; the de- feat of Peter Youngbaer, a supporter on the appropriations com- mittee by conservative David Hudson; and the reelection of Frances Howrigan,who referred to gays as “comho1ers” during the civil rights debate. V SUPPORT YOUR EARTH... FRESH WHOLESOME ORGANIC & CONVENTIONAL FOODS The Choice for your holidays 274 North Winooski Ave. Burlington 863-3659 M-F 9:30-7:30 SAT. 9:30-5:00 SUN. 12:00-5-00 . Food Co-op ”Food for people, not for profit” December 1992 clO'O3 HflOAClNV"' A.|.INflWWO0 H1101‘ (802) 888-4100 Office (802) 888-2977 Home PO Box 220 Hyde Park, Vermont 05655-0220 VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services Large selection, low prices Available at Video Exchange 21 Stowe St, Waterbury. VT Phone: 244-7004 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5 Video Rental club Now Available Jan. '93 Friday, December 4 Women ’s Dance $5.00 5-9 p.m. Saturday, December 12 Ladies Lounge Dance $1.00 7-10 p.m. Wednesday, December 16 Pasta Night-All you can eat $5.95 6-9 p.m. Thursday, December 17 Juice Bar $3.00 cover 9 p.m. (All other Thursdays of the month, Free DJ.) Saturday, December 26 Dances with Men-Buffet $3.00 Friday and Saturday Night Door Cover Policy Before 9:00 pm. Free - 9:00 - 10:00 pm $1.00 After 10:00 pm $3.00 Pearls 135 Pearl Street - Burlington, Vermont 7-10 pm.’ ._...:4<‘