Commentary We’re Off To See The Wizard Again! Paul Olsen Courage. Like the cowardly lion, Ver- mont’s junior Senator James Jeffords needs to pay a visit to the Wizard of OZ. I’m referring to his failure to sign on as a co—sponsor of the Federal Gay and Les- bian Civil Rights Act (also known as the Civil Rights Amendment Act). When passed, this bill will prohibit dis- crimination on the basis of sexual or- ientation nationwide. In the past Senator Jeffords has failed to respond to letters and phone calls re- garding this issue. However, I did speak with him on a radio call-in show where, while claiming to support civil rights for all, he explained that he “was not pre- pared to sign onto that bill.” Apparently when it comes to civil rights for lesbian and gay Americans our “maveric ” sen- ator supports his party’s platform and wears a hat similar to fellow Republicans Jesse Helms, Patrick Buchanan, David Duke, and Vermont’s own John McCLaughry. While Jim Jeffords follows the global yellow brick road “fact finding” and commenting on the oppression faced by many people throughout the world he re- mains unaware that many lesbian and gay Americans have no legal protection against discrimination in the areas of em- ployment, housing, credit, and child cus- tody. I believe that Senator James Jeffords needs to hear from supporters of lesbian and gay rights. Out in The Mountains has approximately 2500 readers. Even an en- trenched politician who is not currently facing re-election cannot ignore letters and phone calls from thousands of con- stituents. Write Senator James Jeffords at U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 or call him toll-free at 1-800-835-5500 and ask him to: I) represent Vennont which recently passed an anti-discrimination statute, 2) join Senator Patrick Leahy and Representative Bernard Sanders as co- sponsors of this critical piece of civil rights legislation, and 3) explain to him that, unlike the Wicked Witch, he won’t melt if he signs on as a co—sponsor of this bill. V DAN MALR FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE CHITTENDEN 7-3 WARD 1 & UVM 0 People First - ProChoice - Health Care Reform, Universal Access He'll work for ill of us. JEAN B. ANKENEY Masters in Nursing Past President of: Council for Children and Families Common Cause Vermont V. Pres. Solid Waste Comm. Supports Planned Parenthood Committee to Bed Jean B. Ankeney: Richard Qssidy ~ Brmdan Keleher loan Hoff ~ Roxane Leopold Nancy Williams ~ Robert Northrop gfreasurer Alice Cook Basset! "JEAN ANKENEY is committed to the principles of honest government, and protection of Vermont's children. Her personal qualities of dedication, integ- rity, and high energy will make her an effective representative of our con- - cerns." Senator Douglas Racine, President, Protempore 1990 Winner Susan B. Anthony Award JEAN B. ANKENEY Democratic Candidate Vermont Senate 15 November 1992 KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group’s listings or other in- ’ formation to: OITM, PO Box Bqx 177, Burington VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to pub- lication in order ot be assured of appearing in print.