November 1992 Commentary Gene a_nd Susan Sweetser: Opposites Attract? Paul Olsen on election day residents of Essex are issues. During our conversation Susan faced with the opportunity to re-elect expressed her disappointment with the Gene Sweetser as their State Repre- tone of the Republican National Conven- sentative and elect his wife, Susan tion, explained that she would have sup- Sweetser, as one of the six Senators from ported the G3)’ Rights Bill. and believes Chittenden County. Historically, Gene that lesbians and gays just want to be has not served as an ally to the lesbian treated “fairly”. In response to questions and gay community and the question about domestic partnership legislation now is whether Susan, a long time ad- Susan indicated that she would have to vocate for victim’s rights, will be a voice think about her position but that the issue for lesbians and gay men in Montpelier. Of health benefits Would be Solved when the state establishes universal access as a Gene and Susan Sweetser were both del- result of the recommendations of the egates to the Republican Convention in Vermont Health Care Authority (this po- Houston where they heard the homo- sition fails to address even the most basic phobic rhetoric of Pat Robertson and argument f0? detnestie P3Ttne1‘benefitS)- Dan Quayle. In the last legislative ses- . sion, Gene Sweetser voted against the Not Surprisingly the Campaign literature Gay Rights Bill. Prior to the vote I spoke of_ both Gene and Susan Sweetscr con- with him regarding his position. Dem- tams no reference to their lesbian and gay onstrating a complete misunderstanding Constiulents. If elected they clearly are of the law, he explained that he would Conlrnilled to their Crusade for Victim’s not vote for it as lesbians and gays are al- rights. While appearing more moderate. ready protected under the constitution. In Susan’s commitment to “faimess” is not light of her husband’s lack of under- Shared by her husband Gene. Like fellow standing of even the most basic civil Republican Patrick Buchanen. Gene rights legislation,Iwas interestedintalk- Sweetser fails to understand that. like ing with Susan (who is an attorney) 1-e- survivors of crime, lesbians and gay men garding her position on lesbian and gay can also be victims. V Out“ in the Mountains VERM(5NT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS. GAY MEN. AND BISEXUALS By _subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help under- bl; write_the rislng_costs of publishing the newspaper. We also _welcome any additional contributions you can make to support our cominuing existence. fin Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: a Letter OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, Vennont 05402-0177.‘ ‘ I Name OITM welcomes letters to the Address ’ ‘ Editor and will withhold your C- . name or use your initials or first "Y State-————Z'p————— name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. V CI One-year ($20) CI Low-income ($10) D Sponsor ($ _ Sponsors are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up M at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. 0 Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. N-92 I ll