Out in the Mountains llE(l SANDY _ Baird. HM . lt‘lPlll\lNl!llI\:l A STRONG VOICE WHERE IT COUNTS - Civil rights — protection for lesbians, gays, minorities, women - Prochoice — reproductive freedom - Health care — universal access Speaker at Vermont Lesbian/Gay Pride Celebrations PLEASE VOTE NOVEMBER 3 For more information call 863-4848 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Sandy Baird Beth Sachs, Treasurer Out in the World: International Lesbian Organizing, Shelly Anderson, Firebrand Books. Moira Election year stirs up even the most dis- passionate of us. Somehow we all start talking issues and eagerly watching the polls raise and fall like our erratic No- vember temperatures. for lesbians and gays this year perhaps more than any other has brought many of us into the town clerk's offices, registration halls and voting booths. We are voting for our agendas. For many this has also been a time of looking beyond our borders. Looking to our sisters all over the globe for support, inspiration and a sense of continuity brings us to Out in the World. In her opening Ms. Anderson says, “I hope this pamphlet will inspire other women to work for a world where no lesbian will be denied her right to love and live.as she chooses. I also hope it may generate respect and attention for the unsung work many lesbians around the world are engaged in, often at great risk to their lives.” With over fifty coun- tries represented, one obtains a broad view of lesbian organizing. The pamph- let is organized by continent, with care- ful attention given to lesbian history and the establishment of lesbian organiza- tions. Reading through, one notes the sharp contrast between the denial of rights and acceptance of them. In Sweden “Lesbian couples have the same inheritance and property rights as unmarried hetero- sexual couples who live together.” In the I Netherlands, “Same-sex couples can Where to Find OITM , . _ Project EXCEL, Lyndon State College Lyndonville Beimingmn Free Library Bennjngmn Northshire Bookstore Manchester Center Brattleboro Food Coop Branleboro Middlebu-l3’ Natural F00‘! C°°P Middlebml’ cahoots Bramebom Bear Pond Books Montpelier Common Ground 3'1-amebm-0 Horn of the Moon Cafe Montpelier Everyone's Books Brattleboro W0m_an Centered _ , Montpelier Burlington College Burlington Momstown Centenrual Library Morrisville Chassmnn & Bern Burlington M0015 Free _L'lbT31'Y Newflllle Fletcher Free ]__ib,-ary gmfingmn Northeast Kingdom AIDS Coalition Newport Partners in Recovery & Growth Burlington Brown Public l_-ibrary Northfield peace & Jusfice came, Bm-fingmn Social Altelntmves for Gay Men Norwich pea,-15 Bm-ljngmn Woman's_ Study Program Plainfield Planned Parenthood Burlington Pumey Library Pume)’ STEP Learning Center Castleton Kimball Public Library Randolph Craftsbury Public Library Craftsbury PFLAG Rutland Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Cormection Center Rutland R1"-llllld FY33 1-ib1’31'}’ Rllllfllld Imwood Mam; ' 1 East Bane; LUNA/NEVGALR c/o Umbrella St. Johnsbury Greenhope Farm , East Hardwick Natlll 31 P1°_Vl5l°n5 SL J°hll5bl1lY Fair Haven Free Library Fair Haven Regional I-1bl'81’Y SL_ Johnsbury Buffalo Mountain Coop Hardwick St Johnsbury Arhenaenrn St Johnsbury Galaxy‘ Bwks , - :" . _ Hgraflick V _ g ; Food for Thought Stowe '- ‘Jon's Automotive ' Lyndonville WRJ B0016 White River Jlmction ‘ ‘ I " ‘ ' " ‘r " ' “ ‘ Upper Valley Coop White River Junction (living together) contracts, that give part- taxes, hospital visiting, and property rights as heterosexual married couples.” While I was traveling in Ireland a few summers ago I spoke with women in the gay pubs, the small women’s press (Attic Press), and at at the monthly women’s dance. I discovered many commonalties. It greatly underlined for me the fact that we are everywhere. Ms. Anderson points out that “Lesbians outside the U.S. are often amazed at why American dykes aren’t involved in inter- national organizing. They will point out that Americans have a lot to offer. Two very practical examples are grassroots fundraising experience and the American tradition of civil disobedience.” Out in the World lists all the necessary to contact the various lesbian groups and or- ganizations . There is much that could be achieved by mutual contact. Our lob- bying can affect lesbians in less fortunate situations and by helping them we can become more inspired in our own polit- ical causes. This pamphlet is well worth seeking out simply because it speaks of drawing together, helping to break down the barriers that keep us separated. Per- haps more importantly it urges us to speak up, to learn about each other, to make our collective vision known to the world around us. V r 3 ,- draw up what is called samenwoning . ners many of the same rights in regard to :5‘ l.