November 1992 Out Right Flirting with The Flirtations Km-in Eade “Glorious voices and grand social con- sciousness.”- New York Press “Mischievous, witty, and often thrilling.”- The Advocate “At last, a queer men’s pop a cappella group that confronts homophobia, mis- ogyny, AIDSphob1a, sexism, and queer- bashing in a bold, brash, musical rnanner.”- OUTWEEK The nationally acclaimed a cappella group, The Flirtations, is making its long awaited debut in Vermont. Performing songs from their latest release Out On The Road, Ver- mont will be able to get a taste of the “world’s most famous openly gay, polit- ically active, multi-cultural a cappella sing- ing groupl”. The “Fabulous Flirtations” have been thrilling audiences across the continent with their unique blend of pol- itics, musical artistry and humor since their first street comer appearances in Greenwich Village in the spring of 1988. Little could they have known that four years later they would actually be making a living doing what they love most: Being gay and singing about itl * ARANOFF 4%"l"'l"C).RI\TE.\’S AT LAVV UPSON SERVING THE NEEDS OF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY V Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson 28 MAIN STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418 Catch them live at the Burlington Unitarian Church, December 12th, 8 p.m. in this pre- miere performance benefiting Outright Ver- monLThe Flirtations often take existing songs and reclaim them into the life of queerdom. Bop ‘til You Drop, Mister Sand- man and Boy from New York City are just a few of such songs, but what they do with So Much in Love would make any lesbian proud. “...loolcing for shooting stars, wom- en knowing who they are, so in love, so much in love, so in love, that’s Lesbian Love.” This song has been reworked by Aurelio Font in a tribute of his great aunt and her lesbian lover of fifty years. Another wonderfully remixed politically motivated song is “Biko”. This song, about the South African human rights activist Ste- ven Biko who was beaten to death while under arrest in 1977, is a mix of songs from both Peter Gabriel and Bernice Johnson Re- agon. The line, “The outside world is black and white with only one color dead” re- sounds sadly throughout this powerful mes- sage. However, The Flin’s leave us on a positive note with, “You can blow out a candle, but you can’t blow out a fire.” Ho- mophobia, racism, and sexism are un- fortunately not our only enemies, “Living In Wartime”, written by Flirt’s member, Michael Callen explains only too well how the war on AIDS and the battle of political indifference hurts us all. One of the mes- sages of this song empathizes our need to join together to help one another because “...we face a common enemy, bigotry and greed, but if we fight together we can find the strength we need.” The political undercurrent of the Flirtations is no doubt a big part of their music. How- ever, their music is refreshingly upbeat, funny and very often engages the audience with it’s contagious high energy. Vermont is certainly in need of some very funny, very out and very talented performers. I for one will be lining up to support Outright Vermont in this benefit and will be first hand to flirt. Said one Outright board mem- ber, “My favorite song, in a bittersweet sense, is the ballad, The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun, written by Julie Brown. Though hysterically funny and sung tongue-in-cheek, it reminds me of what high school was like for me as a young gay male. It was the lowest point in my life. I felt vulnerable to the contempt of my fellow students and I did not have any gay positive support. The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun reminds me of those bad times but it also emphasizes in my mind the need to support organizations like Outright Vermont in their good work.” V 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 0 7198 0 FAX 802/658 0 1556 1, Walter I. Zcichncr, M.A., N.C.C., GOLDEN THREADS \ a contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Certified Clinical Mental Heal tli Counselor Psychotherapy ~ Bodywork ~ Massage Therapy Gay & Lesbian Positive ~ Gender Issues l".ducational Consulting 4- Workshops & Trainings W'cllncss Consul lnlinn Canada and US Confidential, warrn reliage. for free information send self-addressed envellope; (U.S. residents please stamp it). Sample copy ‘ “'- mailed discreetly, $5:00 U.S. funds. 323 Pearl St..Burlington. Vt. 05401 l . (802)863-5510 K. P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401 J 9 . A 14