United Way Funds -Continued from page 1 In New Jersey, a lawsuit is underway challenging the dismissal of gay Eagle Scout James Dale. Scout officials terminated Dale’s 12-year membership in 1990 after finding out he is gay. Lambda Legal Defense Fund filed suit asking for Dale’s re- instatement under New Jersey’s new law prohibiting anti-gay discrimination. The New Jersey law again applies to public ac- commodations, so this suit may well defme the Scout’s status. According to Lambda Executive Director Kevin Cathcart, the fact that the Scouts are an employer and meet in public schools means that most courts would consider it a public accommoda- tion. Ms. Sussman went on to point out that there is no way to project whether a challenge to the Public Accommodations Act on the grounds of religious exemption would or would not be success- ful in Vermont. While the United Way of Chittenden County stands by its pol- icy of funding the Boy Scouts, other United Way organizations (and a number of large companies including Levi Strauss) have refused to fund the Scouts unless or until they change their pol- icy of discrimination. Morse did point out that in addition to funding the Boy Scouts, the United Way of Chittenden County gives a substantial por- tion of its funding to resources that may directly effect the gay and lesbian commmunity including Vermont Cares, drug and al- cohol rehabilitation, support for children, emergency shelters, and domestic violence programs. V and Center For Chiropractic AHolistic Health “health care for the whole person” We are honored to serve our community and are committed to offering you Gentle Effective Chiropractic Plus... ~- Applied Kinesiology - Homeopathy - Acupuncture - Therapeutic Massage - Nutritional Counseling New Patients Welcome 4 San Remo Drive - So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-658-6092 November 1992 Large selection, low prices ’ Available at Video Exchange 21 Stowe St., Waterbury. VT Phone: 244-7004 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5 Video Rental club Now Available Jan. '93 (802) 8884l00 Officc (802) 888-2977 Home PO Box 220 Hyde Park, Vermont 05655-0220 VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services Friday, November 6 Women ’s Dance $5.00 5-9 p.m. Saturday, November 14 Ladies Lounge Dance $1.00 7-10 p.m. Wednesday, November 18 Pasta Night-All you can eat $5.95 A 6-9 p.m. Thursday, November 19 Juice Bar $3.00 cover 9 p.m. (All other Thursdays of the month, Free DJ.) Dances with Men-Buffet $3.00 7-10 p.m. A Saturday, November 28 Friday and Saturday,Night Door Cover Policy Before 9:00 pm. Free - 9:00 - 10:00 pm $1.00 After 10:00 pm $3.00 Pearls 135 Pearl Street - Burlington, Vermont