Out in the Mountains Editorial We Need You! Now more than ever Out in the Moun- tains needs your support. We’ve made a strong comeback from the time two and a half years ago when everyone won- dered if we could survive. We have, we’re here, but we need your help to stay. Advertising and subscriptions bare- ly cover the cost of each issue, leaving us to struggle each month to meet other expenses. We need you. We need your help and in- formation. Out in the Mountains is the only consistently reliable source of news, features and events for the lesbian and gay community of Vermont. If we don’t hear about something, we can’t re- port it. We need people to help with all aspects of the paper, but especially we need people to let us know what’s hap- pening in their part of the state. We need you. We need your political in- volvement. This year more than ever be- fore it is our lives, our families, our civil rights that are the issue. We demonstrat- ed the strength of our power as an electo- rate this spring when we were able to pass Vermont’s antidiscrimination bill; let’s not lose that momentum. This issue provides a wealth of information on local and national races. While the choices may not be perfect, you do have choices. Support those candidates who supported and stood up for us. Show the power of our community by voting and par- ticipating in campaigns. We need you. We need your in- volvement on the legal front. A number of cases wending their way through the courts both here in Vermont and across the country have profound implications for our future. Support those of our com- munity who are fighting in the courts through letter writing, contributions and support of the organizations that lead the legal battles. We need you. We need your openness and visibility. Let’s not forget our most powerful tool, our visibility. It is only by being visible that we can demonstrate our numbers and the validity of our life- styles. It’s easy to discriminate against an idea or a fear; it’s much harder to do so against your neighbor, co-worker, friend, or relative. V Letters to the Editor Dear OITM, A word of warning to readers about some political candidates seeking election in November. Look behind their stra- tegically worded press releases, and find out exactly where the candidates stand on the issues that are important to you. Ask them what you want to know, don’t just settle for what they want to tell you. And remember that what they don’t say is sometimes more significant than what they do say. The last issue of OITM included a press release from Chittenden County Senate candidate Sara Gear. In that press release, Gear prominently mentions her vote for the “Gay Rights” bill this past year (a good vote Sara, so why did you not men- tion that in your press releases to the mainstream press?), and outlines her stand on some issues, but does not state her position on reproductive rights and abortion. I believe that this information was strategically excluded. Please be aware that Sara Gear is anti-choice. If elected, she would oppose legislation that protects a woman's right to a legal abor- tion. If the issue of choice and reproductive rights is important to you, find out where each candidate, in each of the races stands on the issue. Gear is not the only candidate this election year (Republican or Democrat). who is anti-choice. Mary Hurlie Dear OITM, Please renew my" subscription. It’s WON- DERFUL to see the newsletter grow in size and depth of reporting - You provide a most valuable service toa rural gay community.THANKS! Bridgewater Comers, VT V