Dykes To Watch Out For . Tbuiiuo. ,_ IT'S NOIMIME, ‘ By Alison Bechdel _ REALLY, Lot$.I Do~'r I ' A Kuoul I-JHATWU 525 m W055 PORNO VIDEOS... 5PARRow, , wrms oh‘ This @992 Bmusou same:-:1. Lit‘: NOT GETTOO , Exurso. vowz PERIOD meat JUST 5; LATE BECAUSE OFALLTHE STRESS we've BEEN J ‘I. //Mm .’ . Bur /was YOU'RE JUIT tnmmmo 1HiuosBecAu5i:-7uJ WANT IT so BAD. DON'T at DlSAf’F’ON' TED IF mefisrrkswows NEG/“ .~ , Tn/E. w£’LLJusr1RyA(,~N! Hm, I'M NER\/GU) ENOU6H om, oimy. THERE. N mun AS _Ir :5. Io1N‘T FEE IF I'LL 5: RIGHT Eu mu (802) 447-2110 Janet K. Bl‘0Wl'l,MA.,C.A.C Jean Townsend, M.A. \ BY APPOWTMENT Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor X \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES CHIROPRACTIC‘ PHYSICIAN . '[‘RAUMAI,fgSN]) LOSS - DEPR SION BODY MIND SPIRW Individuals Couples Families 185 NORTH STREET Milton, VT Burlington, VT (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) (802) 8934816 (302) 353-3152 BENNINGTON, VT 05201 September 1992 Other Vermont Races Terje Anderson Senator Patrick Leahy, up for reelection, signed on earlier this year as a co- sponsor of the federal civil rights bill. In addition to that co—sponsorship, he has a long history of votes and vocal opposi- tion to many of Jesse Helms’ efforts to include anti—gay language in federal leg- islation. His Republican opponent, Sec- retary of State Jim Douglas, has no pub- lic position of willingness to sponsor civil right legislation. Representative Bernie Sanders is another federal co—sponsor up for reelection this year. His main opponent will either be right-wing Republican activist Tim Phil- bin, a vocal opponent of civil rights, or Rutland Mayor Jeff Weinberg, a more moderate pro-choice Republican with no history on lesbian/gay issues. Other statewide candidates have a history of support for lesbian and gay rights. Re- publican Attorney General Jeff Amestoy backed both the civil rights bill and hate crimes legislation, and is viewed as a heavy favorite for reelection.» Burlington attorney Ed Flanagan, the democratic candidate for Auditor of Accounts, serves on the board of Vermont C.A.R.E.S. and is a vocal supporter of civil rights. V KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our cal- endar so that We can share them with all our readers. Send your group's ' or other information to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publica- tion in order to be asured of ap- pearing in print. 4