Senate: Addison County: Both incumbents are seeking reelection. Elizabeth Ready has been a strong supporter. There are also rumors that Doug Baker, who did not seek reelection in 90, might be an in- dependent write-in candidate. Chittenden County: has the largest num- ber of open seats and announced can- didates. There are three legislative in- cumbents who have been co-sponsors of antidiscrimination legislation; Althea Kroger, Ed Granai, and Helen Riehle, who previously served in the House. Sara Gear also moves from the House to Senate race after supporting S-131 as Republican Party leader. The candidate to watch is Howdy Russell, who we are looking to become the first openly gay member of the Senate. Franklin County: Pam Greene is the can- didate to watch, but faces strong opposi- tion in the primary (this is the county whose Senator referred to us as “com- holers”). Grand Isle County: Richard Mazza is running unopposed. He was a surprise supporter in the Senate. He was also subjected to homophobic vandalism (a flag was burned on his porch) following his vote. Lamoille County: Susan Bartlett is the candidate to watch. She faces a close race against Herb O’Brien, who was not a supportive vote, moving from the House. Rutland County: Incumbent Torn Ma- caulay was a surprise and welcome sup- porter. Peter Berg is the candidate to watch. Washington County: Incumbent Mary Just Skinner was an original co-sponsor and Jeb Spauling has been a long time supporter. Bill Doyle was supportive this session after previously voting against the bill. Independent Stuart Freidman is definitely the candidate to watch (he and supporters were the 3arc)hing kazoo band at this year’s Pride ay. Windham County: Incumbent co- sponsor Jan Backus is seeking re- election, Peter Shumlin, long time sup- porter and reporter of the Hate Crimes bill, is making the move from the House to the Senate. Windsor County: Incumbents Cheryl Rivers and Dick McCormack (co- sponsors) and John Carroll, long time Supporter, seek reelection. House of Representatives: Addison-1: Incumbent Roger Kayhart, supporter, is seeking reelection. Ed Dooley is the candidate to watch. Addison-2: Incumbent supporter Wil- liam Talbott is facing a potentially close race. Addison-4-1: Incumbent supporter John Freiden is facing a potentially close race. Addison-4-2:Incumbent co-sponsor Peg Martin and supporter Tom Alderman seek reelection, Anne Ginevan is a can- didate to watch, however this is only a two seat district. Addison-Rutland -2: Gerry Gossens is the candidate to watch. Bennington 2-1: Speaker and supporter Ralph Wright is seeking reelection and there are rumors of write-in candidates. Bennington 2-4: Incumbent James Shea was a surprise supporter, giving an el- oquent speech on doing what is right during the House debate. Caledonia 3: Has an open seat and Wil- liam Graves is the candidate to watch. Caledonia-Washington 1: Caleb Pitkin is the candidate to watch. He included equal rights for all Vermonters in his campaign literature. This is the district whose incumbent referred to us as “Cocksuckers” and the “group that intro- duced AIDS to this country.” Chittenden 1-1: Incumbent supporter Carolyn Yamell faces a potentially close race. Chittenden 2-1: Incumbent supporter Sally Fox is seeking reelection. Stephen Maranville is the candidate to watch. Chittenden 2-3: This is a new district. Martha Heath is the candidate to watch. Chittenden 5-1:This is a new district Zoe Erdman is the candidate to watch. Chittenden 7-3: Two open seats. Sandy Baird and Dan Mallar are the candidates to watch. Both have worked on behalf of antidiscrimination legislation. Chittenden 7-9: This is a new district. Ann Pugh is the candidate to watch. She has been a long time supporter per- sonally and as chair of the state chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. September 1992 Franklin 3-1: Incumbent supporter Kath- leen Keenan faces a potentially close race. Following her supportive vote, Kee- nan was one of the individuals targeted by our opposition. Franklin 5-1: Carl Buchdahl is the can- didate to watch. Franklin 5-2: Incumbent supporter Ed Pa- quin was targeted following his sup- portive vote. Grand Isle 1: Incumbent supporter Jane Potvin faces a potentially close race. Lamiolle 1: Scott Johnson is the can- didate to watch. Orange 1: This is a potentially close race. Charles Cooley and Dolly McKinney are the candidates to watch. Rutland 2: Open seat. Lynne Cleveland is the candidate to watch. Rutland 6-3: Incumbent supporter Jerry Kreitzer is seeking reelection. Cheryl Mazzariello Hooker is the candidate to watch (previously served in the House and supported the Hate Crimes bill.) Washington 2: Incumbent co-sponsors Peter Youngbaer and Andrew» Christian- sen face a potentially close race against “hometownz” conservatives. Washington-Addison 1: Incumbent sup- porter Judy DiMario faces a potentially close race. Windham 5: Incumbent co-sponsor and first openly gay member of the Leg- islature Ron Squires is facing a potential- ly close race. Windsor 2-1: This is a new district. Car- olyn Kehler is the candidate to watch. Windsor 2-3: Pat Crocker is the candidate to watch in this potentially close race. Windsor 6: Incumbent supporter Alice Emmons is seeking reelection. V [Er Vote ’92 Show our Strength.’