Out in the Mountains youth (under 23) welcome to attend. Call for location and information. 865-9677. The Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connec- tion (RAGLC) A support and social or- ganization for the Rutland area gay and les- bian community. See the Calendar listings for upcoming events. If you would like more information about our group, please write to: RAGLC at PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736. Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents - Monthly Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. See the Calendar listing for dates. Call 660-2713 for location and more info. HELP WANTED Housesitting - Enjoy my Hinesburg home for 2-3 weeks during August. Love my cats and plants. Enjoy the birds and the view. 482-3528. HOUSING For Sale: Condo, Old North End. Asking $60,000. 865-4241. Unfurnished 5/6 room apt. Hill section. Lake Champlain view. Parking. No smok- ing. $700/mo incl. utilities. Long term prof couple preferred.. Ref. required.1st, last, and damage deposit required. (215) 543- 8445. NETWORKING Gays & Lesbians sharing interests in farming, gardening, sustainable ag- riculture, and all aspects of rural life are in- vited to send ideas for a network alonw with a SASE to: P.O. Box 157, Underhill, VT, 05490-0157. Gay men— Does the idea of spending time outdoors reading Whitman or Thoreau turn you on? Are you interested in learning more about the love that the earth provides? Do you want to explore your spirituality and learn more about yourself in the pro- cess? Do you like to hang out in the woods? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join us! We are a small group of men dedicated to increasing spiritual awareness in ourselves, while having fun in the process! Please call Tom at 658-4123 for more information. Sum- mer is here, let’s celebrate! Greater Central Vermont Area gay men’s support/social network is alive and welcoming new members. Weekly meetings, social alternatives, and net- working, etc. Contact Box 301, Montpe- lier, VT 05602 or call (802) 244-1488. Lesbians 60 and over: Group being formed for mutual support, discussion of ageing issues and social times. Call 658- 5510 for more information. Meditation-G/Bi/Aware men also inter- ested in meditation. let’s be in touch. 482- 3528. PERSONALS Discreet, professional male, seeks friend- ships over 21 (GLB) around Washington County area. Larry. PO Box 343. Barre, VT 05641. TRAVEL Lesbian Paradise! With 20 charming rooms, 100 mountain acres, heated pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, spacious fire- placed common areas, yummy breakfasts, peace and privacy, we’re your perfect va- cation choice year round! Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem, NH 03574. (603) 869-3978. WANTED Any of you guys wishing you could be a dad? I’m a (currently single) lesbian also M wanting a child. Looking for a mature, to sponsible, spiruitual, sensitive, ftm, fathet. type. Varying levels of future involvemem negotiable. Safe bodily fluids a must of course. Can it work? Write: NLR, Box 157, Bristol. VT 05443. Lesbian Photographer seeking other law, bian women who would consent to having their pictures taken for inclusion in a photo book of lesbians. Phone Sandy, 860-7320, after 5 p.m., for more information. Out in Video Narrative project looking for short lesbian/gay dramatic videos for ex- hibition and distribution. Producers are in vited to send a SASE for guidelines to: Out in Video Narrative Project, Box 14051, San Francisco, CA 94114. Rising Tide Press. New lesbian publisha soliciting manuscripts for full-length les- bian novels: romance, mystery, and sci- ence fiction/fantasy. Non-fiction manu- scripts are also welcome if they are unusual. Manuscripts are read and evalu- ated free of charge. Send SASE for guide lines to: Rising Tide Press, 5 Kivy St, Huntington Station, NY 11746. (516) 427- 1289. Rape Cr'sis Center Seeks Volunteers The Women’s Rape Crisis Center is seek ing volunteers to work with survivorsol rape, child sexual abuse, and to provide community education on sexual assault awareness & prevention. For info andtt register for training call 864-0555 or 863 1236. Call for Submissions: Seeking photo graphs, poems, articles, joumal entries, sto ries for an anthology by and about women with facial hair. Looking for pieces to fleeting a wide variety of choices including women who bleach, shave, trim, grow, re- move, etc. Please send submissions along with SASE to Lyn Staack, PO Box 239, Hartford, VT 05047. ['1 rr -: ft’ RONNIES' BED &BREAKFAST R (802) 878-5600 BUSINESS (802) 878-0096 FAX (802)434-3432 RESIDENCE fare a/0»r&;r Located in downtown Montreal in a quiet luxurious setting, offering first class accommodation for women traveling on business or pleasure. Includes European Continental Breakfast. 783 rue Guy, Montreal, Quebec H3) 1T6 Tel./Fax (514) 939-1443 _ R Rhona Lubcr Cantor. Proprietor T‘ GAIL De|BlANCO REALTOR! %L An Independently Owned and Opetated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Afttttates, Inc COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART 22 MAIN ST ESSEX JUNCTION. VT 05452 M