From Idea to Law: A Retrospective on S-131, An Act to Prohibit Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation 1985 1986 1987 Governor Madeline Kunin rec- 1988 ognizes liaisons from lesbian and gay community: Beth Dingrnan and Terje Anderson. Members of the Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men commit to advocating for a comprehensive anti- discrimination bill. Coalition subcommittee meets dur- ing the summer and drafts language amending existing non- discrimination clauses of 15 Ver- mont statutes to include “sexual or- ientation” as protected class. Beth Dirtgman steps down as liaison from lesbian community. Heather Wishik is chosen new liaison. Terje Anderson continues as liaison from men's community. H-237; lead sponsor K. Micque Glit- man (D) Burlington and S-278; lead sponsor Harrey Carter (D) Benning- ton- an act prohibiting dis- crirnination on the basis of sexual or- ientation introduced into Vermont legislature. Public hearing held by House Judici- ary Committee on H-237. Com- 1989 rnittee hearings follow. H-237 voted favorably out of committee. No floor debate or vote. Bill re-assigned to General and Military Affairs after determination of not enough votes for passage. No further action taken. Also introduced: H-239; lead spon- sor K. Micque Glitrnan (D) Burling- ton, an act prohibiting discrimination on the basis of HIV antibody status. Bill acted on by House Health and Welfare Committee. Chief advocate Ben Truman (D) Burlington. Com- mittee creates separate bill (H-460) responding to concerns from the in- surance lobby. Both H-239 and H- 460 voted favorably by Committee and House. H-237, H-460 and S-278 included in list of Governor Kunin’s legislative priorities: ACLU also includes all three on its legislative agenda. ACLU legislative liaison Tim Ma- zur. 1990 Terje Anderson steps down as liai- son from men's community. Keith Goslant chosen new liaison. Heather Wishik continues as liaison from les- bian community. Senate Judiciary Committee takes up S-278. Another public hearing is held followed by committee hear- ings. Judiciary Committee votes out bill with favorable recommendation. Senate passes S-278 (prohibit dis- crimination on basis of sexual or- ientation) by a 17-12 vote. However, no action taken by House Judiciary 1991 Committee so bill dies in committee as session ends. H-239 (HIV antibody) receives fa- vorable recommendation from Sen- ate Judiciary and is passed by Senate. H-460 receives favorable rec- ommendation from Senate Finance Committee and is then sent to Senate Health and Welfare which also makes favorable recommendation. 1992 Full Senate passes bill. - Governor Kunin signs H-239 and H-460 into law. Heather Wishnik steps down and Holly Perdue is chosen as new liai- son from lesbian community. Keith Goslant continues as liaison from men's community. Lead sponsor Vi Luginbuhl (R) So. Burlington introduces H-211 (anti- discrimination bill) into Vermont legislature. Sally Conrad (D) Chit- tenden ready as lead sponsor in Sen- ate. Another public hearing is held followed by committee hearings. Bill is voted favorably out of committee but is defeated on House floor 85-55. Bill cannot be reconsidered by leg- islature until next biennium (1991). Also introduced, H-504, lead sponsor Ben Truman (D) Burlington, an act relating to hate crimes. Assigned to Judiciary Committee but no action taken. State Human Rights Commission formed. Susan Sussman hired as Di- rector; Jim Morgan appointed Com- missioner. Holly Perdue and Keith Goslant con- tinue as liaisons. House Judiciary considers H-504. Chief advocate in committee Robert Paolini (D) Waterbury. Judiciary votes bill onto floor with favorable recommendation. House passes H- 504. Bill assigned to Senate Judici- ary which holds public hearing. 11 J uly/August 1992 Chief advocate in committee David Wolk (D) Rutland. Bill voted favor- ably out of committee and passed by Senate 26-4. H-504 (Hate Crimes) signed into law by Governor Kunin. H-162 lead sponsor Vi Luginbuhl (R) So. Burlington and S-131 lead sponsor David Wolk (D) Rutland, an act prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation intro- duced into Vermont legislature. No action taken in either chamber. Tim Mazur resigns from ACLU. Ben Truman hired as new legislative liaison at ACLU. Governor Howard Dean includes passage of H-162/S-131 as priorities in his State of the State address. Senate Judiciary takes up S-131. Chief advocate in committee David Wolk. Judiciary holds another pub- lic hearing (4th on this bill), fol- lowed by committee hearings. Bill voted favorably out of committee. 3/31/92 Senate passes 2nd reading 20-9. 4/1/92 final Senate passage on voice vote. House Judiciary hold committee hearings and votes favorable rec- ommendation. 4/10/92 House passes 2nd reading 71-58. 4/13/92 House passes 3rd reading 74-67 4/14/92 Robert Starr (D) N. Troy moves for reconsideration. Motion fails 80-67 and bill is sent to Senate Judiciary to concur with House amendments. 4/15/92 Senate moves to concur with House 23-5. 4/23/92 Governor Howard Dean signs S- 131 into law. 7/1/92 S-131 An Act to Prohibit Dis- crimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation takes effect. V