Out in the Mountains UVM GLBA Sweeps Student Leadership Awards Tom Aloisi The University of Vermont Student Leadership Awards were presented on April 27. UVM Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance (GLBA) executive board mem- bers Todd Jemison (class of 1992) and Robert Coffey (‘93) were presented with the Outstanding Leadership Award for their respective classes. The award is presented to one man and woman from each class who showed continued lead- ership on important campus issues dur- ing the past academic year. Todd and Robert were chosen for their courageous work to make the campus a better place for gay, lesbian, and bisexual in- dividuals. The GLBA was presented with two awards. The first was a national award presented by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. This award is given to a small number of uni- versity groups around the country which have made an important impact on their campuses. The UVM GLBA was cho- sen because of its outstanding work in organizing the April G/L/B conference. The group also received the UVM Out- standing Student Organization Award. This award is given to the student group with the most positive impact on the uni- versity community. The Coming Out Day celebration in October, the April student conference and the vast number of educational panels were cited by the award presenters as only a small part of the important work that the GLBA did this year. The GLBA should be proud of their successes. Congratulations to all, and best of luck next year! V Seth Ian Modclson (518) 523-9758 licensed Massage Therapy —:c:>:— Energy Balancing 260 Avcryvtll Lake Placid, NY 12946 By Alison Bechdel LJHOA. BABE. REIAX. I'D Br. VER7 HA»; 11> MAKE Lot/E J0/'\E MORE, BUTMoTDi/J-(Jo >ou an "we" ME AN 0R6U"\. I NUH E\/ER7oN£ DIN1 MAKE SUCHA BIG DEAL ouT oF A FEW Muscuuk CONTRPLTIOMS. Dykes To Watch Out For wmrr Doyou new, you DON'T HA~/EORGAJMS wrm A PAttr~t-I2? NW5: Au. >‘oU& OTHER FArrM£R5 HERE T051’ BAD LOVERS I LEMME 1117 Aem/I ® @1992 B)’ ALISON BECHDEL w£u.,uH... GINGER, IP11-wt"; ALL D)/all awn Mk; I wmmb, 1' COULDA SAVED vooasur A mum HUNDRED 8ua(sAND beomo I htorusz I womr =,._ STAYED IN SAN FRMCISCO. Look; TR‘/‘TD MAK£)bu a-we A~ ’ - Donrrwxxy Aswr mow ? ,,,.-~. 0KAv,ow. No Pksssuka Cont 8MxTo wuA1's‘m5 B’\6 DEAL ? X>U'R£- AMA1; wmcnuq ‘ ma»/:2; ova: ox! Lois: swam‘ ISN'T in mm: H)’PoCR.I11CAL‘I0‘ Acr uxe YOU'RE mo PURE ‘m _ HAVE OIEYOURSELF? ». ,/flsmwuute... M08 Hwuer ARE Exreouswue mu COULD TEOWIcAL DIFFICULTIES OF THEIILONI/. wt :1 THAT. I VANTEP Tb HNIE 5oM£THm6 Tb REMEMBER You 8)’. nu stun you A . I mew >1:u'n ZIUJT rlv ; -ro GUILT-TRIPME.’ sssaoex, IT‘: ’ M)’ nausy ANt>I'vt-. ts/Aura A vb! smme THINGS HITI1 Fmguns 15 A GooD WA‘/TD REWZE we Mrwmr JIM PRODUCYIOKI mo ‘-2? FUCKING WE "ALL , MIMDl£5J CDNSUMERISM mm‘; - M‘! CHILD/l£N.". To wmn rr FROM... THEr~/CABLE! KILIJNG out PLANET! _ K .2 ' ‘ :13 IN AWICTIVE SPIRAL.’ THE MORE . — 7‘ You W)’. ‘mt MORE >ou mean! IT’) A Benn ‘ID RIOH7-_ fin 7op'u. NEED/1 at can TV, wt: AM '£u1'EkTAnw:~T CENTER" ‘ro NT 17 M AND A Real NER Look, I Iusf WANNA The Rad Cottage ' 4: Road Josie Juhasz, MA, OCMHC Feminist Psychotherapy Individuals, Couples 8 Families Burlington, VT 802—860- 1960 some insurance accepted