Calendar September 2 AIDS 101 HIV Transmission and Risk Re- duction, a free seminar presented by Ver- mont C.A.R.E.S. 7-8:30 pm, 30 Elrnwood Ave, Burlington. Call 863-AIDS or 1-800- 649-2437 to reserve a seat. 5 Vermont Women’s Music Party in Northfield starting at 3 pm. Live music, open mike, many folk singers. Romantic dance under the stars with Virginia and the Wolves. $7 donation. Call (802) 485-6244 for info, schedule and directions. RAGLC Yard Sale Meet in Brandon on Route 7, just across from Wood’s Market Garden and Pond. Set—up 7 am on; Sale from 9am -5 pm. Donations greatly ap- preciated. Contact RAGLC at 773-4195 for pickup. Come shop and help a good cause at the same time. 5-6 Montreal Cup of Gays and Lesbians Mas- ters Swimmers For more info. contact Luc Hurtubise (514) 843-1075 or write M.E.N. 1860 boul. Rene-Levesque ouest, #304, Montreal, Quebec, H2K 4P1, Canada. 9 Facing the Challenge: HIV /AIDS in Vermont Seminar on HIV transmission and risk reduction, 7-8:30 pm. Lots of info, lively discussion and latex demost. A pub- lrc service of Vermont C.A.RE.S. Call 863-2437 for location and to reserve a seat. 11 Weekend in New Hampshire with Chil- tern Mountain Club. Day hiking, canoeing, biking and horseback riding. Call John (617)648-9185 for info. 12 Amelia Monthly Potluck 6:30 pm. at Kathryn’s. Call (603) 646-3268 for more info and directions.. 13 Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life AIDS benefit at the Boatslip. Call (508) 487-3684 or Write Swim for Life, PO Box 819, Province- IOWH, MA 02657 for more info. Biking in Southern New Hampshire with the Chiltern Mountain Club. 35 mile bike and potluck barbeque. Call Patty (617) 666-1305 for info. MAW Reading Group meets at Linda’s for brunch. 11 am, Keene, NH . Call (603) 352-6741 for info and directions. 15 HIV+ Speaker and Educator Training in White River Junction, 9 am to 4 pm for cur- rent and potential HIV+ speakers. Minimal cost for the day, lunch is provided. Contact your local AIDS service organization for info. and to register. 16 1993 March on Washington. New Eng- land Organizing Meeting Worcester Public Library, Worcester, MA noon to 4 pm. For more info., call Celenia Toledo at (617) 566-4296.. 19 Hike the Taconic Ridge in Western MA with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Call Ed (203) 233-3243 for info. Third Annual RAGLC Dance. Private dance hall at Camp Thorpe in Goshen, VT just 20 mins. north of Rutland. Professional DJ, lights and munchies provided. B.Y.O.Beverage. $5.00 cover. 8 pm - ?. Call 773-4195 for directions and more info. Fourth Annual Lesbian Fall Conference. Sponsored by MAW. 9 am - 5 pm. First Baptist Church of Keene, Keene, NH. Con- ference fee $10-$15 (sliding) before Sep- tember 8, $15 after September 8. Lunch $5. Childcare available by advance registration. Call (603) 352-6741 for info and to register. 22 RAGLC Potluck and Steering Com- mittee meeting at Mark and MIke’s place. An important meeting for all S.C. members and any other interested others. 7:30 pm. Call 773-4195 for info and directions. 25 Women Helping Battered Women. Fall volunteer training sequence starts at 6pm. For info and to register call Betsy West at 658-3131. MAW Meeting at Sue and Marty’s. 7:30 pm, Keene, NH. Call (603) 357-5757 for info. 26 Lesbian & Gay Pride ‘93 This coming‘ June will mark the 10th anniversary of Pride in Vermont. If you’re currently working on September 1992 this event, want to work on it, or worked on the first celebration 10 years ago let’s all meet together and plan a great 10th an- niversary celebration. Meeting at 11 am in Burlington. Call Lucy at 863-8236 or Leah at 864-6764 for location and more info. OITM Envelope Stuffing and general meting. 10 am, 109 South Winooski Ave, Burlington. (Outright offices) Newcomers welcome. Call Deb at 660-2713 for info. Climb Mt. Chocorua in New Hampshire with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Call Jon- athon (203)727-1013 for info. 27 Sixth Annual Walk of Hope sponsored by the New Hampshire AIDS Foundation. Veterans Memorial Park, Elm St, Man- chester, NH. Registration 10 am to noon. Walk 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Food, en- tertainment, raffles. For more info contact Larry, 141 S. Main St., White River, VT 05001 (802) 295-9462. Wilderness Foliage Hike in New Hamp- shire’s White Mountains with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Call Mike (603) 644-7658. October 9-11 AIDS Quilt in DC The entire NAMES AIDS Memorial Quilt will be displayed in Washington, DC. See Conferences/ Gatherings section of the Classifieds for info on groups organizing trips to DC for this event. 10 Amelia Monthly Potluck .6:30 pm. at Lynn and Anne’s. Call (802) 685-2146 for more info and directions.. 24 OITM Envelope Stuffmg and general meting. 10 am, 109 South Winooski Ave, Burlington. (Outright offices) Newcomers welcome. Call Deb at 660-2713 for info. Coming Out Day ‘92 Unitarian Uni- versalist Church, Montpelier. Starting at 9 am. Contact either Holly (229-0109) or Keith (454-8552) or write the Coalition at P.O. Box 1125, Montpelier, VT 05601. 31 Benefit Dance Vermont AIDS Council and Northeast ‘Vermonters for Gay and Lesbian Rights (NEVGALR). 8 pm at Jonathon’s in St. Johnsbury. $5 per person. Call 229-2557 or 748-2015 for more info. V