Coming Out Day ‘92 Holly Perdue/Keith Goslant We need your help. The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men is in the process of organizing events for Coming Out Day 1992. We tentatively plan to hold this event at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Main Street in Montpelier on Saturday, October 24th, beginning at 9 am. The event would run all day with morning workshops and an afternoon community meeting. There is discussion of an evening event recognizing the contributions made by individual members of our community and our friends. So far suggestions for workshops have included: The Bill, Now That We Have It, How Do We Use It?; Self Defense; Health Care Issues for Women; Health Care Issues for Men; Racism; Drag; Lesbian and Gay Youth; Lesbian and Gay Seniors; How to Choose a Therapist; Introduction to the Leather Community; Les- bian and Gay legal Issues. These workshops, however, are just ideas at this time. We would like community input before they are finalized. Are these workshops reflective of community interest and need? Are there other workshops that people would like to see included? Are there suggestions as to workshop leaders? The afternoon meeting is seen as an opportunity to discuss our di- rection as a community. This would be a forum where issues can be identified and a course of activism developed.; open meeting with no pre-set agenda but with a facilitator from both the wom- en’s and men’s community. Are there suggestions for facilitators? If you have suggestions, are willing to become involved in plan- ning or part of a work crew, or know of someone you believe should be recognized for their contribution to our community, please contact either Holly (229-0109) or Keith (454-8552) or write the Coalition at P.O. Box 1125, Montpelier, VT 05601. V Large selection, low prices Available at Video Exchange 21 Stowe St., Waterbury. VT Phone: 244-7004 Hours: Mon.—Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5 Video Rental club Now Available Jan. ‘93 PO Box 220 Hyde Park. Vermont 05655-0220 (802) 888-4I00 Officc (802) 888-2977 Home VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services September 1992 (802)878-5600 BUSINESS (802)878-0096 FAX (802)434-3432 RESIDENCE A MEMBER or ME I “““"'"""°“"’°"" GAIL De|BlANCO awn“ REALTUR ’ COLDWELL BANKER — REALTY MART I Q 22 MAIN ST _; TL, :‘2'.‘.:.‘;'.“.“f ESSEX JUNCTION VT 05452 4' "'ZF..’EF‘-'l-'-:’l. Tmn-=..1 -mil '.‘Z’l9'”:Iell ‘/r-Moe‘ -J‘ L-: -me ‘Janka’ Resudenlva A‘ti lrilF,'S Inc g healing bodywork and energy balancing sensitive to gay and lesbian issues supportive of people in recovery THERESA BACON 425-4079 call for free consultation STRUCTURE INTEGRITY 16. /\ 9) O 6, °? Dr. Tiffany Renaud and Dr. Mary C. Spicer Center For Chiropractic AHo|istic Health “health care for the whole person” We are honored to serve our community and are committed to offering you Gentle Effective Chiropractic Plus... - Applied Kinesiology - Homeopathy - Acupuncture - Therapeutic Massage - Nutritional Counseling New Patients Welcome 4 San Remo Drive - So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-658-6092