Obituaries Real A. Guilette Real A. Guilette, age 42, died Sunday, July 19th in the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont. Real was born in St. Albans, VT son of Juliette Guilette and the late Femand Guilette. He was a hair stylist and co—owner of Hair Lights in Burlington as well as a member of Inter Coiffure America. In addition to his mother, Real is survived by his brother, Marcel and his wife, Jean- nine, of Milton; three nieces and two nephews, Michael Guillette, JoAnne Rock, Richard Dupuis, Francine Peet, and Natalie Guilette; and several aunts, un- cles, and cousins. Intemment was in the Guilette family lot in Mount Calvary Cemetery in St. Albans following a Mass of Christian Burial on July 22 at Holy Angels Church in St. Al- bans. Memorials may be made to Ver- mont C.A.R.E.S., 30 Elmwood Ave., Bur- lington, VT 05401. Successful Treatment of: - Low Back Pain - Neck Pain - Headaches ° Shoulder, Arm and Hand Pain - Hip, Leg and Foot Pain ° Arthritis ° Carpal Tunnel Syndrome David Bethuel Jamieson David Bethuel Jamieson, formerly of Bur- lington, died in New York City on July 30, 1992 of AIDS. Born in Washington, D.C., in 1963, David attended Millbrook Academy and the Uni- versity of Vermont. A memorial service combined with a ret- rospective showing of his paintings was held at Club Metronome in Burlington on August 8. Contributions in David’s mem- ory may be sent to Vermont C.A.R.E.S., 30 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, VT 05401.7 Keaal OITM Monthly Commitment to our Community Not only are we committed to helping our community get and stay healthy, We are committed to quality personalized care of your musculoskeletal problems. Our commitment is to you, because we know that a healthy community is a strong community. The New England Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Laura A. Ramirez _ _ 217 South Union Street - Work IIIJUIICS Burlington, VT 05401 — - Family Care ‘ . personal Injury - Payment Plans Available and mOre_ __ - Insurance Accepted dz Call for an appointment... 862-6488 September 1992 Announcing Our New Announcement Column Moira Starting with the October issue of Out in the Mountains, we will be featuring a new announcements section for all of you who have weddings, anniversaries, births or oth- er causes to celebrate. Whenever I read the little blurbs in the newspaper on the happy newly-weds or see a birth armouncement, I think, wouldn’t it be grand to hear about members of our community who are creating or celebrating bonds. Anniversaries, births, adoptions, other eel- ebrations. Send us your armouncements along with pictures so that we can share your good news. We look forward to hear- ing from you News for announcements should be sent to OITM, Attn. Announcements, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. The deadline is the 1st of the month prior to the issue (ie September 1st for the October issue). V lned '18 11