Out in the Mountains Letters to the Editor To the Editor, While I have not traditionally endorsed can- didates for public office, I am pleased to write this open letter of support for Senator David Wolk as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. As a member of the Vermont Legislature, David Wolk has shown not only that he is a strong advocate for Verrnont’s lesbian, gay, and bisexual community, but he is a true friend. As reporter of the Hate Crime Bill he did not portray our community as being merely victims but as citizens who de- served full and equal protection under the law. When an attempt was made to remove us from this bill by striking sexual orienta- tion as a protected class, David Wolk stood and defended us. He stated that if our op- position wanted to use hate crimes as a lit- mus test for gay rights, let him be the first to say yes to gay rights. The bill passed 25 to 5. David Wolk is the E; candidate for Lieu- tenant Governor, either Democrat or Re- publican, who publicly supported passage of the anti—discrimination bill recently signed into law by Governor Dean. David Wolk was not only supportive, he was an active and aggressive lead sponsor. David guided the bill through committee and pub- lic hearings. He was again strong and el- oquent as he reported the bill to the full Senate. Without David Wolk it is unlikely the Senate would have taken action on this bill this year. Since the bill has been signed into law Da- vid has continued to be harassed and threat- ened because of his support. Those who op- posed passage of the bill have tried to use David’s support as a means to discredit him as a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. David has remained unwavering in his sup- port of the anti—discrimination bill and lists it as one of his major accomplishments as a Senator and that of which he is most proud. He has shown the strength and integrity needed to be Lieutenant Governor. I ask that we, as a community, support Sen- ator David Wolk in his candidacy. Support him with our time, money, and energy. With David Wolk as Lieutenant Governor Verrnont’s lesbian, gay, and bisexual com- munity will have a strong and true friend in the statehouse. Keith E. Goalamt Montpelier Co—Chair, Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men Dear Friends at OIT M , The Rutland Area Gay and Lesbian Con- nection would like you to please accept the enclosed donation as payment and our thanks for your kind mailings of your newspaper to us. We have always put out copies of OITM at all our functions, and everyone agrees that it is a very important Sporuoud by It/conadnodt Nu Women 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Workshops Include Singing with the Sappho-nics Ins and Outs of Therapy Kowalski and Karen Thompson Couples/Relationship Issues FOURTH ANNUAL 3;» E FALL LESBIAN CONFERENCE M ,. U, KEENE, NH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1992 $10-t5 sliding lee in advance 5 15 at the door Legal Issues: Wills, Power ol Attorney, etc. Why Can't Sharon Come Home? A video about Sharon For more lnlonnalion, send SASE to Monadnock Area Womyn P.O. Box 6345 Keene, NH 03431 or call (603) 352-6741 - exclusively for lesbians — Wheelchair accessible: call it you need ASL interpretation 10 resource, especially since it seems so much harder to find your publication elsewhere in our area. We look forward to working with OITM and its staff, and we hope to possibly start a Rutland page sometime in the future. As all new groups of our type, we are ex- periencing “growing pains”, but the core group of people that make up RAGLC is determined to make it work; and we willl. Especially in this time of hatred, fear, con- fusion, and isolation in our lives, it is par- ticularly important to have some sort of connection between the community and our many diverse brothers and sisters. We be- lieve our group is truly helping Rutland’s gay and lesbian citizens, by providing a safe environment in which to meet and so cialize without fear of attack. The only way we can currently reach those in our com- munity that would be interested in our group, other than by word of mouth, is through your publication. So thank you very much for your assistance, and keep up the good work! It is genuinely appreciated. Very sincerely yours, K./\.G.L.C. Dear OIT M , I’m sorry to hear the number of AIDS cases in Vermont has topped 100. I’m also sorry you don’t include more information in your article. What about women? Are we to assume all the 101 cases “Adults” (>13) are men and all the women are listed under the “mother” category? Is a pregnant woman more at risk than a non-pregnant woman? or does that category really mean “fetus” at risk? What about women who have sex with men? What about women who have sex with women? Kate Taylor Arlington, MA Editor’s Note: The article on AIDS Cases in Vermont (June ‘92 OITM) did not dis- tinguish between men and women in count- ing the number of adults at 101. In fact, among those 101 cases are 8 women. V