Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel I CAN'T BELIEVE )t‘t/KE Mr LEAVING. I MEAr~l,5H0UlDN'T we Process rm; roe JEVERAL moms ? AREN'T we rurroseo -ro PA7 LDTX or Money-nz A ’ ' THERAPIST BEFORE we AT THE .1; mg mg, Maj Iuy Lurtnm, I'M Sony. 1 51101/LDN‘T HAVE LET mwés SLIDE FOR so Laue, an wane’! * mmwe LEFT Fifi _ Me To Pfloeess. I'M tut/N6 ‘WE PEIUOM UNFACK youaivzk usreu. I FEEL AWFUL I? 150! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M CWSEST To IN THE _ AND 51A‘/I _ September 1992 Free Press Continued from page 1 pang! you DON'T LOVE ME A>11M0RE- !” ML York Times to expand its coverage and to take its lesbian and gay staff seriously at the highest levels for their insights about what is different from a lesbian or gay per- spective. Like most straight folks, the people in charge at the Free Press (most of them, anyway) appear “well—intentioned” but have little clue what our issues are or that they are failing us. So let’s accept Mr. Thomburg’s invitation to “bring it to [his] attention” and call or write the Free Press to ask them to cover our unique per- spectives and to start carrying Deb Price’s column (which he said they “will continue to look at for possible publication in the Free Press”): ’ fl ' (1 .; Ronald L. Thomburg, Editor Burlington Free Press P. O. Box 10 Burlington, VT 05402-0010 Phone: 660-1867 - Fax: 660-1802 V awmx ooyrtcz ' ; 7; ._ HAAHAM SNEETHEAKT.’ ' I CANT BELIEVE l’M NEVLR 601 :46 To MAKE LOVE ‘to you iknow. JEEZ, IF I'D know 11-TATTME 0»: me coucw AFTER .-' ROSEANNE WAS GONNA as out: LAST,1 wouu>/1 \- ur 5o/42 aunts; G. I (802)447-2110 BY APPOINTMENT .:...—z / \ DR.NANCYL.BURNS CHIROPRACTIC’ PHYSICIAN BODY MIND SPIRIT 185 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTON, VT 05201 INTEGRITY {P CENTRAL VERMONT iFazg§$rl?5;s"¥1EE Christ Episcopal Church ° W W 1 64 State Street f.°E',§,,fZ,’.?,§"’.’,‘,‘;‘$.§"’.., Montpelier, VT 05601 ULTIMATE ADIEUJ.’ Thursday, September 17, 7PM Service followed by initial or- ganizational meeting at 8 PM. Infromation — call Laurie Labarthe at 223-8962 For Gays and Lesbians and Friends Janet K. Brown,MA,C.AC Jean Townsend, M.A. Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES - TRAUMA AND LOSS - DEPRESSION Individuals Couples Families Burlington, VT (802) 863-8162 Milton, VT (802) 893-4816