Campaign Announcements The following candidatesvhave sent campaign announcements to Out in the Mountains tl11s month. Sandra Baird: Sandra L. Baird of 114 Loomis Street in Burlington will enter I the race for the Vermont State House from District 7-3 as a Democrat. Ms. Baird, 51, is an attorney in Burlington where she has a private practice specializing in the representation of low income people in domestic cases. She will run on a plat- form committed to universal health care, welfare reform, the protection of the environment, civil liberties, civil rights for mi- norities, lesbians and gays, reproductive freedom for women, the improvement of the lives of low income people, property tax reform, Home Rule and democratic reform in Vermont. Ms. Baird was born and raised in Springfield, Massachusetts. She received a BA degree from the University of Mas- sachusetts in History and an MA from the University of Wis- consin in History and Education. In 1977 she passed the Bar Exam after clerking at Vermont Legal Aid in the four year clerkship program. Since that time she has been a Chittenden County Deputy State’s Attorney and has had her own prac- tice. As well as being an attorney, Ms. Baird teaches at Bur- lington College, is a regular commentator on WNCS in Mont- pelier, contributes to public access television and is a member of the steering committee of the Ward I Neighborhood Plan- ning Assembly. A resident of Burlington since 1967 and the mother of two daughters, Ms. Baird describes herself as a long time activist and advocate for low income people, the environment,women and minorities. Sara Gear: Citing job opportunities and the economy, affordable health care and concerns for welfare reform as “challenges we can resolve together”, Representative Sara M. Gear (R- Chittenden) announced her candidacy for the state Senate. Gear has served in the House since 1985. She says her ex- pereince in the legislature is “an asset to voters and taxpayers in.Chittenden County. I’ve a proven ability to bring people of diverse views together to resolve issues, and that is the kind of leadership we need in our state Senate.” Gear is a Burlington Police Commissioners and serves on nu- merous city and county boards and committees, including the Fanny Allen Hospital board of Directors, a state Mental He- lath Task Force, and the Vermont Vocational Rehabilitation Policy Consultation Committee. As a member of the House of Representatives, Ms. Gear vot- ed for the anti-discrimination bill which took effect July 1. Watch for the October issue of OITM for our scorecard of can- didates in state and national races.V September 1992 V SUSAN MCKENZIE MS ELLEN KIRSCHNER CSW MARIORIE ROBLIN CSW announce the joining of their practices and the opening of THE WoMEN’s THERAPY CENTER A Feminist Yberapy Practice V 2 Church Street Burlington, Vermont 860-7454 fie PaSsi0Iz,9 O Friday, September 4 Women ’s Dance $5.00 5-9 p.m. Wednesday, September 16 Pasta Night-All you can eat $5.95 6-9 p.m. Thursday, September 17 Juice Bar $3.00 cover 9 p.m. (All other Thursdays of the month, Free DJ.) Saturday, September 19 Ladies Lounge Dance $1.00 7-10 p.m. Saturday, September 26 Dances with Men-Buffet $3.00 7-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday Night Door Cover Policy Before 9:00 pm. Free - 9:00 - lQ;00 pm $1.00 After 10:00 pm $3.00 , Pearls 135 Pearl Street - Burlington, Vermont L i M _.ih