(-4 DYKE REVIEW, 584 Castro St., Suite 456, San Francisco, CA 94114. tDeath: A Gay Experience? Research project on “near death experiences” seek- jjng gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender Ipeople. Write: NDE Study, PO Box 708, ~,C1oudcraft, NM 88317-0708. Call for Submissions: Seeking photo- graphs, poems, articles, journal entries, stories for an anthology by and about women with facial hair. Looking for -pieces reflecting a wide variety of choic- tes including women who bleach, shave, trim, grow, remove, etc. Please send sub- missions along with SASE to Lyn Staack, PO Box 239, Hartford, VT 05047. V Calendar June 3 VT C.A.R.E.S. Open House to welcome our new Executive Director Diana Scholl and honor our volunteers. At the VT C.A.R.E.S. offices, 30 Elm St., Burlington, VT, 6-8 p.m. 4 RAGLC T-Shirt Workshop for Pride Day. Bring a plain or colored T-shirt, fabric paints, beads, etc. Meet at Bill & Don’s, 7 p.m.Write to RAGLC, PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736 for di- 1’6Ctl0llS. 5-7 Murder Mystery Weekend Highlands Inn, Bethlehem, NH. Guests assume roles of suspects, murderers and victims. Dinner included. Come help us solve the crime. Contact Grace Newman, High- lands Inn (603) 869-3978 for more info. Women Outdoors National Gathering. Southern New Hampshire is the site for the 13th annual women’s weekend of hiking, biking, canoeing, workshops, rock climbing, and more. All women welcome. For more information write Deb, Women Outdoors, 217 Dunharn St. #1, Southington, CT 06489. 6 Pride Day Montpelier, VT, March & Rally. Starting at 12 noon at the State- house. RAGLC at Pride with our Banner If interested in carpooling to Montpelier, write to RAGLC, PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736. 13 WOW Second Annual Perennial Plant Swap and Brunch Huntington. 11 p.m. Bring brunch items, beverages and toys, along with a plant to swap. Call WOW (Women of the Woods) 229-0109 for lo- cation and more info. Women’s Supper Club 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. at La Sirena, 39 Main St. Brat- tleboro. Reservations a must. (802) 257- 4759. RAGLC Summer Barbeque starting at 1 p.m. Bring your swimsuit and some- thing for the grill. Write to RAGLC, PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736 for directions. 19 NH Pride Rally & March State House, Concord, NH 20 Monthly Potluck Rutland Area Gay and Lesbian Connection (RAGLC) dinner at Grace Congregational Church. 7 p.m. Write to RAGLC, PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736 for more info. NH Pride Day SK Road Race spon- sored by NH Lambda. Call (603) 746- 3739 for info. 21 Vermont Lesbian and Gay Parents Monthly potluck brunch. 10:30 p.m. Call (802) 660-2713 for more info and loca- tion. 22 Picnic in the Park Rutland Area Gay and Lesbian Connection (RAGLC) Steer- ing Committee meeting in the Main Street Park starting at 5:30 p.m.. Bring your own picnic basket. Write to RAGLC, PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736 for more info. 23 June 1992 27 OITM Envelope Stuffing and General Meeting. 10 a.m., 109 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Stuffing in the morning, fol- lowed by lunch, followed by the meeting. Newcomers are welcome. Call Deb at 660-2713 for info. 28 WOW Hike Up Mt. Hunger with Wom- en of the Woods. Call 229-0109 for more details. 26-28 Golden Threads Annual Celebration Sixth annual Golden Threads Celebration will take place from June 26-28, 1992, at the Provincetown Inn in Provincetown, MA. Entertainment provided by Robin Tyler. Golden Threads is a worldwide so- cial network of lesbians over 50, and women who are interested in older wom- en. For more info please contact Christine Burton, Golden Threads, PO Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401-0031. July 17-19 The Other Round-Up Burlington Gay and Lesbian Group of AA. Meetings, workshops, picnic, dance, fun meeting. Registration $35 before June 21/$45 af- ter. Burlington High School. Burlington, VT Contact Tammy (865-3098) or Paul (863-9086) or write to GLAA/The Other Round-Up, PO Box 5653,, Burlington, VT 05402-5653. Conference for Catholic Lesbians (CCL) Sixth general conference. Walt- ham MA. Contact CCL PO Box 436, Planetarium Station, New York, NY 10024, (607) 432-9295, for more info. 18 Gay/Lesbian Sober Dance At the Bur- lington Boathouse on the waterfront. DJ - Dee Jones, Admission $5, 9pm-lam. V KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel shpuld be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group's listings or other in- formation to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burling- ton VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publication in order to be atsmed of appearing in print.