.OUTRIGHT VT Social Out in the Mountains Church. Burlington, 152 Pearl St. Meet in the upstairs parlor at 12:30 p.m. fol- lowing the service. (All welcome, wheth- er or not you attend the service). MCC in the Mountains inclusive church with special ministy to the les- bian, gay, and bisexual community. Wor- ship services held every Sunday at 1 pm in West Lebanon, NH in the Glen Road Plaza. Write to MCC in the Mountains, PO Box 53, Hanover, NH 03755, or call (802) 295-6541 for more info. New England Lesbian and Gay Jour- nalists Association New England Chap- ter of National Lesbian and Gay Joumal- ists Association. Network for lesbian and gay journalists to meet and discuss com- mon professional concerns. For more in- formation contact Michelle Johnson (617) 524-0518. Support Groups meet Fridays in Burlington. GLB youth (under 23) welcome to at- tend. Call for location and information. 865-9677. The Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Con- nection (RAGLC) A support and social organization for the Rutland area gay and lesbian community. See the Cal- endar listings for upcoming events. If you would like more information about our group, please write to: RAGLC at PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736. Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents - Monthly Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. See the Calendar listing for dates. Call 660- 2713 for location and more info. HELP WANTED Housesitting - Enjoy my Hinesburg home for 2-3 weeks during August. Love my cats and plants. Enjoy the birds and the view. 482-3528. NETWORKING Gay men— Does the idea of spending . time outdoors reading Whitman or Tho-. reau turn you on? Are you interested in learning more about the love that the earth provides? Do you want to explore your spirituality and learn more about yourself in the process? Do you like to hang out in the woods? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join us! We are a small group of men dedicat- ed to increasing spiritual awareness in ourselves, while having fun in the pro- cess! Please call Tom at 658-4123 for more information. Summer is here, let’s celebrate! Greater Central Vermont Area gay men’s support/social network is alive and welcoming new members. Weekly meetings, social alternatives, and net- working, etc. Contact Box 301, Montpe- lier, VT 05602 or call (802) 244-1488. Lesbians 60 and over: Group being fonned for mutual support, discussion of ageing issues and social times. Call 658- 5510 for more information. Meditation-G/Bi/Aware men also inter- ested in meditation. Let’s be in touch. 482-3528. PERSONALS You black jeans and black jacket, gold hoop earring. Me, pink triangle on my jacket, much too serious. You were walking to the Unitarian Church, danc- ing a yo-yo on its string, radiating happi- ness. It brought a smile to my lips on a gray and rainy Sunday. Thanks for re- minding me of the kid in all of us. SERVICES Registered Day Care Opening: June 18th. Country setting; close to Green Mountain Mall in St. Johnsbury. Open- ings for infants and up. Experienced. Lots of TLC. Call for more info (802) 748-8680 between 6 and 8 pm. week- days, anytime on weekends. Ask for Lin- da. TRAVEL Greenhope Farm Verrnont’s own les- bian playground! Six cozy guest rooms, fabulous vegetarian cuisine, maple syrup and cheese made on premises. Horse- back riding (trail rides and lessons). (802) 533-7772. Earthwise - Outdoor Vacations for Women Vermont, N.H., Maine, Ad- irondacks with Anne La Bastille. Write: P.O. Box 1029, Wilmington, Vermont 05363. WANTED Any of you guys wishing you could be a dad? I’m a (currently single) lesbian also wanting a child. Looking for a ma- ture, responsible, spimitual, sensitive, fun, father-type. Varying levels of future involvement negotiable. Safe bodily fluids a must of course. Can it work? Write: NLR, Box 157, Bristol. VT 05443. Lesbian Photographer seeking other lesbian women who would consent to having their pictures taken for inclusion in a photo book of lesbians. Phone Sandy, 860-7320, after 5 p.m., for more information. The Gay Lesbian Bisexual Alliance (GLBA) at the University of Vermont is looking for donations of any books with gay themes for our rather meager library. Many of our books are hopelessly out- dated, and we’d love to update our re- sources. We’re located on the ground level of the Billings Student Center, in office B-163, and our number is 656- 0699. Thanks! Out in Video Narrative project looking for short lesbian/gay dramatic videos for exhibition and distribution. Producers are invited to send a SASE for guide- lines to: Out in Video Narrative Project, Box 14051, San Francisco, CA 94114. Rising Tide Press. New lesbian publish- er soliciting manuscripts for fuH-length lesbian novels: romance, mystery, and science fiction/fantasy. Non-fiction man- uscripts are also welcome if they are un- usual. Manuscripts are read and evalu- ated free of charge. Send SASE for guidelines to: Rising Tide Press, 5 Kivy St, Huntington Station, NY 11746. (516) 427-1289. Rape Crisis Center Seeks Volunteers. The Women’s Rape Crisis Center is seeking volunteers to work with sur- vivors of rape, child sexual abuse, and to provide community education on sexual assault awareness & prevention. For info and to register for training call 864-0555 or 863-1236. Call for Submissions: DYKE REVIEW quarterly lesbian magazine for dykes who want more diversity in their life. Before submitting send SASE for guide- lines, along with areas of interest to: